I will miss you!

Aspiring Lovers



At Leeteuk's bedroom

Leeteuk opened his eyes and immediately sit up when he saw that Taeyeon was sitting next to him whilst looking at him sleeping peacefully.

''Tea for you!'' Taeyeon told as she placed a tray on the desk. ''I'll place the tea here so please do drink it.I know that you don't want to talk to me so what I want to say to you is in that letter.I hope your questions would be answered by the letter.''

Leeteuk walked to the desk and picked one letter up but there was two letters rather than one.Leeteuk opened the wrong letter and saw that there was two tickets that had written honeymoon package and Leeteuk was angry.How dare she think of having a honeymoon when this marriage,itself is so messed up.Leeteuk angrily tore the two tickets and threw it down on the floor.

*Enough is Enough Taeyeon! I never knew you can be this stupid.* Leeteuk angrily thought. *Now I will show you what I can do to you!*

Taeyeon was serving drinks to TOPBOM and Shindong,who had arrived in the house to meet the married couple but then....

''TAEYEON!'' Leeteuk angrily shouted as he got out of his room. ''TAEYEON?! TAEYEON?!''

Leeteuk walked to the living room and saw that there were guests in the house.

''What happen Leeteuk?'' Bom asked.

''I don't think you are happy seeing us.'' TOP told.

''No no it's not that.'' Taeyeon quickly said as she placed a fake smile. ''I guess he couldn't find something so he called me!Uhm...what..what can't you find?''

*Oh god! Alright wifey if you want to do this husband wife drama then I will show you what kind of a husband I am!* Leeteuk thought as he walked up to Taeyeon.

''Oh Leeteuk hasn't even said anything yet look how he is trying to romance things up with Taeyeon!'' Bom chuckled.

''Why don't you give me some tips to get romantic with a girl too?'' Shindong teased.

''Just do what your wife wants you to do!'' Leeteuk replied whilst looking at Taeyeon.

''Okay I get that but hey aren't you going to feed us?'' Shindong asked.

''I'll be right back!'' Taeyeon smiled.

''Hello Mr.Ideal husband!'' Bom waved hi to Leeteuk. ''You should always help your wife in the kitchen so go help her.''

''No Bom! I feel that if a wife wants to show that she is a good wife then she will do her duties by herself.'' Leeteuk told. ''Let me show you her skills.TAEYEON!''

Taeyeon looked back at Leeteuk. ''Bring juice for my friends and yes the juice must be chilled! Also bring some sandwiches and bring it fast since you like to rush things right? I just hope my friends don't think my wife doesn't know how to treat our guests well.''

''Eh? Why are you talking to Taeyeon like that?'' Bom asked as Taeyeon went inside the kitchen.

''You don't know this but husband and wife always talk like this after marriage.'' Leeteuk replied.

''But this doesn't really suit you and besides that is old fashioned talk.'' Bom told.

''But isn't this a way to show their love for their husband?'' Shindong asked.

''You are so lucky that you got someone like Taeyeon as your wife!'' Bom informed. ''If you gotten me then you would be the one bringing juice for me and how is talking to your wife like this a way to show your love?''

Taeyeon entered the living room whilst carrying a tray that had chilled juices and sandwiches.

''What's the problem with it?'' Leeteuk asked. ''I mean if a husband and wife understand each other,love each other and support each other then it doesn't matter how they talk to each other besides my wife loves me a lot.Taeyeon has a habit to show her love by different ways you see especially writing her feelings right Taeyeon? Besides who loves their husband this much during this generation?''

Leeteuk placed his hand on Taeyeon's wrist and secretly tightened his grip as hard as he could on Taeyeon,making Taeyeon to be scared.

''Come on.Why are you so far away from me?'' Leeteuk asked. ''Why don't we show them how much we love each other? Why you so shy Taeyeon? They are just our friends you know!''

Leeteuk pulled Taeyeon closer whilst Taeyeon was secretly flinching in pain.

''Guys....uhm....I think we should go now.'' TOP suggested.

''Guys,at least,try the juice.'' Leeteuk fake smiled. ''My wife has worked hard to serve you guys.''

