The Hunted 18

The Hunted




I couldn't stop staring. He's all consuming. When he smiles at me, my heart skips and I want to hold him till the world ends. Fortunately he lets me, despite Niel's interruption he's still lying in my arms, letting me press my lips to his hair like I want. With Chunji everything feels okay again, despite CAP's injuries and Changjo's, still evident, distrust toward Ricky, I see a bright future, I see progress and hope.

We were all too quiet, living in our own worlds with Ricky nodding off but fighting it relentlessly, which was odd. He usually fell right to sleep but I didn't pay attention for much longer because Changjo had his eyes set on the worn out boy. CAP and Niel were already fast asleep it seems, at least CAP was. He was sleeping like a log, snores and all but at least we didn't feel alone.

Chunji sat still in my arms, doodling aimlessly on my forearm. It was adorable. I wrap his fingers in mine and smile down at him when he freezes, looking up to me. I lift his hand too my lips and bite gently on his finger, making his flush obvious in the dim light. He with drawls his hand not a second later and lowers his eyes with the trace of a smile on his lips.

“Channie, I love you.” I whisper into his hair and feel him relax again.

“You're gross.” He giggles and I wrap my arms around his shoulders drawling him close.

“You're beautiful.” He stops breathing, making me grin at the effect I still have on him. Oh how I missed this.

“You know how much you mean to me, right? I feel like I've been cold...even after my confession, you've been so romantic and I find it very difficult to show how much I really love you.” I bow my neck to kiss his shoulder and work up to his neck, which was very sensitive apparently because he let out an ungodly noise, making Ricky jump to alert mode, along with an oddly disgusted Changjo. I just nod in apology, whispering to the horribly embraced Chunji.

“Baby, don't worry about my feelings. I've always been more daring with my romantic encounters, while I don't think I've ever managed to catch you with any man lucky enough. It makes sense you'd be shy.” I hum and he takes a moment to hide his embarrassment.

“No. My parents may have accepted my uality but the conversation wasn't my best moment. They were horrified to find out the boy that I fell for was the gaudy, unmannerly boy from school they bit my head off, having found you entirely unacceptable for their, nearly perfect son. I didn't want anybody else and they eventually realized that I'd never move on, sharing my world with you. I was so in love.” He mumbles, turning in my arms to rest on his knees, taking my smiling face into his hands. “So horribly in love and so horribly sad knowing I'd never have you. I couldn't entirely express myself in the moment of your confession because I've been suppressing my emotions for so long. They're all still there though; I hope you won't be impatient with me.” I pull him in by his hips and laugh breathlessly into his collar.

“I'll deal with it. I'm not terribly clueless. I see the looks you give me, you're too obvious but if I for some reason start to feel unloved, I'll make sure you're the first to know.” I wink, taking his chin between my fingers and with a feather light touch I smile against his lips.

“I love you. I really, really, love you.” He whimpers under my touch and I crash my lips against his in a far more heated embrace, ignoring the boys surrounding us for the moment that I could make my boyfriend forget.




Seriously? Was that necessary. They aren't alone. God, I wish they were. L Joe's a, ing, ert. I avert my eyes and cringe at Chunji's breathy gasp that makes it end to the intimacy in the next second as he whispers a plea to keep their dignity. They were in a huge house and L Joe chose to make a move in the living room while the rest of us slept, that's his own fault.

They seem to calm down quickly though, to my great relief as I drawl my attention back to the finally unconscious Ricky. He's been fighting heavy eyelids for the past hour and it was on the verge of pissing me off. I was curious why he insisted on staying awake. He must have a reason, I'm sure. I was tired, like always but I could handle another sleepless night to ensure the other's safety. We had a long day and they're exhausted but that doesn't make the danger go away so I'd play guard again until tomorrow, when Ricky will probably notice how tired I look and beg someone else to stay awake for me.

