Devil Ride

One Ok Rock


I made my way to my seat, on the plane, in complete silence. I was tired and a bit sore from last night’s “activities” with Taka. I let him take the window seat and he was smiling and rocking back and forth in the seat like a little kid. Ryota and Tomoya took the seats in front of us to give us some privacy.

I shot Tomoya a grateful look and he just smiled and nodded at me. I looked around to find the plane half-way full. A woman and her ten year old son ended up taking the seats behind me.

The woman smiled warmly at me and her son just stuck his tongue out at me. I saw a frown form on the mother’s face as she whispered something to her son that I couldn’t make out.

I turned back around in my seat and watched Taka pull out his iPod.

“You want to listen to it with me?” Taka asked me as he held out one of the ear pieces.

“No thanks. I’m just going to take a nap. I’m still a bit sore from last night.” I stated.

Taka just smirked at me and put the other ear piece in his ear.

I was glad to be going back home. Out tour had been extended by an extra two months, and as grateful as I was for that, I just wanted to be able to sleep in my own bed again.

“You going to sleep, man?” Ryota asked as he leaned over the seat.

“Yeah. Didn’t really get much sleep last night.” I said in an embarrassed tone.

“Oh we know.” Tomoya chimed in.

They both started laughing as they turned back around in their seats. Thankfully the loud speakers came on before either of them could say something else.

Hello, this is your captain speaking. Thank you for flying with us. Approximately four hours before we land in Tokyo. Have a nice flight.

Flight attendants walked around the plane asking us if we needed anything. I waited until they were finished before I dozed off.


I awoke to my seat being jarred. I slowly opened my eyes and looked over at Taka. He was leaning against the window sleeping on it. I leaned over to look and Ryota and Tomoya but they were also sleeping.

I felt my seat being jarred again. Surely it couldn’t be from the plane. If the plane was doing it then surely other people would be awake by now as well. Once again my seat was being jarred. This time I became slightly annoyed.

I looked around at the other passengers and found them all doing their own thing. Nobody was paying any attention to me. Finally, I looked behind me to find the kid from earlier smiling up at me.

The kid’s mother wasn’t around and I just decided to turn back around in my seat. Once I turned back around in my seat I felt it being jarred again. I snapped my head around to find the little boy laughing at me.

“Listen here you little brat, you better stop or else I’ll tell your mother.” I said in an irritated voice.

“Ooooh. Telling my mom. I’m sooooo scared.” The boy said in a sarcastic tone.

I felt my anger build up in my body. This kid was asking for it.

I calmed down and decided to ignore him. Maybe he would stop if I didn’t pay him any attention.

I felt a slight jar of my seat and then it stopped. I let out a sigh thinking that the kid had finally given up. Nope. I was wrong. He started violently kicking the back of my seat. My anger flared up again and I was just about to tell the kid off when his mother came back to her seat.

“Excuse me mam. Your son here keeps kicking the back of my seat. I’ve asked him to stop but he won’t listen.” I said, trying to explain to the woman.

She had a horrified look on her face before she spoke, “Oh my goodness! I am so sorry. He always behaves like this on planes. Nico, apologize to this man immediately.”

“I’m sorry, mister. It won’t happen again.” The boy said in an angelic voice.

Nico smiled sweetly at me and I just nodded at the both of them. Maybe now I can get some sleep.

I closed my eyes but I felt a kick to my seat again. A low growl escaped my lips. This child was nothing but pure evil.


I had a ticked off look on my face as Taka opened his eyes and looked at me. He pulled out his ear-buds.

“What’s wrong with you love? Have a bad nap?” Taka asked as he yawned and stretched.

“You don’t know the half of it. This freaking devil behind me kept kicking my seat the whole plane ride.” I snarled.

Taka just laughed at me as we got our luggage and headed off the plane.

Ryota and Tomoya were waiting for us in the hallway. All four of us walked down the hall together when I spotted the Nico kid walking ahead of us.