''No it's okay.We were just here to invite you to the tomorrow's party where everyone is going to be throwing stuff like water ballons and spraying water at each other.It's like this celebration for the Summer holidays!'' Bom informed.

Everyone walked out of TaeTeuk's living room whilst Leeteuk still had his grip on Taeyeon's wrist.Taeyeon looked at Leeteuk with fear whereas Leeteuk smirked at her.

''Did you get the reply you wanted?'' Leeteuk asked. ''You wanted to know what I feel for you and the marriage right?''

Leeteuk pushed Taeyeon to the floor and walked up the stairs but then stopped when he saw in the mirror that Taeyeon was on the floor and holding her arm.Taeyeon looked up and saw Leeteuk looking at her through a mirror then Leeteuk angrily punched the mirror and it broke into many pieces.


At Donghae's office

Donghae leaned against his office's door whilst thinking about Jessica and sighed.

''What's wrong with me? Why am I always thinking about her?'' Donghae asked himself. ''Why? Why? Why?''

Donghae banged his head against the door but then Yesung knocked on the door,which interrupted Donghae.

''What's wrong with you?'' Yesung asked.

''Something.'' Donghae briefly replied.

''Idea! Let's do one thing.'' Yesung smiled. ''You help me and I help you so tell me what's your problem?''

''You will solve my problem?'' Donghae raised his eyebrow.

''Of course!'' Yesung smiled.

''Pffttt forget it!'' Donghae rolled his eyes. ''I need a doctor in the new hospital but I haven't even picked one yet.''

''Hey you can pick me and Yuri to go!'' Yesung jumped up and down.

''No I only need one doctor to come with me Dr.Yesung not two!'' Donghae replied.

''How about Eunhyuk?'' Yesung asked.

''No way!'' Donghae shook his head.

''Well then you can't take Sunny.'' Yesung replied.

''Why not?'' Donghae asked.

''Becuase Sungmin will feel lonely without her.'' Yesung answered. ''How about Sica!''

Donghae immediately pushed Yesung against the wall and hyperventilated.

''When did I talk about Sica?'' Donghae questioned with his wide eyes.

''Well you and Sica are perfect for each other! You work and also fight with each other so business and torture are both there!'' Yesung answered.

''What? Whatcha mean?'' Donghae asked as he gulped his saliva.

''Sica is a very good doctor and she argues with you as well so both of you are perfect for each other!'' Yesung smiled.

''What? What logic is this?'' Donghae questioned.

''The logic is that every love story always has a couple arguing with each other just like me and Yuri-ah! We used to argue quite a bit with each other but then look at us now! We're good friends but then we'll soon be lovers!'' Yesung grinned. ''Now give me!''

''Give you what?'' Donghae asked.

''The solution to my problem.'' Yesung replied.

''Dr.Jessica will never agree.'' Donghae complained.

''Just leave that to me!'' Yesung assured. ''I'll sort that problem out for you.''


At the locker rooms

YulSung,Sungmin and HyoHyuk are all writing their holiday leave application so they could attend the wedding of Dr.YG and his wife.The two have decided to get married again as they have reached their 23th wedding anniversary.The five doctors,except Sunny,all scattered around the locker rooms to fill their applications.Yesung and Eunhyuk are sitting down on the two benches,Yuri is on the left hand side of the locker rooms,Hyoyeon is in the center of the locker rooms leaning against the lockers to fill her application whilst Sungmin is on the right hand side of the locker rooms.

''Is this leave application form really necessary to fill?'' Yesung asked.

''Of course.If you don't fill it then how will you get a leave then?'' Eunhyuk asked back.

''But why do we have to fill it? Everyone knows that it is my father in law's wedding!'' Yesung replied,making Yuri to look at him. ''I mean Dr.YG's wedding! What did you guys write for where the wedding is going to be?''

''Aish just write out of town you idiot!'' Sungmin answered.

''But why?'' Yesung questioned,making everyone to groan at his stupidity.

''Because where we are going is not in Seoul.'' Eunhyuk replied.

''Wait why are we going by car when we can go by train?'' Yesung asked.

''Yesung just shut up!'' Yuri requested.

''Yuri-ah don't be upset.'' Yesung said. ''Why don't I fill both mine and your form so we can give the forms together and also go to the wedding together.''