Grunts and moans were beginning to sound in a surprisingly unfamiliar way. It wasn't from Chunji or L Joe, who had fallen asleep by now. I was suddenly nervous but when a nearly silent whimper reaches my ears, I notice Ricky's restless form. Nightmares. We were all susceptible to them, especially someone like Ricky. I'd never noticed him having nightmares before though and this most definitely wasn't my first night staying up to keep my eyes on him.

His face is twisting in agony and his body presses into the mattress as if being pinned to the ground. I shove against his shoulder without another thought, desperate to stop the painful sight. He doesn't wake at first and my brows furrow in frustration but I shake him again, this time more insistent as I don't stop until his eyes land on mine.

My relief was short lived when his whimpering got louder. I shook him again, only for his eyes to wider as he began to claw at my hand that was close to his neck. I wrapped my other arm around him, bringing him to a sitting position so he could see my face.

That did nothing to help. His eyes were glossed over and distant as he struggled to breathe and tears began to run down his cheeks. I brought my hand to his neck in attempt to cup his face. Bad move. This only seemed to spark more distress in the boy.

"Please, please don't. I promise I'll be good." He whimpered, still trying to pry my hands away from his body. "I'll be good." He whispered again.

I stared at him unsure of what to do. I've never seen anything like this before. He's awake but he's not at the same time. How the hell am I supposed to handle this? I knew I had to wake him up; I couldn't bear seeing him like this for much longer. I quickly scooped him up into my arms and rushed to a nearby room as his thrashing and whimper got harder and louder.

I laid him on the floor and moved back. It seemed the more I touched him the harder he fought, like he's desperate to save his own life. I watched as his eyes darted from side to side in complete panic, as if looking between to people. I was at a loss. I closed my eyes for a second to try and focused my thought and drown out his whimpering long enough to figure out what to do; when suddenly his whimpering stopped. My eyes shot open and tried to see if he'd woken up.

"No!" I almost screamed. He'd stopped breathing suddenly. I rushed to his side, tilted his head back and began CPR. He can't die. Not like this. I refused to stop, praying he would start to breathe again.

A few moments later he coughed violently and short raged breaths sounded again. I sighed and tried again to wake him, only to have him whimper at my touch. this! I rushed out to the living room, found a bottle of water and went back to Ricky's side. I ripped it open and doused his face. He jerked up seconds later, rubbing his neck and panting before his eyes met mine once again.

His eyes are filled with tears and I take a minute to sit back but not too far from the shaken boy who just as soon sits up and throws himself on me. I make no attempt to pull away from the quivering boy. His eyes shift across the room as his breathing steadies and I relax, cocking my eyebrow in a silent plea for an explanation.

“Nightmares?” I mutter, even though that was no normal nightmare, and his body shutters at the word.

“Mhmm.” He doesn't seem to trust himself to speak but I'm patient as he wraps his arms around his legs in the same protective way he always does, not willing himself to move a centimeter from my side.

“Talk to me.” I hum but it's more of a question and a rare one at that. I never much cared to get into his head but his subconscious is very important to us. It tells me exactly what he's dealing with. His tears are wiped away before he looks up to me and scoots even closer, making my brow wrinkle as he buries his face in my shoulder.

“The reservation.” He gasp but it's too quiet, like he's afraid to say it. “You know they're still looking for me. Don't you?” I stiffen at his words. I knew what he meant and he was right. They would chase their weapon to the ends of the earth and it must be in the back of his mind. It makes sense that he'd have nightmares.

“Yeah...we know. Don't let it control your life, Ricky. If they showed up in the next second I'd kill every one of them, despite my reserves.” He looks at me, too starry eyed, while I avoid looking at him for a long minute.

“Thank you.” He whispers in awe and bites his lip nervously.

“Just remember, their only dreams.” I grunt, trying my best to give him some peace of mind.

