YG Only=Because of You!

Aspiring Lovers

At YG Senior Hospital

At the Locker Rooms

Eunhyuk is banging his head against the locker.

''Why is this only happening to me?! Am I gonna mad? No No I am not going crazy and this can happen to anyone! If the first person to come here is not Basketball that means I don't love her!!!!'' Eunhyuk turned around. ''Okay we can do this! Deep breath be calm dude!''

Hyoyeon quietly enters the locker room while weirdly looking at Eunhyuk.She stands at the corner.

''1.....2......3!!!'' Eunhyuk said and turned around. ''See there is no one! At least some one come! I mean no one come! I mean Yuri or Yesung at least someone please come!''

Hyoyeon taps his shoulder.Eunhyuk slaps her hand and Hyoyeon taps his shoulder again.Eunhyuk ignores her.

''What happen Eunhyuk?'' Hyoyeon asked.Eunhyuk's eyes are wide open. ''I am here.Tell me!''

Eunhyuk slowly turns around.Eunhyuk thinks that Hyoyeon isn't real and it is just his imagination playing with him again.He shows his gummy smile while clasping his hands and blushes.

''YA! Eunhyuk?'' Hyoyeon shouted.Eunhyuk shows his gummy smile. ''Eunhyuk are you alright?'' Eunhyuk nods his head. ''Eunhyuk?!''

''Hehe! It's okay! She's not real.She is just my imagination.'' Eunhyuk said to himself.

''YA EUNHYUK YOU PABO!!!!!!!!'' Hyoyeon shouted and Eunhyuk snapped out of his imagination and was shocked.The Hyoyeon he was talking to was real?!!?!?!?!

''You....You....What are you doing here?!'' Eunhyuk asked while opening his locker. ''Who told you to come here huh?!''

''I just came here and Eunhyuk you are so weird!!!'' Hyoyeon answered.

''No I'm not weird.'' Eunhyuk argued.

''I think you have gone mad!!!!!!!!'' Hyoyeon replied and walked away from Eunhyuk.

''YA! I..I'm not crazy!'' Eunhyuk shouted. *Am I crazy?!*

Eunhyuk continues to bang his head on the locker.

''I am crazy!!!!'' Eunhyuk said as he banged his head on the locker.


At the outsides of YG Senior Hospital

''You can't do anything nice!'' Hyoyeon said.

''Are you saying that I can never do anything nice?'' Eunhyuk asked.

''No I'm just saying that you can't talk nicely that's why nice things doesn't happen to you!'' Hyoyeon replied.

'''I do! Infact I can talk nicely!'' Eunhyuk argued.

''Oh really?! Then tell me one thing=Since the last days have you been talking nicely?'' Hyoyeon asked.

''No..you..know..I--'' Eunhyuk tried hard to think.

''Come on tell me! I am all ears!'' Hyoyeon said. ''Liar!''

Hyoyeon walked away from Eunhyuk.

''THERE IS!!! MY LIFE'S MOST IMPORTANT THING I'M IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!'' Eunhyuk loudly shouted which made everyone including Hyoyeon to stop walking.

Hyoyeon turned around and walked up to Eunhyuk.

''What did you just say?'' Hyoyeon asked.

''I am in love!'' Eunhyuk somehow got his courage and said it.

''HAHAHAHAAHHAHA! I'm sorry but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA'' Hyoyeon laughed but then stopped herself from laughing. ''I am sorry but how many times has this problem occured to you? Hahaha! I mean how many times has this ''Love'' happen to you and with how many girls? I am sure you have written this in your dairy right?''

''Hyoyeon I am serious! I really am in love!'' Eunhyuk told.

''Oh yeah I am sure!'' Hyoyeon sarcastically answered. ''Anyways how long has this illness been happening to you Dr.Eunhyuk? I mean before this girl I bet you had loads of girlfriends before right? So you really did love them all?''

''No that girl isn't my girlfriend.'' Eunhyuk sadly said.

''Ohhhhh! So the one you love isn't your girlfriend! Very interesting!'' Hyoyeon replied.

''Actually before I didn't really fall in love!'' Eunhyuk said.

''HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm so sorry but Hahahahhahaha!'' Hyoyeon laughed again.

''JUST FORGET IT!'' Eunhyuk angrily walked away from Hyoyeon.



''You still don't believe me?!'' Eunhyuk asked.

''What is the difference between today and yesterday?'' Hyoyeon asked.

''Hyo what is going on?'' Yesung asked as he approached HyoHyuk.

''Nothing!'' Eunhyuk quickly said.

''Nothing? Yesung Dr.Eunhyuk is in love!'' Hyoyeon said.Both Yesung and Hyoyeon laughed.

''Okay! Haha! Okay Okay I will stop! Who? Who is she?'' Yesung asked.