''Oh my god you are an idiot'' Yuri took her form back from Yesung.

''But unnie we are going to have a fun time at the wedding.'' Hyoyeon smiled.

''I know Hyo! After so many years,finally a happy occasion has arrived in our family!'' Yuri walked to Hyoyeon and Yesung followed. ''I just can't wait for the wedding!''

''I know! Even I can't wait for the wedding!'' Yesung smiled. ''Whenever you say,I'll be ready to marry you!''

''Shut up Yesung! We are talking about dad and mom's wedding.'' Yuri rolled her eyes.

''Should I sing in the wedding? I got a song prepared!'' Yesung jumped up and down.

Yuri just rolled her eyes and slightly hit Yesung with her hand.

''Ow Yuri don't hit me please!'' Yesung pouted.

''Hey guys!'' Sunny entered the locker rooms.

''Hey Sunny I have already filled with your form for you so you just need to sign it that's all.'' Sungmin gave Sunny the form.

''Yeah about that....I am not coming!'' Sunny replied.

''WHAT?! WHY!?'' Everyone walked up to Sunny.

''Why can't you come?! How can you do this to us?! You have to come!'' Sungmin immediately told.

''Hey why are you so worried about her not coming? Why don't you relax.'' Yesung said.

''I mean you should come to the wedding and they invited you to come so you shouldn't say no!'' Sungmin said.

''Even I want to come but Dr.BoA is so tense nowadays.She said that if all of the doctors go then there won't be any doctors left and she was planning to stay but I didn't think that was fine so I think I should stay.'' Sunny explained.

''Aish so sweet but please please please come if you can try to!'' Yuri requested.

''Well I will m-I mean we will all miss you!'' Sungmin said.

''We'll miss you indeed!'' Yuri nodded her head.

''I gotta go so bye!'' Sunny waved bye and walked out of the locker rooms.

Sungmin didn't know why but his happy mood had changed now.He sadly crossed his arms and leaned against the lockers whilst looking down at the ground.Eunhyuk just leaned with Sungmin whilst looking at him.

''I guess my luck is really bad!'' Sungmin sighed. ''Everytime I try to go close to her,there is always something that pulls her away from me!''

''Don't worry! You'll soon get her love.'' Eunhyuk smiled.

''Really? You think?'' Sungmin asked and Eunhyuk nodded his head. ''Let's hope that comes true!''


At Siwon's birthday party

Siwon waved his hand at his friend,Yubin as she ran up to him.

''Hi Siwon!'' Yubin greeted.

''Hey Yubin! It's so nice to see you!'' Siwon shook hands with Yubin.

Tiffany,who was standing with Yoona,looked at Siwon and Yubin as they were talking.

''Aish don't be so formal!'' Yubin smiled as she tightly hugged Siwon.

Siwon smiled but then his eyes stopped at Tiffany,who was observing the two and their closeness.Tiffany immediately looked away and pretended to not notice anything whereas Siwon broke the hug.

''I can't believe you came!'' Siwon smiled.

''I will definitely come for you.It's your birthday and it will be impossible for me not to come to my best friend's birthday!'' Yubin laughed and Siwon took a glance at Tiffany,who was peeking at them.

''I'll introduce you to my friends come!'' Siwon held hands with Yubin as he brought her to his friends. ''Hey guys this is my best friend Yubin.''

Tiffany's smile disappeared as she looked at what Yubin was wearing.A short minidress whilst it somehow stung her that Yubin was close with Siwon.

''This is Yoona!'' Siwon introduced.

''Hey!'' Yoona smiled.

''And this is....'' Siwon looked at Tiffany,who was slightly frowning. ''This is Tiffany!''

''Hello!'' Yubin waved her hand and Tiffany nodded her head whilst giving her a smile.

''You know what? In Houston me and Yubin used to live quite near each other.'' Siwon smiled.''Oooooooh look who is here now!''

Kibum stood next to Yoona.

''Happy birthday!'' Kibum cheered.

''Thanks dude!'' Siwon smiled. ''Kibum this is my bestf riend Yubin and Yubin this is Kibum!''

