Baking Love with a Mixture of Concrete, Marble and Wood

Romantic Street: A Detour To Destiny
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Tiffany POV

"Sunkyu." I called. I tried to remove his grip on my wrist. He was dragging me out of Hwaseng Activity Grounds and to its parking lot.

When we found my car, his grip on my wrist loosened. He then just stood with his head lowered. I went closer to him. Tears started to fall from his eyes. He started to sob hard. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him to me. He buried his face on my chest and he cried even harder. I caressed the back of his head and kissed his forehead. Tears have now escaped from my eyes too.

"I hate myself..." he uttered, still sobbing. "I hate myself so much..." He then looked at me. "To think I even favored him more than you? I hate myself. I ing hate myself so much."

I cupped his face with my hands. "Don't be like this, Kyu."

He lowered his head again. Then, he continued, "And to think I hated you so much for the whole four years. I even hurt you too. I'm so stupid. I'm too much foolish, too idiotic..."


"Did he know...?"


He then cried uncontrollably. I wrapped my arms around him again. I continued to caress his hair the long while he shed tears.





After few moments, Yoong came. I pulled away and cupped my son's face again. "Shall we go home?" I asked and he nodded lightly. He then walked to the other side of the car and sat next to the driver's seat.

Yoong went closer to me. "Hey." he snapped.

"Hey." I uttered back.

"I'll leave you two alone for the ride, okay? I'll be taking his classmates home too."


He pulled me for a hug then kissed my lips. Afterwards, he opened the door on the driver side and took a peek over Sunkyu. Then, he redirected back to me.  We then conversed in a whisper. "He'll be okay." he said.

I sighed, "I hope so."

"Well, at least, it's one problem down, right?"

I smiled faintly, "Yeah..."

"See you later."

"See you."




"I'm sorry if I didn't tell you sooner, Sunkyu." I uttered. We're currently halfway on our travel to reach home. "I didn't really mean to hide it from you. It's just that..." I then uttered softly, "I don't know how to tell you..."

"It's okay, umma..."



"Are you hungry? do you wanna go grab something to eat first before going home?"


"Oh. Okay... Just tell me if you want to go somewhere..."





"What did he say? Why did he fake his death?"


"Is the reason why you wanted me to take your surname is because of what he did?"


"Well... You don't have to beg me for it. Even if you didn't request for it, I will ask for your permission to change my surname officially too... I can never bear to carry his surname. I'd rather be nameless than be branded as related to him."



"He's still your father."

"I don't care..."

"Shouldn't you feel a little happy that he's alive?"

"Are you happy that he's alive?"

"I... I don't know..."

"I'd be happier if he just died for real instead."

"What if your father has a reason why he faked his death, then?"

"What's his reason, then? Did he tell you about it?"


"Come on. You can just tell it to me straight."


"You can be honest with me."

I sighed and answered, "All he said is that he didn't want me anymore in his life..."

He scoffed, "That's it? That's not even a valid reason to drive us all in vain."

"Well... Yes... He didn't make any sense. So, I got really, really mad and... felt stupid afterwards..." I smiled faintly. "I wasted bucketful of tears for him. My tears are that precious, you know."

"You should have told him everything and see what's his reaction will be. I bet he'll be eaten by his guilt forever."

"It was my fault, Kyu. Not his."

"It was his! You wouldn't become so depressed back then if it wasn't because of him!"

"Because I was weak. I couldn't stand up on my own."


"It was me."


"Please, let's just stop talking about it..."



He asked, "So, why did he come back now then?"

I sighed again, "Well, all he said was it's all nothing but pure business. He wanted to expand his business to the Korean market. That's why he decided to collaborate with our company to enter the market swiftly and smoothly."

He scoffed again as he gazed through the windshield, "And he didn't even apologize for the pain he caused you? Us?"

"Oh. He has an answer for that. He said he didn't ask me to mourn for him. He did say lots of hateful things against me actually."

"Aissshhh... What an ..."

"Yah, Sunkyu. Didn't we already talk about you using bad words and swearing, huh?"

He sighed, "I'm sorry, umma. I just couldn't help it. I felt too mad at him. Still, I am now too. I promise this will be the last time."

"Good. 'Cause, you see, he even used that to point out as a bad thing against me."

"No one cares about his opinion."

"Still, using bad words isn't a good thing."

He sighed again, "Okay, umma..."




After few minutes, we finally arrived back at the manor. As we entered, we found mom and dad conversing in the first floor's living room. We happened to successfully catch both of their attention. "Good, both of you are finally back." Dad snapped. "We've been waiting for you two. You see, we found a flight sale to Paris just now and we'll fly by tonight. Wanna come with us?"

"I can't, dad. I'm already in the middle of contract execution with SKY."

As we gotten closer to them, they finally noticed the unusual mood the two of us are having. "Now, what's wrong?" Mom asked. "Especially you, Kyu. Did something happen at the PTA meeting?"