''That is the problem! I guess he doesn't know the poor girl's name!'' Hyoyeon teased.

''Thank you Dr.Hyoyeon and if I wanted to tell the world then I would have written a placard while showing it to everyone instead of you announcing it!'' Eunhyuk said.

''Who is the one you love~~~~~~'' Yesung asked again.

''Oops! It was a secret?'' Hyoyeon said and Eunhyuk nodded.


At the locker room

''Eh? Where did I put my stethoscope? Aish!'' Hyoyeon said but then tripped but while tripping she mistakly grabbed a book.Hyoyeon sees the diary.

Hyoyeon sees the open locker and looks at the name tag on the locker which was Dr.Eunhyuk.

''Eunhyuk's diary?'' Hyoyeon thinks about something and gives an evil smile.She quickly takes the diary and reads it.Hyoyeon sees the diary was the list of Eunhyuk's girlfriends and their ratings. ''Amanda 3 stars,Sandara 2 stars Tsk Tsk! Eunhyuk also writes his ratings wow! Now it's gonna be fun!!!'' Hyoyeon smiled evily.


At the corrider

''Basketball.B-Basketball!!!'' Eunhyuk called out and Hyoyeon stopped.

''Hyoyeon! Hyo-yeon!'' Hyoyeon corrected.

''Yeah Hyoyeon! Er...Er..How are you?'' Eunhyuk said.

''Fine!'' Hyoyeon replied.

''Uhmm....There...Actually I..wanted..to ask you something!'' Eunhyuk said.

''What?'' Hyoyeon asked.

''Not here!'' Eunhyuk said.

''Where then?'' Hyoyeon asked.

''Actually...What I wanted to say....can...--'' Eunhyuk was stuttering too much that Hyoyeon walked past him. ''Do you wanna go to dinner with me?''

Hyoyeon stopped.

''We will talk there!'' Eunhyuk thought of some excuse for her to go on a date with him.

Hyoyeon then thinks about something and smiles.

''Sure! Fine!'' Hyoyeon said.

''Really? Do you really wanna come to dinner with me?'' Eunhyuk was so happy.

''Sure why not?'' Hyoyeon replied. ''It is the first time you have ever talked so nicely with me! Why not?So tell me then when and where?''

''Blue Rivers and 7pm!'' Eunhyuk replied while smiling. ''I will pick you up!''

''No No! I will come by myself.Uhmm...What's your favourite colour?'' Hyoyeon asked.

''Me..Me? Favourite colour? R--R-Red!!!'' Eunhyuk replied.

''Okay bye!'' Hyoyeon said and walked away.Leaving Eunhyuk,smiling with his big gummy smile.


At the Locker Room

''Man! He just ruined my shirt!!!!'' Eunhyuk complained while opening his locker.He sees his diary and reads it.Hyoyeon,who entered the locker room,saw Eunhyuk who was SHIRTLESS?!?!

''YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!'' Hyoyeon shouted while covering her innocent eyes.Eunhyuk quickly runs into the changing room and comes out wearing a shirt.

''Shirt.'' Hyoyeon said. ''You have worn the shirt the wrong way!''

''Hey you guys! What's that? Is that some new fashion you have started?'' Yuri asked. ''Anyway Eunhyuk wanna go drink coffee?''

''No No! Not today! I have to go somewhere.'' Eunhyuk replied.

''O...kay.'' Yuri said and observed HyoHyuk.

''I'll see you later!'' Eunhyuk said and went out of the locker room.


At the restuarant Blue Rivers

Eunhyuk,who was nicely dressed,was waiting for Hyoyeon.

''I told basketball to come at 7 and it's been 8:30.Where is she?'' Eunhyuk said.

''Sir there is a girl waiting for you there.'' The waiter said.Eunhyuk thought it was Hyoyeon but then it was his ex-girlfriend Amanda.

''Hi Eunhyuk baby! How are you?'' Amanda said and hugged him.

''Hehe! Hi Hi.I am fine how are you?'' Eunhyuk quickly said so he can get Amanda to go away.

''I can't believe your assiantant phoned me! If you wanted to meet me then why didn't you call me yourself?'' Amanda asked.Then his other ex-girlfriend Sandara came.

''Hey Eunhyuk!'' Sandara said as she hugged him.

''He He! Hey!'' Eunhyuk said. ''Amanda do you know Sandara? Sandara do you know Amanda?''

Rita,Eunhyuk's other ex-girlfriend came.

''Hey Eunhyuk!!!!'' Rita said as she hugged him.

''Eunhyuk who is she?!'' The 3 girls asked at the same time.

''Well...Erm...'' Eunhyuk said and tried to leave but the 3 girls got hold of Eunhyuk and they all hit him.The 3 then angrily left.