Kibum and Yubin shook hands and Yoona slightly frowned.

''Let's have some drinks Siwon!'' Kibum told.

''Then go get some.I'm no waiter.'' Siwon replied.

''It's your party so you can do that for us can't you?'' Kibum raised his eyebrow.

''Fine I'll get some drinks for you all so just enjoy.'' Siwon left to get some drinks.

 ''Don't show your attitude for everything!'' Yoona hissed.

''Is it important for you to notice everything I do?'' Kibum asked.

Yoona rolled her eyes and slightly turned her body away from Kibum. Siwon came back with a drink in his hand and gave it to Yubin.

''Your favourite Apple martini with a dash of lime right?'' Siwon gave the drink to Yubin.

''Thank you Siwon! You remembered!'' Yubin gave a hug to Siwon again and Tiffany looked away.

''And drinks for you guys as well!'' Siwon gave the same drink to everyone.

''Isn't it nice to meet your bestfriends again?'' Yoona smiled.

''Yes and especially if the friend is like Siwon!'' Yubin interwined her arm with Siwon's arm. ''He cares so much for me!''

Tiffany blinked her eyes in annoyance and frowned.She looked away whilst trying to avoid the obvious closeness Siwon and Yubin had with each other.

''Yeah I do care for everyone.'' Siwon looked at Tiffany,who looked back at him when he said that. ''For all my friends like Yoona!''

''It's a different thing for best friends through.You know old memories also somehow flow when they talk again.'' Yoona glared at Kibum.

''But not all memories are good.'' Kibum replied back. ''Sometimes the past has pain and trouble that should be avoided.''

Kibum walked away.

''He's a bit of a dark yet mysterious guy I must say right?'' Yubin commented and Siwon nodded his head.

''Excuse me!'' Yoona walked away,leaving SiFany and Yubin alone.

''Uhm...I gotta go now.'' Tiffany told.

''This quick?!'' Siwon asked.

''You are bored right?'' Yubin said. ''You are exactly like my cousin,who also doesn't like parties at all.''

''No I am not used to it that's all.'' Tiffany replied. ''Also I don't know how to dance.''

''How about I teach you?'' Siwon smiled and Tiffany looked down at the ground.

''Hey that's my favourite song let's dance!'' Yubin pulled Siwon to the dance floor as they heard a song playing.

Tiffany looked at Siwon and Yubin dancing with each other.She didn't know what she was feeling but this feeling was not what she liked at all.It was suffocating her and hurting her in someway as she saw Siwon placing his hand on Yubin's waist.She didn't like the closeness between the two bestfriends and she wished to just move them apart from each other if she could.Siwon glanced at Tiffany,who then looked away as she didn't care whenever Siwon looked at her.

''So Siwon what is going on between you and miss.shy over there?'' Yubin asked.

''N-Nothing! We're just friends.'' Siwon quickly stuttered.

''Just friends? The way you keep looking at her and the way she is feeling uncomfortable with us being close with each other,it shows that there is something more than just friends.'' Yubin chuckled.

''She's looking at us?'' Siwon smiled and Yubin nodded her head.

''Ask her for a dance!'' Yubin teased. ''Because I think that she is going to go now.''

Tiffany started to walk away from the party.

''I'll be right back!'' Siwon quickly ran up to Tiffany.

Yoona walked up to Kibum,who was standing at the bar whilst drinking his drink.Kibum looked at Yoona,who was standing next to him.

''Sorry I didn't really wanted to upset you.'' Yoona apologised. ''Now please don't be upset since we are at a party!''

''Yeah we are at a party!'' Kibum rolled his eyes and then held Yoona's hand,making Yoona to be shocked and surprised.

Kibum pulled Yoona into the dance floor whilst Yoona was just blinking her eyes.Kibum stood with Yoona at the dance floor then slowly took his hand out and placed it on Yoona's waist.Kibum then pulled her extremely close to her,surprising Yoona with the sudden closeness.She placed her hand on Kibum's shoulder whilst looking at him as if something was wrong with him.They both looked at each other's eyes whilst Yoona was blushing at how close their faces were.As they started dancing,Yoona mainly looked down at the floor to avoid Kibum looking at her eyes since she was shy with the attention.

