Episode 03 "Stuck with me."

Chanyeol the Little Charmander
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episode 03

"Stuck with me."  

Chen huffed and kicked the ground. Out of the 11 Pokemon that both Key and Minho had, he was the one chosen to look after the tiny Pichu.

"You two should become friends!" they said. "You'll get along great with each other!" they said. But instead of the amazing relationship that was promised, Chen was stuck with a moody child.

Minho and Key both left with the other Pokemon to do some "errands" and since Baekhyun was in a bad mood, he was left behind. And with that, the two electric Pokemon were left with each other while guarding camp (which was more like a couple of sleeping bags surrounding a pile of burnt wood). 

Chen saw the way Baekhyun was kicking the river water around, to the point where it had almost gotten the Pikachu wet. "Hey! Stop that, you're getting me from all the way over here!" he said stomping over to the smaller one.

"Leave me alone." Chen frowned and walked closer, preparing himself to give Baekhyun a piece of his mind. He heard Baekhyun mummble which stopped him in his tracks. "Stupid Kris taking Channie away...." 

That familiar, mischevious smile that wasn't foriegn to Chen's face made it's appearance. Maybe sticking with this kid won't be so bad. His devilish mind made a plan; in Chen's world, things were starting to look up. "You know," he said plopping his bottom next Baekhyun, "you can get pretty vicous for a little Pokemon."

Baekhyun remained quiet.

"Apparently, Chanyeol is spending too much time with Kris, right?" 

Chen's smile grew when he saw Baekhyun leaning in slightly. "Yeah, so?"

"Well...I know the perfect way to get Chanyeol back. But I need your help." 


Chen chuckled, his plan was starting out smoothly. "First we target Kris, alright Baekkie?"

Baekhyun's eyes grew nearly the size of plates at the sound of his old nickname, or maybe it was just the thought of having Chanyeol back all to himself. "Alright, Chennie!"

Chen nearly barfed at his new nickname, but enduring the cheeiness that oozed off of Baekhyun was going to be all worth it if messing with Kris was in the deal, it had to be. He slung an arm over Baekhyun's shoulder, "Com'n kid, you and I have a lot of planning to do."


* * *


"DON'T STEP ANY CLOSER," Sehun warned the psychic-fighting type Pokemon who just so happened to be walking in his direction. "I'M WARNING YOU...I've been practicing my moooves." 

Tao just stared back at the bird unfazed by his battle stance. Sehun figured he was just shocked at how intimidating he looked. "Excuse me..." he said slipping by.

"Y-yeah...YOU BET

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RIP Jonghyun. You are one of my greatest inspirations. Please may your soul find peace


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Izzawa_94 #1
Chapter 10: This is such a cute and interesting story.. Love it and little chanyeol is so cute.. Hope that you'll continue uploading the next chaps.. Pleaseeeee ☺
Chapter 10: Oh my gosh this fic is so darn cute!!! I love all the Pokemon you chose for exo! Love it! Hope to read more!!!
soshine #3
Chapter 10: Ohhh god...next plis...i love this fanfic...
will you be updating this again? i've been waiting for over 10 months
Chapter 9: NEW SUBBIE!
moon_up #6
Chapter 9: Haha Kris and his drawing are so adorable :))
Can't wait for the next chapter<3
Chapter 9: Ahhhhhhhhhhhaaaa!!! Update /sheds ugly tearss
omfg!! Kris is damn funny here.. i cant help but laugh at the poor charizard >n<
And his drawings.... are good one of a kind I assume ..
Chanyeol you little pirce of cuteness <3
thanks for being the friend of Kris the artist /rolls on the bed
moon_up #8
Chapter 8: New reader here<3
They're so cute!!
Is... Taemin and Jonghyun like some sort of Team Rocket? XD LOL
can't wait for the next update~