''Okay! Amanda,Sandara and Rita! How did they all meet me at the same time? Everyone was wearing red..wait a minute! Red?'' Eunhyuk said and then he remembered Hyoyeon asking him what his favourite colour was. ''Ohhhh!! Good one Basketball but you did a big mistake to mess with me.Now I guess I have to plot my revenge! Cause right now the score is Basketball 1 while me 0!''



Eunhyuk parks his car and walks until he sees Hyoyeon,smiling at him.He was about to shout at her when he thinks of a plan.Eunhyuk,who was smiling at her,walks up to her.

''Hello Basketball.'' Eunhyuk sweetly said and left the confused Hyoyeon.

*Eh? Why isn't he angry?* Hyoyeon curiously asked herself.


At the canteen

YulSung are sitting next to each other on a table.Eunhyuk comes and sits with them.Yuri sees a stratch mark on Eunhyuk's neck.

''Hey Eunhyuk! Why is there a stratch mark on your neck?'' Yuri asked.

Hyoyeon walks up to them.

''What can I say you guys! Yesterday someone did a very bad joke with me.I just wanted to have dinner with a friend but then someone sent 3 ex-girlfriends at that place and the 3...you can imagine what they did!'' Eunhyuk nicely complained which confused Hyoyeon.

''That must be fun!'' Yuri joked.

''Not at all.If I find out who did this then I will slit their throat and kill them!'' Eunhyuk,knew it was Hyoyeon,but pretended not to know.Hyoyeon was standing there,scaredly looking at .YulSung laughs.

''Hey Hyo! Come on sit down!'' Yuri said.

''Hi everyone'' Hyoyeon said.

''Oh hi! Come on sit down.'' Eunhyuk nicely said which confused Hyoyeon. ''Come on! Sit at my seat.Come on!''

*If he knows that it is me then why isn't he saying anything?* Hyoyeon thought in her head.

Hyoyeon sits down on Eunhyuk's chair while curiously looking at Eunhyuk.YulSung are also curious about his behaviour.Eunhyuk grabs a chair and sits next to Hyoyeon.

''So how was your day?'' Eunhyuk asked Hyoyeon.

''Fine!'' Hyoyeon replied.

''Would you like something?'' Eunhyuk politely asked. ''Come on! Tell me.I'll bring it just for you!''

''Hot chocolate.'' Hyoyeon said.

''Hot chocolate! Right away for you basketball.'' Eunhyuk sweetly said and went to get her hot chocolate.

''Why is Eunhyuk behaving so sweetly with Hyo?'' Yesung said. ''I think something is gonna happen.''

''Your hot chocolate maam!'' Eunhyuk said as he gave Hyoyeon her hot chocolate. ''Please don't feel bad but I thought you were hungry so I brought you a sandwich!''

''Something has happened between them~~~~~'' Yesung sang.

''Eat it!'' Eunhyuk said as he put lots of RED sauce on the sandwich. ''Come on Hyoyeon! Eat it!''

Eunhyuk sat closer to Hyoyeon as he placed the sandwitch on her hand. ''Come on! Eat it up!''

Eunhyuk's pager starts to ring.

''Okay I'm gonna go but you better eat that sandwich up Miss.Hyoyeon!'' Eunhyuk sweetly said and left Hyoyeon and YulSung confused with his behaviour.


At the corrider

Yuri was walking when she bumped in Yesung.

''Sorry Yuri!'' Yesung apologised as he smiled.

''YA! Watch where you are going!'' Yuri said and left.


At the corrider

''Eunhyuk! Eunhyuk!!!! I have to talk to you right now!'' Hyoyeon called out as she grabbed Eunhyuk's arm.

''We can talk tomorrow!'' Eunhyuk said and was about to leave when Hyoyeon grabbed his arm.

''NOW MEANS NOW!'' Hyoyeon shouted and grabbed him in the fire escape staircase.

''What are you doing? Someone might see us?'' Eunhyuk said and Hyoyeon lets go of his hand.Eunhyuk smiles to himself but then acts like he is normal. ''Anyway why did you call me? Any personal problem or headache?''

''I am fine! Eunhyuk! Are you mad at me? Please tell me! Why are you doing all of this?'' Hyoyeon asked.

''Me? What am I doing?'' Eunhyuk innocently asked. ''Besides I haven't even done anything.''

''You know that whatever happened yesterday was because of me and I also know that you know that! Then..Then why aren't you talking revenge?! Why aren't you saying anything? Please tell me! Please say something! Say it.Say it already!'' Hyoyeon demanded.

Eunhyuk walks closer to her while Hyoyeon walks backwards until she felt the cold wall against her back.Hyoyeon saw an escape and almost escaped when Eunhyuk blocks it by putting his two arms against the wall.Eunhyuk leaned in closer to her face.