''So you and Taecyeon are old friends right?'' Yoona started the conversation.

Kibum twirled Yoona around and pulled her back to his body.

''Not really since I don't make friends that much.'' Kibum replied.

''Then why did Taecyeon say you and him are close friends?'' Yoona asked.

''That's just his misunderstanding.'' Kibum answered. ''What else did he say?''

''Nothing much but you tell me what actually happened between you two that your friendship was broken?'' Yoona questioned.

Kibum twirled Yoona around and then pulled her back again.

''I think it was because of this anger of yours!'' Yoona suggested.

Kibum looked at Yoona as he pulled her more closer to him.Yoona looked at Kibum's eyes whilst hesistating with the closeness.

''I know everything Kibum!'' Yoona told as she walked a bit away from Kibum. ''You came to SM just for your revenge.''

Kibum's facial expression immediately turned into an angry one when Yoona said that.

''If you can't face the truth then just admit it.'' Yoona told.

''Truth?!'' Kibum glared at Yoona. ''Can you even handle the truth?!''

''Of course.'' Yoona replied and Kibum angrily pushed Yoona extremely close to his body.

''The truth is that you like me and I...'' Kibum paused as he looked Yoona blushing as her truth was revealed. ''This is why you try to come close to me everytime right? So I'm extremely close to you now you can say what you want to say to me!''

''I-I-I didn't mean it this way.'' Yoona stepped back from Kibum.

''Why? Can't you handle the truth?'' Kibum raised his eyebrow as he retorted the same question back to Yoona.

''Why can't you be normal like everyone else?!'' Yoona asked.

''I am just like this.'' Kibum leaned closer to Yoona's face. ''So take it or leave it!''

Kibum walked away.

''This attitude.'' Yoona frowned.

''Tiffany!'' Siwon stopped Tiffany from walking away.

''I have to go home.'' Tiffany said.

''Don't go!'' Siwon requested. ''I mean you just came.''

''I have to go since I'm getting late.'' Tiffany replied.

''Okay but can I dance with you?'' Siwon asked.

''But I don't know how to dance.'' Tiffany pouted.

''Don't worry and I'm your friend right?'' Siwon smiled. ''Then I'll teach you!''

Siwon pulled Tiffany to the dance floor and stood there.He took Tiffany's hand and placed it on his shoulder.He placed his hand and placed it on her waist.He pulled her closer and Tiffany looked at Siwon.They both danced together then Siwon twirled Tiffany around whilst smiling at her.She looked so beautiful he couldn't look away from her.Their faces were so close and both of them leaned closer but then Tiffany immediately backed away from Siwon and walked away from the party.


At the locker rooms

Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk both were alone at the locker rooms and high-fived each other.

''Mission 1=Dr.BoA and Dr.Yunho is a success!'' Eunhyuk smiled. ''Mission 2=Yesung and Yuri is a success! I guess we make the perfect team!''

''Perfect team?'' Hyoyeon raised her eyebrow.

''As friends!'' Eunhyuk explained and Hyoyeon smiled. ''We do make a good team!''

''We sure do!'' Hyoyeon smiled. ''Listen I gotta go so bye now.''

Hyoyeon turned around but then she felt her dress was being tugged on.

''Eunhyuk please don't.'' Hyoyeon begged as she closed her eyes.

She turned around to find Eunhyuk taking Hyoyeon's dress off the hook that had caught Hyoyeon's dress.

''Oh it was stuck here.'' Eunhyuk informed.

''Oh thanks but--WOAH!'' Hyoyeon stumbled on her foot and fell down but then she mistakenly pulled Eunhyuk with her on the ground.

HyoHyuk both fell down on the floor on top of each other.Hyoyeon was on the floor whereas Eunhyuk was on top of her.Both HyoHyuk blinked their eyes and looked at each other.Their old memories when they dated immediately flashed back.Everything they had remembered doing like kissing,hugging and flirting came back on their minds as they look at each other's eyes.Both of them didn't wanted to admit it but they obviously missed each other.Both of them wanted to just be together and forget everything but it was hard....the thing was that they both had huge egos so they won't admit it unless the other one admits and confesses their feelings first.Eunhyuk immediately stood up then helped Hyoyeon stand up.