“But…they aren’t.” He chokes, his voice so quiet I wouldn’t have heard him if the house hadn’t been deafly quiet. My eyes widened slightly in confusion and surprise. “I ran away before and paid the price. It felt like they had me. They took me away and were punishing me for running.” He shuttered and I stare out of the corner of my eye. “It's because of this house... it must be. They usually aren't so vivid.” He whimpers. “I still can't breathe, and I feel their hands around my neck. The knife under my skin. It was terrifying.” I nod in agreement, frustrated at the nightmares that have become another torment for this boy. “It’s times like this that I wonder if the week of freedom I gained was worth these thoughts that plague my dreams.” I sigh at his words, not really sure how to answer.

“I wish I could help.” I mumble and his eyes shift to me in wonder.

“You do?” He gasp and I purse my lips in distaste at what I'm sure is going through his mind.

“Nobody deserves this Ricky. Nobody deserves to be ‘trained’ and twisted the way you have. You were a good person, innocent and childlike, not a murderer.” I shake my head and Ricky scoots close once again, making me turn to him in question.

“I'm not going back there. I'd die first.” He closes his eyes for a long second, making my brow .

“You aren't going back there.” I mutter, ruffling his hair and he leans into my side again.

“Let me sleep here?” I stare down at him and watch as he rolls the hem of his shirt between his fingers.

“Here?” I mumble, just barely catching the blush that spreads over his cheeks. “You mean with me.” I breath and he nods to the floor. “You're strangely persuasive, you know that?” I sigh and keep still as he stares up at me in awe. “This is a onetime thing...because of the nightmares.” I finish, regretting my words when he shutters.

I recline into the wall, feeling him relax beside me silently and I ignore the tiny voices in my head, warning me not to get too comfortable. I dismiss them in another attempt to view the shaken boy as a friend that needs my protection but I'm still stiff when his breathing slows and he's unconscious beside me.

His grip on my bicep tightens and my watch him in concern but he only buries his face into my side and sighs dreamily. I take a heavy breath and smile to myself at the boy's, more frequent, childlike moments. Maybe he could be himself again one day. Maybe he could be my friend, if only he wasn't terrified of the future, or ashamed of his past. If only his nightmares didn't have the possibility of becoming very real.




I woke up shocked to see our very own Ricky clinging hopelessly to the, not so surprisingly, awake Changjo. His eyes land on mine and he turns away, looking somewhat embarrassed. I let a grin spread across my face as I sit up with little difficulty.

“Oh how the mighty have fallen.” I tease, making Changjo sneer but he keeps still.

“You should have seen him last night.” He mumbles and I my eyebrow at his words. “He stopped breathing.” Is his only explanation before turning to me with the most critical look. “He almost died in his sleep, CAP.” I hold my breath, letting my eyes fall on the still sound asleep boy, smiling away against his frustrated boy toy's arm.

“I see.” I whisper and Changjo rubs the side of his temples, obviously not wanting to think about it.

“He knows the reservation is hunting him. We can't just wander anymore. We can't count on finding a spot to settle every night. How long it's been since any of us felt safe? How long has it been since any of us had a good night sleep? We need a home.” I begin nodding in agreement before he finishes his speech, which causes Ricky to stir.

“Jonghyun.” Ricky mumbles, making my brows furrow in confusion but I answer his whispers.

“How'd you sleep kiddo?” Ricky rubs his eyes sleepily and looks toward me with a tired smile, then turns to Changjo and a grin spreads across his face and you can see Changjo tenses.

“Thank you.” Ricky hums to the nervous Changjo, who pulls away too quickly for Ricky's taste.

“Yeah. We'll leave today for the sake of your...dreams.” Ricky nibbles at his bottom lip and nods.

“Must have been nice to cuddle up with Mr. Not So Nice Guy last night.” Ricky's cheeks immediately flush red and he lowers his head in embarrassment. By this point Changjo has woken the others and Ricky grew uncomfortable in his corner. “You gonna be okay?” I hum in
concern, making his eyes snap in my direction.

“Ricky, did you sleep well with Changjo?” He blushes immediately but I
offer an encouraging look to show how serious the question is and Ricky nods. “Of course you did. Changjo is safe, Changjo will not hurt you. Don't be embarrassed to run to him, if anything it'll help him. He needs to be taught how harmless you are.” Ricky won't look me in the eye now and it makes me chuckle when Changjo reappears with the others.