I answered for him, "He finally found out about his father. They even met earlier."

The both of them looked at him in horror. It was as if they have gotten mute. Kyu then snapped at Dad, "You should have made sure he was dead for real, halapoji."

"What?!" Dad shouted in disbelief. "You said exactly the same thing as your mother right here!" He pointed at me. Then, he glared at me, "Don't tell me you fed him such false information, huh?!"

"Dad. Whether you or not, we know you once planned for his death. Now, we just wished for you to do it correctly and successfully, of course."

"What the actual fu--- So, what do you want me to do then, huh?! Kill him now?!"

"Yes." Sunkyu blatantly answered.

"Sunkyu." Mom called in authoritative tone. "I know you're mad at your father but that does not mean you have the right to think or wish for such thing." She looked at me. "And even you, Stephanie. You don't have to stoop down low like that. Even if he hurt you a lot, you should just---"

"Just what, halmunee?" Sunkyu snapped, cutting her out. "So, you expect umma to just forgive him even without him asking for forgiveness at all?"

Mom sighed, "Yes."

Sunkyu chuckled as if ridiculed, "You've got to be kidding me. Halmunee, all of us here witnessed how much umma suffered. Now, you expect her to just let it go?"

She looked away with obvious sadness on her face. "I know how it feels to hold grudge, to grow hatred for forever. Believe me, I've been living with such frame of mind for almost my whole life and it never brought me at least a good thing in my life..." she responded. Dad then looked saddened. He lowered his head. Mom continued, "Look. Let's just let the heaven deal with what that guy did on you two. Just let it go. Forget about him."

"Yes." Dad seconded. "Think of your future instead. Stephanie. You're about to get married to Yoong. Just focus on that. And you, Kyu, focus on your studies and perhaps, prepare for your ultimate vengeance. Expand HGC when you take over and crush your father's company into dust afterwards."

"Yah, Jaejoong! How could you teach him such thing?!" Mom complained which got me and my son chuckled.

Dad then rebutted, "What? I'm just giving him an advice. Redirect his focus. I did say he should stop grudging, okay."

"And what do you call that then, huh?!"


I butted, "That's still grudging, dad."

"It's not. It's a form of inspiration."

Sunkyu chuckled as he snapped in, "Right, halapoji. Perhaps, that's the best thing to do."

"See?" Dad snapped to mom as he looked at her mischievously. Mom just rolled her eyes. He then redirected back the topic, "So? You guys wanna come with us to Paris?"

"I just said no?" I uttered.

He looked at my son. "How about you?"

"If umma's not coming then I won't either."

"Hey, it's a great thing to forget about your anger against your father."

"It's a freaking romantic place, halapoji. Do you really want me as your chaperon there? You could be spending a very romantic evening with halmunee there. Isn't that what you want?"

Dad suddenly blushed. He then quickly responded, "Paris isn't just a romantic place, okay! It's suitable for teenagers like you too!"

I then teased, "Oh. Now, I see it. Are you pressured that you'll be alone with mom there, dad? Because it's a romantic, cheeeeeesssyyyy, sweeeeeeet place???"

"Shut up!" He stood up. "All I just asked is if you two wanted to come along and now you two are accusing me of something ridiculous?!" He then rushed out to head for the dining. "I'm hungry. I'm going to eat early!" He even slammed the door loudly too.

Mom then chuckled, "Don't mind him."

"Why is he acting weird?" I asked.

"When he was still courting me way back in college, he always tells me that he wants to take me to Paris. So, I think it's his ideal dating place."

"And the reason he wanted us to come along is???"

She chuckled, "Because I about it and he felt uneasy with us being alone there." She then stood up. "Anyway. I'll be preparing food for tonight's dinner. Do you guys have a dish in mind?"

"Anything for me." I responded.

"Fried chicken." Kyu answered. "Buckets of fried chicken."

She messed his hair. "Alright my baby Kyu~"

"Yah! Stop messing my hair!" He swatted her hand away. Mom then excused herself and left.

I looked at my son. "Sunkyu."

He looked at me. "Yeah?"

"Are you gonna be okay?"

He smiled at me, "Of course." He looked away. "Halmunee's right. There's no need to focus on just hating and grudging. I'd rather not waste my energy on that. Like halapoji said, I should just focus on crushing appa's company in the future."

"You are aware enough his assets will go to you someday too, right?"

"Pfft. As if I will accept anything that comes from him. I'd rather be penniless."

I sighed, "Alright. If that's what you want then, I support you." I placed my hand on his head. "Just tell me if you want to talk, okay? You can share me anything."

He looked back to me. "Sure. You should return the same too. If you want to talk to me, then, don't hesitate."

"Alrighty." I pulled him to me and hugged him tightly. "I love you, sweetie."

"I love you too, umma." He then looked at me straight and intently. "Just you."