''Thanks!'' HyoHyuk both thanked each other and Hyoyeon walked away.


At the bus stop

Sooyoung angrily stormed back to the newspaper vender after coming back from the toilet,which was miles away.

''Who made that bathroom so far away from the bus stop?!'' Sooyoung complained. ''Please tell me one thing why can't you all take care of the passengers on the bus? You all might be used to this but we,passengers are definitely not! You guys could have made the bathroom near the bus stop.''

''We will try to.'' The vender smiled.

''Why are you smiling?!'' Sooyoung crossed her arms. ''Anyway give me my magazines!''

''You might want to be careful since you will have to walk now.'' The vender replied.

''What do you mean?'' Sooyoung asked.

''Why don't you turn around to find out.'' The vender laughed.

Sooyoung turned around to find the bus had already left without her.She was so shocked that she dropped all her magazines on the floor and looked everywhere for the bus.She had no luck in finding the bus.

''Aish what am I going to do now?!'' Sooyoung panicked.

She looked back at her magazines and picked it up.She saw Ryeowook,lying down on the bench whilst reading his newspapers and angrily stormed up to him.

''What are you doing here?!'' Sooyoung asked. ''Did the cat got your tongue?! Why aren't you speaking?!''

''Interesting!'' Ryeowook sat up. ''You finally have the time to worry about these things now.''

''Look just tell me where the bus is!'' Sooyoung demanded.

''The bus has already went 5 km away from this area.'' Ryeowook informed. ''And your belongings are also gone with the bus.''

''WHAT?!'' Sooyoung dropped her magazines as she was shocked. ''M-M-My t-things are gone?!''

Ryeowook looked at Sooyoung,who was whining.

''Did the bus really go?'' Sooyoung asked in disbelief and Ryeowook nodded his head. ''Why didn't you stop the bus?''

''I tried to.'' Ryeowook acted like he was sad. ''BUT IT ALSO WENT WITHOUT ME BECAUSE OF YOU!''

''Oh my god what am I going to do now?'' Sooyoung whined.

''Why are you so tense now?'' Ryeowook placed the magazines on Sooyoung's hands. ''Why don't you read your stupid Ceci magazines!''

''Look Ryeowook! I am in no mood to listen to your nonsense!'' Sooyoung growled. ''I am so tense right now.''

''This is all your fault!'' Ryeowook pointed his finger at Sooyoung.

Sooyoung angrily walked away.

''WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!'' Ryeowook asked and Sooyoung walked back to Ryeowook and stood right in front of him.

''WHY DO YOU CARE?!'' Sooyoung shouted back.

''If you are going to ask about the bus then there is no use doing that since there won't be another bus coming here.'' Ryeowook informed.

''We obviously didn't fly Ryeowook.We came here from the bus so we will get another one as well.'' Sooyoung argued.

''Sooyoung there won't be another one.'' Ryeowook told.

''Oh so you told me and I believed you? Like all the bus' routes follow your order right? Yeah right!'' Sooyoung rolled her eyes.

''Why you--'' Sooyoung interrupted Ryeowook by walking away from him.

''Listen can you tell me the next bus to Gangnam from here?'' Sooyoung asked the vender. ''YA what kind of a man are you? I am in trouble and you aren't helping me?! There is a guy that was harassing me in the bus and he followed me here as well.Please help me!''

The vender packed his things and closed his shop.

''HEY Where are you going?!'' Sooyoung asked.

''I am going to my house because this shop will now open next week when the next bus arrives.'' The vender walked away.

Sooyoung walked back to Ryeowook,who was pretending not to notice since he knew that she would ask for his help since she was helpless and had no other choice.

''Ryeowook all the people left us alone now so I think we should walk together to the next bus stop now.'' Sooyoung nicely said. ''So let's go!''

''You should have the habit to listen rather than blabber all the time!'' Ryeowook stood up. ''And you should especially listen to me because I am always right! This is not the bus' route since the highway had a landslide so the bus went this way so the next bus will come next week.''


At a room

The principal,Mr.JYP entered the room and saw Victoria and Seohyun were inside.