Nico smiled at me and came walking towards us. he looked up at me and kicked me as hard as he could in my leg.

“That’s for snitching on me you !” Nico yelled out as he walked off to find his mom.

“Oi! Get back here you lil brat!” I yelled after him.

The kid was already long gone and all he left me with was a sharp pain in my leg.

“What was that about? Are you okay, Toru?” Tomoya asked in a concerned voice.

“Ughh..I’m fine. That devil just kept kicking my seat the whole plane ride.” I said as I clutched my leg.

I hobbled down the rest of the way till we got to the baggage claim area. My phone started to go off and I handed it to Taka.

“Answer that for me. Would you.” I said.


“What? Now?!”

“We’re on our way now. Okay. See you soon. Bye!”

Taka was smiling from ear to ear as he handed me my phone.

“What is it?” I mumbled as I looked at my leg.

My leg had a huge red spot on the lower part of it, and I was sure there would be an ugly bruise there by tomorrow morning.

“Yuka went into labor. She’s having her baby right now. We have to get over to the hospital!” Taka beamed.

He started bouncing around all over the place, and I could tell how excited he was.

We all grabbed our bags and walked towards our bus. Well technically I hobbled but still.

“You’re being overly dramatic right now. Just walk it off babe.” Taka said.

“Easy for you to say. You didn’t get kicked by a kid.” I stated.

Truth is, it was easier said than done. I hopped on the bus and stretched out my legs.

A new life was about to begin and I didn’t want to miss a second of it.

                            To Be Continued….

Authors note: Only one chapter left!! Ahh!!!! Thank you to all of you that have read, subscribed, and commented. I really appreciate it so much. Thank you!! 

Here is the link to the sequel:

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Awww~ I like this so much!! <3
It's my first time ever reading OOR fanfiction, I'm so exciteeed >///< I love the ToruKa pairing, and the fluff you write is so cute...
Plus, Dreamer the dog makes it a hundred times better!
Just read till ch. 16 because I really need to go to bed now, but I'll surely keep on reading! :)
KpopWednesdayite #2
Chapter 32: been looking for an OOR story all over the place and i finally found one!! thank you for this and i love it! xD <33333
Chapter 12: toru said to taka: “I was just thinking about how
beautiful you are, and how I’m lucky
to have you in my life.”

me: taka?...beautiful?'s cute...but not beautiful...

Taka and Dreamer are puppies..heheh...
Chapter 15: Yuka definitely is a weird girl. Poor Hiro. But it's a good thing he found out about it so soon. But Rin seems quite nice so far and definitely like a much better person than her sister.
And even Hiro already figured out that Toru and Taka are together xD
Chapter 14: First it was Taka and now Yuka tries it with his brother? Okay. I don't really think she's the right one for Hiro but we'll see how this goes, I guess. And I understand Taka's reaction when the little one gets lost and ends up at some party. Might be a little overprotective but it's an understandable reaction.
Chapter 13: I can only repeat over and over again how cute they are together ♥ And I wasn't surprised that Tomoya and Ryota already noticed the change or that they don't mind them being together.
I like how Taka takes his big-brother job so serious :D But I totally understand he wants to protect his cute little brother~
I haven;t started reading this fanfic yet but thank you for making a One ok rock fanfic! I'm so excited to read it ;D
Chapter 12: Dreamer likes to interrupt sweet moments, huh? I understand that Toru isn't too happy about having the dog between them, especially with such a smell. Not exactly a very romantic first night as a couple xD
Chapter 11: Toru always spacing out and Taka immediately guessed what's going on. The leader is a little obvious xD But Taka's reaction is so cute. I can totally imagine him bouncing through the room like a child. They're simply perfect together ♥
Chapter 10: Toru always manages to end up in weird situations, huh? But at least he didn't have to admit he was stalking Taka xD The last sentence and Toru's though really made me smile. This is so cute. I wish him the best of luck for this thought to turn into reality.