“You putting ideas into the kids head, CAP?” Changjo chides and I grin at Ricky just as Chunji runs past Changjo and kneels in front of Ricky, taking his face in his hands.

“Ricky, are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?” Ricky shakes his head in denial and Chunji pulls him into a hug. “We're leaving okay? Right after we eat we are heading out, okay?”

“I was fine with Changjo.” Ricky mumbles, sounding apologetic for his effect on the term of our temporary stay.

“With Changjo?” L Joe turns to Changjo, who won't make eye contact with
any of us and Niel laughs hysterically at his behavior.

“Oh my God, Changjo's embarrassed because he took care of Ricky! How priceless.” He holds his stomach and I smile at him in hopes of stopping his teasing because it would only hurt Ricky's case. Niel stops laughing when he looks at me and lets his laughter fall to a
giggle that makes my stomach flip for a quick second.

“He just needed someone to calm him down and I was awake.” Changjo seems practically bashful with his answer but Chunji smiles at the taller boy.

“Thank you for helping him.” He sounds so genuinely grateful it forces Changjo to smile back with a nod.

“You didn't sleep last night, did you?” Ricky whispers, drawling
everyone's attention to the shy words.

“Not really, no.” Changjo answers, nonchalantly but Ricky pouts childishly.

“Again?” Ricky shakes his head in disappointment, making Chunji perk up.

“He can sleep tonight Ricky. For now, let’s eat.”

Changjo, Chunji and I decided to eat outside and watch the sun rise. We were eating in peace until I couldn’t resist asking about what Changjo saw last night.

“So what happened?” I asked quietly munching on the last bits of my food.

“Something happened?” Chunji asked giving Changjo a not so friendly look. Changjo looked over at me and sighed in irritation. I gave him an apologetic look.

“Ricky almost died in his sleep last night.” Changjo whisper and closed his eyes like he was praying Chunji wouldn’t throw a fit. Chunji’s jaw dropped and he looked behind him where L Joe, Niel, and Ricky were still eating and chatting. He then abruptly turned back around and hit Changjo hard against the back of the head. It had to have hurt like hell because Changjo’s whole body went forward as he cradled his injured head and let out an agonizing hiss.

“ Chunji!” He groaned.

“Ouch.” Was all I could manage to say.

“What do you mean? Explain.” Chunji insist, not at all sorry for hitting Changjo.

“He was having a nightmare but somehow it was real. Like his body was reliving the past and apparently his past wanted him dead. His eyes were open and he was clawing at his neck, breathing raggedly like he was being choked by some unseen figure. I couldn’t even tough him without him freaking out and then-then he stopped breathing.” He paused and looked Chunji in the eyes to show he wasn’t exaggerating. “If I hadn’t given him CPR he would have died, I suppose.” He finished, trying in the end not to be a hero. Chunji drop jawed, while I just stared at him, absorbing the information.

“Why didn’t you wake us up?” The distressed redhead finally whispered after a few minutes of awkward silence.

“What good would that have done? At least if had he had died at least no one else would have to see him die. That’s not something I’d wish on anyone.” He mumbled and shrank into himself, probably wanting to change the topic.

“It was a night terror.” I concluded after hearing a more detailed account of what happened.

“A what?” Chunji asked turning to face me.

“A night terror. I’ve never seen one but I heard about them enough, when I was in the army, to recognize one. I got reports about soldiers having them. It seemed to appear most in the injured soldiers. Screaming in the middle of the night, clutching an apparently injured limb, only to be checked and nothing be hurt. It seems their memories manifest themselves so strongly the body reacts as if it’s really happening.” I explained, earning strange stares from the other two. I scratched the back of my neck, hating when I got into ‘Professor Mode’ as Niel likes to call it. Chunji finally opened his mouth to speak but was irrupted when L Joe opened the door.

