A heart could tell

.:: T A K E N ::.
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"He's losing a lot of blood ..."

"What's wrong with his neck? this cut is really deep..."

Donghae opened his eyes, only to see a blinding light above his head. His breathing was short and irregular. His head felt heavy and sleepy. Voices were overlapping, making him confused. Why were these people with mask on their face were gather around him, obviously talking about him, doing things to him.

"What happened? Where am I?" Donghae thought, but the smell of disinfectant giving him idea of where he was. "Hyukjae.. where's Hyukjae? Why my head hurts so much .. God please make the pain go away.."

"Doctor, he's awake.."

Donghae tried to get up but he was too weak to even move his body. His head started to spin and his vision became blurred out. He was in and out of consciousness but he fought to stay awake. He wanted to see Hyukjae but he couldn't find him everywhere. Panic overcome him.

"Calm down." A soothing voice was heard. Donghae couldn't see his face because of the mask. But he couldn't calm down now. Not after he remembered what happen. Hyukjae must have felt guilty for hurting him. He could remember clearly how Hyukjae was blame himself. The thought that Hyukjae might leave him again scare him off even more.

"I wanna see Hyukjae... I want Hyukjae..I wanna find Hyukjae..."

"Donghae please.." The man said, removing the mask from his face. "Don't move so much. You're losing blood.."

"Siwon.." Donghae breathed out the name soon as the saw the man. Somehow he was relieved that Siwon was there. Donghae grabbed his hand and not letting go.

"Hyuk..hyukjae.." He mumbled incoherently. His eyes started to roll back and his gripped was loosen.

"He's outside. He brought you here. Calm down, ok. I will take care of you."

"Doctor, blood pressure is dropping!" A nurse warned him and Siwon nodded.

"For you and Hyukjae's sake, you better survive." Siwon mumbled to himself before shouting to his team what to do.

Right outside the ER, Hyukjae frozen as he watched every men and women inside trying to save Donghae. He felt dying inside. The guilt eating him alive.



Beeping sound ...

That's all Donghae could hear. He tried to move his body but no avail. He tried to open his eyes but they were so heavy. All he could hear was the beeping sound and it was getting more and more stronger with each passing seconds.

Donghae inhaled deeply through the oxygen mask around his nose and mouth and he was relieved that the dizziness he felt was gradually subsiding and he found a little strength to open up his eyes.


Donghae scanned his surrounding to find the voice. He recognized the voice.

"Donghae you're awake, Thank God."

"M-ming.." Donghae breathed out the name soon as he saw the man who was standing beside his bed. He wasn't the one he expected, but he was glad that Sungmin was there. "

"It's ok. Don't force yourself. You can go back to sleep. Everything is alright. You're safe now."

"H-hyuk.. hyukjae..."

"Ssshh.. go back to sleep, Hae." Sungmin said, brushing Donghae's hair with his fingers carefully. His heart sank seeing the younger all pale and weak. "Don't try to fight it. You need to rest. I'll be here. Don't worry about anything. You're gonna be alright."

Sungmin was relieved when Donghae was no longer struggling to stay awake and drove back to sleep. His eyes darted at the bandages around Donghae's neck and wondered if the story he heard from the nurse earlier was true. She told him that Donghae slipped and fell down upon broken glass and cut his neck. She also told him that Donghae was drunk. Sungmin couldn't help but shed tears when he first saw him, all pale and weak.

He wasn't like that at all when he last saw him back at the office. He was all happy and and very much alive. He knew Donghae had a date that night from some of his employee and sungmin was thrilled to hear it. It means Donghae had moved on. Finally he no longer searching for Hyukjae. But maybe he hadn't really over Hyukjae, because Sungmin witnessed that Donghae kept on chanting his name over and over out of consciousness.

Sungmin couldn't help but wonder even more what was really happening. The nurse also told him that a man brought Donghae in that night. The nurse described him as a very handsome but mysterious man. They didn't get a chance to question him because that man suddenly gone soon after Donghae was rushed to the ER.

"Maybe he was Donghae's date." Sungmin thought. "But where is he now? shouldn't he be here with Donghae?"

But as much as Sungmin wanna know why he wasn't there at that moment, he was glad that that man took him to the hospital on time. Donghae was alright. That was all that matter. Letting go a big sigh, Sungmin walked out of the ward find his way to the nurse station. He notified the nurse that Donghae had awake and that he needed to go home to get some of Donghae's clothes. It looked like Donghae would stay at the hospital for couple of days at least, that was what the Doctor said.

Soon as Sungmin left, another person enter Donghae's ward. It was Hyukjae. He didn't really leave. He just had to stay away and unseen to avoid questions that might asked. He moved carefully approaching Donghae's bed. His handsome face looked sad and tired. Carefully he touched Donghae's face, brushing his thumb on the pale cheek. Donghae winced at the sudden contact but did not awake. 

"I'm so sorry, Hae." He whispered. "You have the right to hate me now."

Then carefully he leaned down and kissed Donghae's forehead. His thoughts were messed up. He just stood there staring at Donghae's peaceful face for a few moment. His hand trembled as he took Donghae's hand and held it.

"You're here." a voice was heard and Hyukjae knew who were coming.

