Out With the Old and In With the New.


(n.) a look shared by two people, each wishing that the other would initiate something they both desire but which neither wants to begin.


"Let's see, when you like someone you are more selfish, everything about them is picture perfect you don't see anything bad about that person, cause you don't want to see it. When you like someone you are really just catering to your ego and the attention. You are sort of blind, I’m not saying you can’t be blinded by love cause you can but when you like someone you are blind to reality and it’s just the feeling of having them their you like not them as a whole. But when you love someone, I don't it's different you meet someone and it's like "BAM! there you are and I'm whole again." the best way I can describe it is the way the Greeks did they said that we are born with 4 arms, 4 legs and 2 heads. But Zeus was afraid of the power that we would have so he split them into two parts, so they have to look for each other for the rest of their lives. So I guess what I'm trying to say when you love someone you know it, no horoscope, no cards, no silly percentage game is going to tell you if you are meant to be with someone you just know. That person brings out your best and your worst and you do the same. Why are you in looove?" she ran her hand through my hair.


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Chapter 12: continue... but then the final decision is yours
Sovietkaya #2
Pls update..I beg you:-)
Kittenkat #3
Chapter 11: Update soon! I love this story :3
Chapter 11: Can't wait for the next update

Maybe L.joe likes her too
Chapter 10: Chunji stop teasing her.
I can't wait for update :D
cesichunji #6
Chapter 10: omg i love this story pleaseee update fast!!!
Chapter 7: That lovely lovely jerk...haha
Chapter 10: Can't control my feels! Please update soon!
missycherie #9
Chapter 8: love this! please update soon <3