I fell in love with a jerk

I fell in love with a jerk


Kyuhyun POV


I was having my lunch with sungmin when seohyun came over.


“Hi kyu! Hi sungmin!” she greeted us enthusiastically.


“It’s kyuhyun.” I corrected her. She doesn’t have the right to call me kyu.


“Good afternoon seohyun...” Sungmin greeted her but I ignore her. I guess she notice the awkwardness between us so she decided to sit down beside me. geez…how “enthu” she is…did I even ask her to sit with us…I move my glance from my rice to sungmin. He appeared to be very uncomfortable.


“kyuhyun, I have a request for you.” seohyun said as she faced me.


“What?” I continue to play with my food.


“There will be a singing contest next week. I hope you can represent our class to participate in the singing contest.” She explained.


“Why me?” gosh…I have enough trouble already…the project is still not done, which is needed to be handed in tomorrow and the upcoming sports day which I’m chosen to participate in the 4x100m relay.


“I think you are the most suitable one. Please! I can’t find any one else.” Seohyun pleaded.


“What do you mean by can’t find any one else? Ryeowook or sungmin can do it!” I look at sungmin. He seems to be startled by my comment.


“kyuhyun, please…”she pleaded again. I guess if I don’t agree with her, she is going to keep pestering me…




“Thanks kyuhyun!” seohyun hugged me suddenly. I was shock by her action. I immediately pushed her away and look at sungmin. Sungmin had his head lowered down. Her action just now must have hurt him.


“Miss seo hyun, please show some respect.” I throw my words and grabbed sungmin’s hand to pull him away with me.


                                                             *  * *


“kyu…” I heard sungmin calling me and he pulled my hand lightly. Now then I notice I’m still holding on to his hands.


“I’m sorry…” I immediately let go of sungmin’s hand and he blush lightly. How cute!


“I-it’s okay…kyu…do you still have feelings for seohyun?” why did he ask this?


“Of course no…I told you before, I hate her. The only feelings I have for her is hate. Don’t think about things like this, okay?” I patted his head and he nodded.


“aish…now I need to go look for ryeowook to ask him to write a song for me…”


“Why must it be ryeowook?” I heard sungmin murmuring softly…




“Why must it be ryeowook? I can write it for you too!” sungmin pouted. Is he jealous? So the plan is really working?! Ryeowook and I are making sungmin to feel jealous? Great!


“Are you sure you can write a song?” I and he nodded with confidence while still pouting. I felt like squeezing his chubby cheeks!!!


“Okay. Then both ryeowook and you will write a song for me and I will choose which one is better. Deal?” I smirked.


“Deal!” sungmin smiled.


  End POV


They didn’t know that seohyun followed them and she heard everything they said.

                                                                    * * *


Sungmin POV


I had started doing the project for 2 hours but kyuhyun is still not back. He said he needs to find ryeowook to ask him write the song for him and will be back SOON.  2 hours had passed but he is still not back… ryeowook…everything is ryeowook…no matter what…it is always ryeowook first…does he have the privilege because he is kyu’s best friend? Tch…or maybe…ryeowook is the one that kyuhyun really like…Lee sungmin ah lee sungmin…you are hopeless… I better carry on doing if not I won’t be able to complete it…  I looked at the clock. 5.45pm now. Not much time left…there are still a lot of things need to be done.


As the time goes by, the project is finally done. I grinned in satisfaction when I browed through it.


“Minnie ah! I’m sorry!” kyuhyun opened the door and shouted. Geez…finally he is back…I looked at the clock. 9.00pm.


“cho kyu hyun! You promised me that you will be back soon!” I turn around to face him and I pouted. He seems to be very tired, with sweats sliding down his face. I know ryeowook’s room is one level away. Did he run here?


“I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!!! We talk about the music and I lost hold of the time…I’m really sorry Minnie!” kyuhyun said as he keep bowing his head.


“I’m not forgiving you!” I pouted and turn around. Stupid kyu! Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms hug my waist.


“I said I’m sorry…I’m really sorry…forgive me…okay?” kyuhyun whispered right beside my ear. I felt my body heating up and my face began to turn really hot.


“F-fine…” I shuttered. A “gruu” sound came out from my stomach. Oh ya…I haven eat my dinner…


“You haven eat?” kyuhyun turn me around and look at me surprisingly. I smile sheepishly.


“Stupid bunny! How can you forget to eat?” kyuhyun said as he push my forehead lightly with his finger.


“It’s your fault!” I protested and pout.


“But…the canteen is close already…” kyuhyun frown. Is he worried about me?


“It’s okay. I can just munch on some biscuits.”  I smiled.


“Okay then…” kyuhyun patted my head. I don’t know why…I feel so bliss interacting with kyuhyun like this. It is as if kyuhyun really is my boyfriend. I wish we could always be like this.