Siwon went to check on Donghae's vital sign for a moment. Leaving Hyukjae standing clueless. "Good thing you brought him here on time. He's alright now."

Hyukjae didn't say anything. His eyes were locked at the floor between his feet.

"What happened?"

"I don't know." Hyukjae answered. "I lost control. I was about to leave but he asked me to stay. We were making love and next thing I know I was .... "

Hyukjae closed his eyes and trying hard to get rid of the memory. That horrible memory when he had Donghae's blood.

"Important thing is he's alright now." Siwon said. "And I do hope now you understand what you're doing. I'm not blaming you. I know how hard it is to resist when the thirst came."

"What should I do? I was thinking that maybe... maybe I should leave him. Maybe I should wipe all of his memory about me, make him forget everything so he can move on. Out of danger. Away from danger. Away from me."

"I know it's an option. A very easy one." Siwon said. "But it was a coward thing to do."

"I don't know what else to think, Siwon." Hyukjae looked at the Doctor with teary eyes. "I'm such a mess. I was suppose to protect him, not hurting him like this."

"There's always other option." Siwon said, tapping his shoulder lightly. "You should start thinking about that. Just give it a time. I'm sure you will know what's best for both of you. But I do hope leaving him is not part of it. After all he had done, after all the waiting and suffering, I don't think he deserved to be abandoned. It's just too cruel."

"So making him a monster is better for him?"

"Do you see me as a monster?"

Hyukjae gave him an apologetic look. "You're different, Siwon. You're wise and you no longer crave for human blood. You know how young vampire would do. And I don't think..."

Hyukjae's gaze turned to Donghae and and he let go a faint sigh before continued. "He's so innocent and pure and I can't imagine him turning into a blood thirst monster like me."

"But we can always teach him." Siwon said. "But just give it a thought, ok? after all you were that close to make him your mate. What happened tonight was the first step."

"What? what do you mean?"

Siwon gave him a toothless smile. "All I'm going to say is that... to make him your mate, you have to give back what you took from him."

Hyukjae frowned. "You mean I have to give him my blood?"

"It's all it takes." Siwon said. "You took his, he's part of you. If he took yours, you're part of him. It will seal the bond between you two."

"What? but Siwon, he'll be disgusted..."

"Lee Hyukjae.. "Siwon shook his head in disbelief. "After all what happened to him, after all he's been through, you still skeptical about love? You'll be surprised of what love can do."

With that being said, Siwon walked out the ward, leaving Hyukjae with his own thoughts.



A ray of sunlight fell upon Donghae's face. It was warm and nice. Slowly he opened up his eyes. He was no longer feel the excruciating headache like before. He blinked few times to adjust his sight and soon he realized he was in some hospital ward. The IV on his left hand confirmed it. And then he remembered what had happen last night.

He inhaled the oxygen through the mask before taking it off. His eyes scanned the room and disappointed a bit as he didn't find anyone. He was hoping that he would find Hyukjae. But Hyukjae left before dawn while he was still sleeping.

"You're awake." a familiar voice was heard. "Good morning, Donghae. How do you feel?"

"Siwon.." Donghae smiled at the doctor. "Awful, but fine. Where is Hyukjae? Did you see you him? where is he?"

"Too many questions." Siwon smiled back. "I'm here to check you up, so let's begin shall we."

Donghae just stay still while Siwon examined him. Checking his vital signs, the IV drip and the wound on his neck.

"I'm thirsty." Donghae uttered and Siwon helped him up before giving him a glass of water.

"Why are you staring at the water?" Siwon asked. "Drink slowly."

Donghae took the glass and take a sip. Nothing out of the ordinary. He could taste the plain water just fine. Suddenly Siwon laughed.

"No, Donghae. You're still human." He said, making Donghae frowned and feeling shy at the same time knowing that Siwon had read his mind.

He was indeed thinking that he was thirst over something else. He was thinking that after Hyukjae bit hi

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Chapter 33: La relire pour le plaisir !
Chapter 33: Such a beautiful story. Thanks for writing!!
Chapter 33: I am still rereading it today and one of my favorite fanfics that I adore to madness, that I have lost count of how many times I have read it :)
Chapter 33: Je viens de finir cette fic et elle est magnifique, elle est bien construite et très originale. Merci beaucoup de l'avoir partagé avec nous 💙❤️
I came back just to read this iconic fic one more time 😩❤️
Chapter 33: the best fanfic ever 😭🤧. thank you for make this ff exist
Chapter 33: really love how even though hyukjae’s obviously quite horrible after he turned to a vampire he was still able to change thanks to hae. this made me feel a variety of emotions and made me constantly hope hyukjae and donghae were able to finally receive a happy ending. just really love this overall it’s really well written!! thank you for writing this!!
1455 streak #8
Chapter 33: Aww finally done reading! This is by far one of the best stories I have ever read! I’m not really into mystery and supernatural genre but this one is an exception! This is just sooooo good! I’ got hooked with the story. The plot is amazing! I have such a great time reading this! This deserves an upvote! :))
1455 streak #9
a friend recommended this old but gold fic of yours! i’m kn chapter three and i’m hooked! :)) this is sooooo good!!