“Okay, it’s about that time.” He called out. It took us a few minutes to get everything together and we headed out.

Wandering was something we all did best. Staying quiet and hidden was the only
way for a group as big as ourselves to travel. Chunji was also starting walk again, much to our surprise, but we didn’t fight when he would ask to get down and walk until he got tired.We had been out all day at this point, with little having changed; we kept forward to find shelter. It wasn't quite near sunset yet, so when we stumbled out of tress and into a city we were less cautious than usual. Our guns were still drawn and eyes peeled but Niel especially seemed too distracted, relaxed almost.

“Home.” My eyes snap to Niel's, who is rarely one to speak when not

“Daniel.” I whisper, trying to remind him of our situation. He looks to me and just barely smiles.

“This is my home.” He whispers back, making us all stop in our tracks. “I grew up here.” He mumbles, touching a worn down wall to his left. “It's changed a lot.” He sounds somewhat sad when he speaks this time and I step in behind him, careful when I rest my hand on his

“It's not home anymore, Niel.” I attempt to sound kind and apologetic but Niel isn't dumb and he knows the dangers that have overcome the town from his childhood, he just needed someone to say it.

“Can I look around?” He mumbles and I give him a reproachful look. “Only for a minute, we of course should stay on guard. I just want to remember.” He hums and I stare for too long at the endearing stare he offers down the street.

“Only a quick look.” I succumb and he grins, wandering off ahead of us but I stick close behind him, ignoring the still evident pain in my leg, to keep him safe.

It was a short walk, considering the size of the city but he had apparently made a B-line for his old street with some sort of hope in mind because when we stopped in front of a house the look in his eyes faded and he stepped back toward us, as if ready to forget ever coming here. I scanned over the house. It was fine everything was still intact except for the door. If was open and falling off, and we all knew what that meant.

“Nobody is here. Not a soul.” Niel said allowed but it was so quiet we mostly ignored it. “Do you think they're gone?” He turns to me suddenly and I freeze under his stare.

“You mean your family?” I mumble and he just continues to stare, not even a nod in answer. “I have no clue Niel. They could be long gone, across the country, or even farther.There's still hope but for now-” He nods suddenly and lifts his gun to step in front of the rest of us.

“Then let's move on, nothing more to see here.” I was uncomfortable seeing him like this. He wasn't a horribly emotional person but he was never so unaffected. I could see the layers he's trying to build and it only sets him apart from the rest of us. I step closer to the stiff boy and offer a reassuring smile. I want to stretch out my arms and let him cry or scream until he feels like himself again but he only nods at me and continue through the streets.

We didn't see much in the town. No ammo, or guns, or people for that matter. Granted most living humans have not taken shelter in Niel's home town but it was so deserted that it made me want to run.

We ended up on the street Niel childhood home resided on, once again, our way out the neighborhood. Something felt off. I kept my guard up and constant eyes on Niel who seemed to be drifting closer to his house the closer we got to it. I walked faster than my body really wanted to go and got as close as I could to Niel and placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked back at me and I knew that look. I sighed begrudging and moved my hand.

I looked back at Changjo who instantly knew what I wanted and went on guard. I looked back at Niel who was at the front door by now pushing it open. I really hope he finds something positive so he’ll go back to being himself.

Niel's screams break me out of my thoughts and I go alert at the horrible sound. Niel is racing forward in the next second and I stare horrified at the situation we're now in. Since when is Niel so careless? We may be alone but with a bloody scream like that, we won't be for long. I watch the others race after Niel before falling in line and following to see Niel on his knees in front of the bodies of two young men.

They weren't familiar to me, but to Niel it meant something, to him this was heartbreaking. You could see the guns in both of the boy's hands and messy bullet wounds to the head. Suicide. Most definitely suicide. I scanned their bodies and saw the gory bite wounds on them both. This must have been why they killed themselves. They didn’t want to be soul less walking coupes. Niel’s reaction scared me the most. He became eerily silent, while the others stared in concern, also apparently seeing a suicide scene for the first time by the looks of it.