                                                           * * *


It’s a new week again. Time really flies… our project scored an A! kyuhyun even treated me a ice cream because of that! I was overjoyed! My weekend pass by spending time on training for 4x100m relay (I was chosen together with kyuhyun!), working and writing the song for kyuhyun. Finally the song is done! It is called “listen to you” I realise I had showed all my feelings on that song. I hope kyuhyun will like it. By the way, kyuhyun called me and told me that ryeowook is done with the song too. I hope kyuhyun will choose mine! Maybe because I didn’t have enough rest and I was running under the rain, I caught flu during the weekend. Even now I feel a little dizzy and sleepy…


“Minnie, its break time now. You want to go eat something with us?” I turn to look at kyuhyun. He is already standing up with ryeowook. I didn’t feel like going…I’m really not feeling very well…


“kyu, I’m not feeling well… I guess I will just stay in the class.” I said as I rest my head on the table and using my arm as a pillow.


“Do you want me to stay with you?” kyuhyun offered. How sweet…but he have to go eat something.


“It’s okay. You go with ryeowook.” I smiled weakly. Kyuhyun nodded and went out with ryeowook.


I was resting when I heard someone coming in the classroom. I raise my head to see who it is. It is seohyun.


“Sungmin? You didn’t go for the break?” seohyun asked me.


“No…I’m not feeling well.” I answered weakly.


“Okay. Don’t mind me. I was just checking on something. Rest well.” Seo hyun smiled. I nodded my head and return to sleep.


                                                      * * *


I stirred a little when I heard noises. I widen my eyes slowly. I see everyone crowing around ryeowook’s table. Kyuhyun’s back was facing me. What is happening?


“My music score is torn!” I heard ryeowook exclaimed. Music score? What music score? Oh…is it the song ryeowook wrote for kyuhyun? I stood up slowly. Before I even called kyuhyun, seohyun’s voice appeared.


“I saw sungmin tearing the music score away.” What the hell? I didn’t! How can she accuse me like this? kyuhyun turn around to face me. His eyes are filled with anger.


“kyu…I didn’t…” I shake my head. Kyuhyun just stare at me. I can see from his eyes, his eyes are filled with disappointment, anger and unbelievable. He doesn’t believe me…


“kyu…I really didn’t! It’s not me!” I pleaded again. My eye welled with tears.


“kyu…I don’t think sungmin is the one who had done it.” Ryeowook pulled kyuhyun’s uniform lightly. Kyuhyun look at ryeowook before turning back to look at me.


“Sungmin, are you sure you didn’t tear it?” kyuhyun glare at me. sungmin…he called me sungmin…not bunny, not Minnie anymore…it is obvious that he doesn’t believe me…


“Y-yes. I didn’t.” my voice shake as I tried to hold on my tears from falling. My vision became to turn. My head is very heavy. I couldn’t balance myself…darkness soon over wrap me.


“Minnie!” that was the last thing I heard.

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Chapter 24: Lovely story <33
They're so cute!! Though kyu is really a stupid one.. I mean.. he has the ticket plane himself.. why not check it?? Though it kinda sweet to see him waiting from the morning *grin*
Still... kyu should just trus min from the start.. first with ryeowook cases... then this... but still great story^^
QMiniSa #2
Chapter 24: oh and one little thing
I envy to that little girl and her mother .cuz they saw kyumin'S kiss
. k k k :-D

thanKYU <3 <3 <3
QMiniSa #3
Chapter 24: oh and one little thing
I envy to that little girl and her mother .cuz they saw kyumin'S kiss
. k k k :-D

thanKYU <3 <3 <3
QMiniSa #4
Chapter 24: I started read this story last night till 6 am .:-D
and after a little sleep till 10 in the morning . start read it again till now that I finished it.
it was great and I love it
thanKYU alooooot my friend
I want to read you're another kyumin story
I guess is
will u ever look at me ;-)
I look forward to youre another kyumin stories in future
again thanKYU
zuttoo #5
The comments alone made me look forward to this story. I'm excited to read it til the very end :)
Chapter 24: Ahhh kimda heart breaking but i love this fic so much. Well done author nim
Chapter 24: Waaaaaah how much I love this fic
Really good writer ,, I love how Sungmin didn't give up for Kyuhyun and go with him from the first ,, u should suffer a little Kyu kekeke
Thanks for this good fic ^^~
hmwlove #8
Chapter 24: Omg yes I love this fic a lot! It was really very sweet :) love the last part :)
Although just one thing: I wish kyuhyun had decided to believe sungmin even without hearing seohyun's explanation. But overall I love it, when kyuhyun knelt down at the end my end was like, PUMP PUMP PUMP
Chapter 24: Ahhhh that was so sweet! I love this fanfic!!! Thanks for writing this! Lol there were times when i was about to burst into tears but realised im in public so i try to hold the tears back as i read lol. Anyway, Nice Ending! Yay! Theyre back together again!