Pictures say it all

What the others don't know

No one's POV: 

"And you're sure it will work?" Hyuna asked and Krystal nodded her head
"I've heard Kris speak about them loads of times so I know what they're like towards each other" she replied 
"And when do I do it?" Hyuna asked as Krystal shrugged her shoulders 
"Whenever you feel like it" she replied.


"Right class it's time to hand in your projects" said the teacher as she slowly walked around the room and took each groups artwork in 
"Very impressive" she muttered when she picked up Kyungsoo's and Jongin's work and turned to the both of them 
"Well done" she said smiling and walked whilst both of them stood their and sighed in relief
"Now we can sleep without having to worry" Jongin said
"Yeah" Kyungsoo replied and both of them began laughing for no reason 
"Do you think she liked it?" Kyungsoo asked
"She smiled and said well done.. she didn't say that to anyone else" Jongin replied and Kyungsoo nodded 
"Well we may have passed then" he said and Jongin nodding holding up his hand. 

"Huh?" Kyungsoo asked frowning 
"For a high five" Jongin replied and Kyungsoo blushed a little before high fiving Jongin, his heart fluttering a little at the contact with the others skin 
"Come on, lets get going before the lunch cue gets to long" Jongin said and Kyungsoo nodded, following him out, holding his chest where it was still fluttering. 


"What do you want to do tomorrow after school?" Kris asked as he and Tao walked through the empty halls together 
"I'm not sure... why?" Tao replied 
"Because I want to take you out for a first proper date and I want to know what you want to do" Kris replied and Tao smiled 
"Well then I honestly don't mind, why don't we go out later?" he asked
"Because then I have time to plan to make it extra special" Kris replied and the two of them laughed 
"Gosh you're so cheesy" Tao said and Kris nudged him
"I may be cheesy but you fell for my cheesines" he replied and Tao stopped and smiled.

"Who says I fell for you? I may have just stuck to you to make Krystal jealous" he said and Kris stopped walking and slowly turned to him in mock horror 
"Do my ears decieve me?" he asked dramatically placing his hand on his heart, making Tao burst out into laughter 
"You're an even worse actor" he said before laughing again and Kris came over to him to tickle him. That was when Krystal came walking down the hall and paused when she heard Tao shriek 
'What the heck was that?' she thought to herself as she walked forward and her eyes widened when she saw Kris pick up Tao and spin him around 
'I KNEW IT' she thought and continued to watch the two of them. 

"Kris put me down now" Tao said and squealed again when Kris tickled him and finally put him down 
"Fine, fine" he said and quickly pulled in for a kiss, as Krystal whipped out her phone and took a picture 
"Perfect" she muttered walking away with a grin on her face 
"Somebody's dad is not going to be happy when they see this"... 


"Did you throw up again?" Chanyeol asked and Baekhyun slowly nodded his head
"Maybe we should take you to the nurse" said Chanyeol and Baekhyun shook his head
"I'll be fine, I just need rest" he replied
"But you look horrible!" 
"And I love you to" Baekhyun replied, climbing back into his bed and closing his eyes whilst Chanyeol looked on worried. Once he was sure Baekhyun was asleep, he placed a hand onto his forehead to check his temperature 
'If he doesn't want to go to the nurse, I'll make the nurse come to him' he thought and walked out of the dorm to the nurses office. 


"How are things with the others?" Xiumin asked and Chen shrugged his shoulders
"Apart from Yixing and Joonmyun everyone is talking to me again" he replied 
"And are you going to speak to Yixing and Joonmyun anytime soon?" Xiumin asked and Chen said nothing, only shaking his head 
"Look I know it's awkward for you guys as it is for us... I just need time" Chen said and Xiumin sighed
"And how long will that take?" he asked 
"I'm not sure" Chen replied 'But I do miss them'.... 


"Just a sec" Luhan called from the bathroom when he heard someone knock at the door, quickly washing his hands and running out 
"Coming" he said and jumped over the chair in his way to answer it. When he opened the door he paused and frowned when he saw the person standing the other side 
"What are you doing here?" he asked them 
"To see you silly" Hyuna replied smiling... 

 I leave you with Taemin

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Chapter 1: I love the first chapter , ;)
bloomemerald #2
Chapter 22: omg jongin as a iron lol im laughing so much and kyungsoo is just so sweet^^
Exo12inourhearts #3
Chapter 38: You broke my OTPs :( but I love your story so much!!! :D can't wait to see if there is a sequel
rilavipblackjack #4
Chapter 21: Why can't I see chen's costume .-.
Chapter 16: Omg just so cute...I love how Chanyeol is so sweet to Baekhyun :)
Chapter 10: Your gifs at the end of the stories are awesome. They always make me laugh. :D
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 7: Hahaha.....Hahahaha...I remember that from spongepop!
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 6: I wonder what's lu...
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 3: //eyes widden// O _ O don't tell me....he...C-C-CUTS? !?!