''You really wanna know why I am behaving like this? And if I say I am behaving like this because of you then?'' Eunhyuk replied.

''What?'' Hyoyeon asked.

''If I say that the reason I am so crazy is...because of you then?'' Eunhyuk said.

''Because of me?'' Hyoyeon questioned.

Eunhyuk leaned closer to her face.

''I said IF.But then think about it.If I am behaving like this because of you then?'' Eunhyuk asked.

''I'm not asking if.I'm asking why--'' Hyoyeon was about to say when Eunhyuk interrupted her.

''Why I am so cool with you? Well it's because......'' Eunhyuk leaned in closer to her face. ''Because......''

Eunhyuk was so near Hyoyeon's face that she could feel his breath breathing on her skin.

''I'll tell you later!'' Eunhyuk walked away from Hyoyeon. ''I am not in the mood right now!''

Eunhyuk walked out of the fire escape staircase and left the shocked Hyoyeon.Hyoyeon was shocked and was thinking what just happened there with her and Eunhyuk.


At the meeting hall

''As you all know that we announce points based on the doctor's performance to announce Doctor Of The Month and it is Dr.........'' Dr.YG announced.Yuri,who was so confident that she had won,stood up.

''DR.Hyoyeon Kwon!!!!'' Dr.YG announced and everyone clapped for Hyoyeon.Well everyone EXCEPT Yuri,who was angry and jealous that Hyoyeon was better than her.

Yuri angrily walked away but....

''Yuri!'' Dr.YG said which made Yuri stop.Everyone was busy congratualing Hyoyeon that they didn't see what was going on between Yuri and Dr.YG. ''Yuri won't you congratulate your younger sister?''

''Hyo! Congratulation!'' Yuri faked a smile and hugged her sister.Yuri then walked away from the meeting hall.


At the corrider

''Hyo you have to treat me now!'' Yesung said.

''Okay let's go to the canteen!'' Hyoyeon said and happily laughed with her best friend,Yesung.

Eunhyuk was standing at the corner.

''Come on basketball.If you have feelings for me too then turn around! Turn! Turn around! Please Please turn around.'' Eunhyuk said as he hoped Hyoyeon would turn around.

Hyoyeon turned around which made Eunhyuk happy.

''Congrats!'' Eunhyuk said while giving her a thumbs up.

''Thank You.'' Hyoyeon said.

*YES!!!! I KNEW IT!!! BASKETBALL ALSO LOVES ME!* Eunhyuk happily shouted inside his head.

Author=AYO! Author-Nim here! I hope you enjoyed the YG Special I wrote for you all.I was free so here you go! A double update for you all.

Hyukkie almost kissed Hyo <3 Kyyaaaaaaa!!!! I was like my HyoHyuk feels when I wrote this chapter :D Just to let you guys know Hyo is starting to curious about Hyukkie!

Next chapter is SM with some HyoHyuk

Thanks for reading.Do comment and tell me how you found this chapter :D

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Chapter 89: Finally Kyuhyun! Everybody wants a hubby like Teuk ♥ Hyohyuk cat-dog relationship hahah and poor Yesung lol I'm so sorry to not comment before I'm new to the site and I just have this account because of this fanfic. Is so so good. Can't wait till the next chapter! See you till the next one!
Foreverpinksonegg #2
Chapter 89: Why taeyeon seems like she's the one who doesn't move on at all about her past love,,, i feel hurt about teuk character here, his love for taeyeon is genuine and i hope taeyeon feel the same way too
Foreverpinksonegg #3
Chapter 88: Oh i thought taeteuk will had their intimate moment but, teuk was so gentlemen, i hope they can show more of their love to each other on the next chapter
Bamlisa #4
Chapter 86: omg finally.. thanks a lot for noticing me but pleases i beg you to finish this ?
SoneBuddy96 #5
Chapter 86: Thank you for updating this story
shleeshlee #6
Chapter 86: I thought that TaeTeuk would have another argument but it's a good thing that they didn't. Hope that things between them will continue to go smoothly. I'm excited for the next chapters..화이팅, author님!
zicky_yun #7
Chapter 86: oh god this is amazing, I really love this story, haesica is just spectacular the best couple, the story is crazy, beautiful i really love it please update soon please, please, are a big fan thank you and blessings, you are the best writer, thank you, forgive my bad english hahaha, congratulations this is amazing, amazing
Foreverpinksonegg #8
Chapter 86: Yes thanks for bringing back the story! I thought u abandoned this story already, anyways i like the scene where teuk really give tae a kiss expecting for more sweet moments for taeteuk
Bamlisa #9
Chapter 85: pleaseeee finish it!! ??
nicvic22 #10
Chapter 43: OMG authornim it's wonderful story.. :-) i'm going to reread it.. I love SiFany couple.. Siwon is very Funny... Good job authornim..