Chunji was hiding his face in L Joe's shoulder, holding onto tears. While Ricky stares blank faced, just barely cringing at the bloody scene but Changjo keeps a heavy hand on the absent boy, effectively grounding his surely rampant thoughts.

The suicide was recent apparently. The blood was just barely dry and the corpses were not chewed to scraps by undead. I sit beside my friend and lean him against me. He relaxes in my hold mumbling 'brothers' and 'why'. I grasp the situation quickly and lift his face.

“Your family?” I whisper and a termer racked the brunette as I voiced my question, making my grind my teeth in detest. Damn it Niel you just had to look! “You know they're okay now right? They didn't lose their souls or take any for themselves. They're safe now.” I hope to comfort the boy, who continues to stare absently at his brother bloody faces. I didn’t like his reaction one bit. He’s never one to hold thing in. if he was angry he’d rant it out and if he was sad he’d cry it out of his system. It was just his way but this this scares me.

Ricky's gasp breaks the quiet mourning and Changjo lifts his gun on instinct. We turn to find another two corpses at the corner. These bodies, however, were watching us. The dead eyes focused on us, almost curious and I growl in hatred. They didn't move. They stood there for a long minute before Niel comes to my side as he looks down the street with the rest of us.

“No” Is all the escapes his lips as he takes a step forward, making me grip his wrist anxiously. “Mom? Dad?” I let the air rush from my body as I pull Niel into a backwards hug, refusing to let him near those things. L Joe is too pale suddenly and Changjo exchanges a look with the sickly looking boy, before glancing at Niel.

“We have to leave. Just leave them Niel, leave all of it.” Changjo is the first to warn as L Joe finds his voice while Chunji grips his arm too harshly.

“He's right, let's go while we still can.” L Joe snarled, keeping his gun cocked along with Changjo who are ready to stop the monsters if the near the shocked Niel. I don't let Niel answer as I drag him away but it becomes too difficult for me and Changjo forces the broken boy along the road while L Joe covers us during our retreat. I notice immediately that the blank faced bodies are hardly trying to catch up and stop at the sight of Niel's brothers and I turn away from the scene, watching Niel's wide eyed expression go straight and a whimper escapes him before he goes completely silent.


Dear Lord this chapter took so long...

I'm sorry. Anyways, we got a little deeper, huh? Niel's got some drama. Whatcha thinking? Hehe Comment and subscribe okay, hopefully I update quickly. (; KCon is this weekend and I'm hoping for some ChunJoe feels to encourage my writing. I've asked this maybe . Million and one times but I'll give it one more shot for my Hunted subbie. Anyone going?? Hit me up! I'll be like AYO WAZZZZUP. Hahah Anyways my Dots, see you soon!~

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choi_syra #1
Chapter 22: -please update if possible-

gomawo ^^
Chapter 22: update soon~~~
I'm loving this so much so far ;;^;; my chunjoe and changrick are spot on and I'm not saying this because I'm baised (okmaymbealittle) but NAP exceeded my expectations (I really love Niel hahaha bias of course) I think the way Ricky was portrayed was so cool, him having 2 faces like woah and Changjo, just how old is he here xD? i really feel like ricky's 15 and changjo's 25 or something xD This story is really really great, not many Teen Top stories are this awesome lol so I really hope you still have motivation to continue writing (prettyplease) and will be able to update soon, fighting!!!♥
fantasylovemusic #4
I need my changrick closure, update soon please!
Chapter 22: I hope there is an update soon! :)
Chapter 22: So what your name? And kaseyslove plz tell me her name I will add both of you as a friend (add strangers)
Chapter 21: this is call ( lol hahahah) and plz reply to me
Chapter 20: Every thing was so sad then My Himchannie cheer me up and Niels mother and father Is a zombie now?
Chapter 19: I am so happy Changrick is geting together
Chapter 18: I almost thought Chunji was gonna die.