I won't step back


destiny has written to everyone

someone can't insist someone else isn't not for them


 (At night, USA)
Jaejoong walked toward her suitcase has prepared since two days before. She took then placed it on her bed.
She has ready to open it, she got an envelope on the pile of her clothes which tidily arranged

(Seoul,at morning)
Karam watching a namja who stood nearby of her classroom. She couldn't slide her eyes of that view, a namja was taking conversation with his chingu and sometimes they were laughing together.


Karam nodded to encourage herself, " Fighting, Karam! - Em! "


Jaejoong held an envelope in her hand, she took out of her suitcase.

Karam just got sure inside heart as she fist her hand.


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Chapter 3: what happen next??