
The Bet

The next day Jessica and her friends sat at their first class of the day, also with the other three girls involved with the bet. Jessica looked for her partner and found her talking to some guy. Minho, I think his name was. Minho was a major player, so why was Yuri with him? Jessica didn't have much time to think as the teacher walked in.

"Sit with your partners! Work on the project, you have only this class time, then you're on your own!" the teacher announced.

Tiffany moved to sit next to Taeyeon, Sooyoung moved to Sunny, but Jessica waited for Yuri. Yuri sighed, seeing that Jessica made no plan on moving to her. Yuri got up and sat beside Jessica and began to work silently.

"Yuri! Jessica! Please go hand these papers down to the office for me!" the teacher said, handing them a stack of papers.

Yuri and Jessica got up silently and walked out the room. The two girls walked far away from each other, not looking at each other once. At least that's what they thought. In reality, both girls were sneaking glances at each other.

After they had dropped the papers off, they were walking back to class.

"Do you hate me?" Jessica said bluntly, stopping her walk.

Yuri, who was surprised by her question, also stopped walking and turned to her.

"Hate is a strong word. Let's just say, I dislike you." Yuri said simply.

Jessica bit her lip, how the hell will she make this girl fall in love with her? Yuri had to look away when Jessica bit her lip for some reason. In her chest her heart began to beat rapidly at the sight, and she didn't like it.

Yuri continued walking until she felt a hand wrap around her waist, pushing her to the wall.

Jessica kissed Yuri. And Yuri kissed back.

Jessica pulled back, "Do you still dislike me?" she said softly, looking up at Yuri.

Yuri really wanted to say no, but her pride is to high. So, Yuri stayed silent.

Jessica sighed and moved her body away from Yuri's, and for some reason, she had missed the warmth. Both girls missed the warmth and niceness they had when their bodies rested against each other.

The girls walked back silently, not talking to each other.

Jessica sighed, I'm so going to lose this bet. At least I made SOME progress..


Over at Taeyeon and Tiffanys side, it was silent as well. Taeyeon was a quiet person, so she didn't want to talk much. But Tiffany is a different story. Tiffany talks. And talks. Very loudly. But for some reason, she's holding all her chatter in while with Taeyeon, liking the calm aura the shorter girl gave off.

Tiffany bit her lip, how was this calm girl going to fall in love with her?

Tiffany doesn't even know if she LIKES girls. Tiffany mentally gasped. What if all the girls in the bet are straight?

Over at Taeyeon, she saw Tiffany looking at her. She felt uncomfortable being under her stare, but didn't say anything as she continued to work.

Tiffany started to panic mentally, what would she do?

'Calm down Tiffany, it's just a bet' she said to herself.

"RING!" the bell rang, causing Tiffany to slightly jump.

She gathered her stuff and began to walk out the door until she bumped into someone, causing her to fall and bend her ankle.

"Ouch!" she yelped, holding her ankle.

Someone began to gather her stuff, but she didn't know who since she was to busy looking at her swollen ankle.

"You okay?" the voice said.

Tiffany looked up and saw, Taeyeon.

Tiffany nodded, not wanting to talk because her voice might crack.

"Come on, get up." Taeyeon said.

Tiffany shook her head, "It hurts."

Taeyeon blew some air out before holding Tiffanys hand and bringing her up, wrapping Tiffanys arm around her shoulder and began to walk slowly as Tiffany limped. Taeyeon did all this while holding all of her and Tiffanys stuff combined. Tiffany couldn't helped but feel touched by Taeyeon.

They slowly walked to the nurse with a crowd of students watching from afar.

They got to the nurses office, but the nurse wasn't there.

Tiffany sighed, 'Im going to die of a broken ankle!' she thought.

Taeyeon made Tiffany sit down on the chair as she got an icepack. Taeyeon knelt down in front of Tiffany and rolled her jeans slightly to see the ankle.

Tiffany hissed and Taeyeon gaped at the sight, let's just say it wasn't pretty.

It was swollen and red, like a big red balloon.

Taeyeon gently put the icepack on the ankle and Tiffany bit her lip due to the coldness upon her injury.

Taeyeon looked up and saw Tiffanys lip was bleeding because she was biting it.

"Yah, don't bite your lip, you're bleeding." Taeyeon said calmly as she used her thumb to wipe the blood off.

Tiffanys breath hitched for some odd reason, when Taeyeon touched her lips. Taeyeons heart pumped faster while she wiped the blood off. The sudden action from her body made Taeyeon pull her finger away quickly, what was that?


"I'm hungry.." Sooyoung complained.

Sunny rolled her eyes, "Calm down, you giant, we have lunch in an hour."

Sooyoung and Sunny were currently in their third class of the day, and they had the same class together. So, Sooyoung sat with Sunny, surprising everyone in the room including Sunny.

"Yah! Don't call me giant, you midget!" Sooyoung yelled, pointing at Sunny.

Sunny rolled her eyes at the childish behavior. "Didn't you say that since we were partners, we weren't friends?" Sunny said bluntly as she pushed Sooyoung's finger away from her face.

Sooyoung stayed silent for a moment, wondering what to do.

"Yea, but I realized I was a little rude, so, I'm sorry. Let's be friends." Sooyoung said to her.

More like she forced herself to.

Sooyoung felt no sorry for the littler girl.

Sunny felt touched, but she didn't know that it was all an act, so she smiled.

When Sunny smiled. Sooyoung stopped breathing for a second.

"Alright, friends it is."

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 21: Sooyoung being giddy is sooo cute ahahaha
Chapter 1: jess & soo are so mean
Chapter 1: jess & soo are so mean
I'm back hehehe
Chapter 21: I love all of this but in TaeNys part I was still listening to Girls Generation Tinkerbell and it suits their part royal ships!
Chapter 58: I still love this story even after years I just like how the Royal Ships are here and the story line too lmao
Chapter 53: It was so funny actually I almost lost my sanity lmao
Chapter 52: The last one is so funny tf lmao
Chapter 39: Mr. Hwang being our genie lmao and also Mrs. Choi though
Chapter 34: The last one though tf lmao