We both chuckled. I responded, "Good boy."




It's the 30th of November, Wednesday. Another meeting was set between my company and SKY. This time, the venue's no longer in my office. Instead, it's in the main office of SKY. I am being accompanied by my secretary Hyomin along with my other three executives each from HS Shopping Mall, Diamond Bus Line and Diamond Seoul Taxi Company.

As we arrived at the reception hall of the building, I noticed someone familiar who was apparently heading out from the elevator hall. "Mister Delivery Man!" I shouted to call his attention.

He returned a horrified look on me. Then, he tried to turn around and head back for the elevator. I shouted again as I rushed towards him, "Hey, wait!"

He stopped and was like frozen for a moment. Afterwards, he turned to face me and smiled awkwardly. "Hello there, Miss Stephanie."

"Why are you here in SKY office? Do you have a parcel to deliver here or something?"

"Uhh-- y-yeah, yes."

"Hmmm. I see. Why are you in a suit and not in your usual delivery service uniform then?"

He sighed loudly as he closed his eyes. He then gazed back at me. "Alright. You got me. I've been applying for a job and this company is open for hiring. It's sort of a mass hiring event so there's a higher possibility for me to land a job here."

"Ahh. I see. If you wanted a job, you should have asked me. I can sure offer you one."

"No, it's okay, Miss Stephanie. I've been bugging you every month. That's already enough of a favor."

I chuckled, "Right. Oh, why didn't you deliver flowers yesterday, by the way? It was the 29th yesterday."

"Err-- uhhmm... for some reason, the client decided to finally put a stop on sending you flowers. I think I sort of convinced him successfully to put a stop on his attempt to uhhmm, you know, hit on you. I really did think he was hitting on you. But, it was just an assumption of mine."

"I see... Well, thank you very much for convincing him. At least, I have one less problem to deal with my fiancé."

"You're welcome, Miss Stephanie. Anyway, I'll be going now. It's nice to see you, ma'am."

"Alright. Take care. Hope to see you again."

He smiled widely. "Yup. I hope so too." He then bowed to me and afterwards left the area.

After he was completely gone from our sight, Hyomin snapped at me, "You're aware enough he's wearing an ID from SKY, right?"

I smirked, "Yup."

"Hmmm. Your secret admirer's probably from SKY then."

"Well, who knows? Hopefully, he wasn't, though. I'd rather not have a secret admirer working in such company. The ethics, Hyomin, the culture. That mystery guy might have acquired such from the owner of this company."

She giggled, "Right."




We arrived at the office of the executive at the 24th floor. The atmosphere in their office seemed to be different from what I expected, though. It has a very professional feeling yet, with a touch of life balance. Oh well... I guess I've been too judgmental.

Jessica and the Zombie were there in the hallway conversing over something while sweetly into each other's arms. Wow. talking about professionalism at the workplace, huh? Well, you cannot say the same for me. I always ensure that I don't exercise PDA in my office when I am with Yoong.

The two finally noticed our presence. We went near them. "Good day." I greeted. I looked at Jessica. "Hi, bestie."

"Hello, Tiff. What's up?" she responded.

"Good. You came just in time." the Zombie snapped. "Shall we?"

"You go ahead." I looked at my personnel. "The four of you may go first. I just wanted to have some chat with my best friend here." They all nodded and bowed. Afterwards, the Zombie led them to the conference room at the end of the hallway.

I redirected to my best f

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Just to let you know, I have plans on finishing this fic. Stay tuned. 🤣


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Akejxn #1
it’s been 2 years authornim 🥹
Chapter 356: Always waiting for your story😁
Chapter 356: Oh my Yoonsic heart 💔, but still I'm proud with Yoong "you'll never be happy if someone you love unhappy 😭". I hope she find new girl who loves him entirely...
Chapter 356: Somehow expecting the end game for yoontaengsic triangle and yet here I am crying my eyes out
FoodSoo #6
Chapter 356: I knew it... even so, I still hope for a better maybe love life for Yoong. I think he deserves that :) thank you author-nim!
jonghyun_bling #7
Chapter 356: Finally my taengsic 🥺 as much as I love yoonsic, tae and sica's love story still gives me a different impact. I hope whatever yoong's decision, he'll be happy with whatever he chose. Thank you for this author-nim!
Chapter 355: Aaand yup! Another cliff hanger. Seriously?! You are really good at making me curious author. Arghhhh! I cant wait for the next chapter. I will be waiting. Sending lots of love for inspiration in case you need one. ˃ᴗ˂ ㅋㅋㅋ

Ps. Dont mind my username. Im fine with whoever Jessica end up with. ^ ‿^
Baechu29 #9
Chapter 355: It's good to have you back author! Really hope you are doing well. Been re-reading this for the nth time already and yet i'm still completely hooked with your story. So happy your finally back! I'll definitely stay tuned for more updates! 😁