When I Saw You as A Waiter


"Your face become more beautiful, your body become more skinny, but your smile is still the same"   


Heyyyyyyy ;D It's me HappyPerson. I'm newbie sooooooooo, this is my FIRST FANFIC in MY LIFE XD  Well, well, well. Sorry to all readers ;( my fanfic doesn't have image because.... I don't know how to upload the image. And ! I'm lazy to search for it ;p 

*SORRY IF MY ENGLISH IS/WAS BROKEN* (writing fanfic is really difficult T,T)


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killerhuntercuteyfk #1
Chapter 1: Plz make a sequel~
Chapter 1: broken heart ljoe
HappyPerson #3
proudtobeb2uty, i'll make a sequel ;D BUT ! later because i don't have any idea ;(
FiQaEyKa #4
Chapter 1: Lovelyy , keep it up ! :)
Chapter 1: Amazing story! Sequel please!