Would Someone Like You Love Me?




Mia Chloe Smith 

Real name (Victoria Perry)



Abigail Madision Johnson



Leah Zoey Smith



Naomi Allison Perry



Henry Eli Smith



Mason Ethan Williams




Liam Ryan Collins


Daniel Joshua Smith







Charles Smith (Ian Gray)



Sophia Smith



Molly Perry



Aiden Perry





I'm Mia Chloe Smith, 16 years old...




Living in big house ...




My parents was died 10 years ago...




They were killed in front of me...




I was been adopt of the leader of a mafia in japan...




The very scary person in the world...




He treated me like his daughter and he made me into mafia...




He trusts, love and honor me in front of everyone...




But he doesn't know, a little by little I plan to killed him...




I don't want that my parents was killed without any fault...




They was treated like animal in front of me...




I need to revenge...









"I will not eat my words, until I didn't do it."











Hey! Comment and Vote my stories :DDDD

Loveya :*






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