''Very good.You two are on time!'' Mr.JYP smiled.

''Sir..I can't dance in front of everyone since the pro--'' Seohyun was interrupted.

''Please don't frown.I always told you to smile haven't I?'' Mr.JYP requested. ''Now smile!''

Seohyun slightly smiled.

''Good anyway your principal has every solution to your problem.The JYP university's star with help our future star!'' Mr.JYP smiled. ''COME ON MY BOY!''

Kyuhyun flashed his smile as he entered the room.

''This is Kyuhyun and you know him right?'' Mr.JYP said. ''Kyuhyun is basically my solution to every problem and he will be the one to teach you the dance moves!''

''So shall we?'' Kyuhyun asked.

''Victoria I think they are shy because of us so let's go!'' Mr.JYP ordered. ''Remember the time when you changed Seohyun into a confident girl in the talent show so I hope you can do that again!''

''Sure!'' Kyuhyun smiled.

''All the best and Victoria please come this way with me.'' Mr.JYP walked outside with Victoria.

''So shall we?'' Kyuhyun asked.

(A/N=Will write the rest on the next chapter since I have no more time to finish this moment sorry chingus!)

Author=AYO Author-Nim here! Here is another update for you! I hope you like it! 

Teuk planning to mistreat Tae now Hae can't stop thinking about Sica Sungmin indirectly says that he likes Sunny now SiFany's dance and Fany seems jealous HyoHyuk's fall and old memories come back Yesung telling Yuri he wants to marry her SooWook have both missed their bus YoonBum's closeness and also argment SeoKyu are going to dance with each other

Any requests anyone has please do tell me so I can try my best to fulfill them :D

Thanks for reading this chapter and please comment!

So what was your best 3 moments of this chapter and why?


  1. SunSun=Finally we get more ideas about these two and it is now proven that Sungmin likes Sunny so now let's see what happens next with these two<3 <3 <3
  2. SiFany=Fany is jealous with Siwon and Yubin but then all is okay when the two dances at the end <3 <3
  3. YoonBum=These two dances with each other whilst Kibum pulls Yoona closer to himself a lot.Kibum tells Yoona that he knows that she likes him while Yoona blushes!<3

Tell me which ones are yours! 

I would also like to thank these amazing 2 voters that upvoted this story :)

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!


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Chapter 89: Finally Kyuhyun! Everybody wants a hubby like Teuk ♥ Hyohyuk cat-dog relationship hahah and poor Yesung lol I'm so sorry to not comment before I'm new to the site and I just have this account because of this fanfic. Is so so good. Can't wait till the next chapter! See you till the next one!
Foreverpinksonegg #2
Chapter 89: Why taeyeon seems like she's the one who doesn't move on at all about her past love,,, i feel hurt about teuk character here, his love for taeyeon is genuine and i hope taeyeon feel the same way too
Foreverpinksonegg #3
Chapter 88: Oh i thought taeteuk will had their intimate moment but, teuk was so gentlemen, i hope they can show more of their love to each other on the next chapter
Bamlisa #4
Chapter 86: omg finally.. thanks a lot for noticing me but pleases i beg you to finish this ?
SoneBuddy96 #5
Chapter 86: Thank you for updating this story
shleeshlee #6
Chapter 86: I thought that TaeTeuk would have another argument but it's a good thing that they didn't. Hope that things between them will continue to go smoothly. I'm excited for the next chapters..화이팅, author님!
zicky_yun #7
Chapter 86: oh god this is amazing, I really love this story, haesica is just spectacular the best couple, the story is crazy, beautiful i really love it please update soon please, please, are a big fan thank you and blessings, you are the best writer, thank you, forgive my bad english hahaha, congratulations this is amazing, amazing
Foreverpinksonegg #8
Chapter 86: Yes thanks for bringing back the story! I thought u abandoned this story already, anyways i like the scene where teuk really give tae a kiss expecting for more sweet moments for taeteuk
Bamlisa #9
Chapter 85: pleaseeee finish it!! ??
nicvic22 #10
Chapter 43: OMG authornim it's wonderful story.. :-) i'm going to reread it.. I love SiFany couple.. Siwon is very Funny... Good job authornim..