A Proposal

One Ok Rock


Authors note: *This chapter takes place two weeks after last chapter* ^_^

Rehearsal seemed to drag by so slowly. We were all pretty stressed out since our tour was less than a month away. Even my cheerful Taka seemed to be nervous about the upcoming events.

“Do you think people will like us?” Taka asked to no one in particular.

“Of course they will. Why are you so nervous, Taka?” Tomoya asked.

“I don’t know. I just don’t want to disappoint anyone.” Taka mumbled.

“Taka, you never disappoint anyone. Don’t say or even think such things. Stop being so worried. The only one who should be worrying is me.” I said as I put my arm over his shoulder and kissed him lightly on the head.

I felt him relax underneath me, and he let out a low sigh. He looked up at me with his signature smile on his face.

“Yeah you’re right. I’m probably just over-thinking things.” Taka beamed.

I picked up my guitar case and slung it over my back. Taka stood in front of me rocking back and forth on his heels singing quietly to himself.

“So how’s life with your new roommate?” Ryota asked me as all four of us headed outside.

“Interesting. I actually don’t mind having her around. She really helps out around the place, and she knows when to give me some personal space.” I shrugged.

I could hear Taka chuckling to himself beside me. The truth was Yuka could be a bit much sometimes. She always busted in on Taka and I when we were trying to have alone time. Plus she has weird eating habits due to her pregnancy. She once made me drive to the store at three in the morning just to buy some peanut butter and Oreos. Only five more months of this, I thought.

Thankfully our upcoming tour would take care of three out of five months. The last two months of her pregnancy would be very interesting to say the least. I don’t see how some people can handle pregnancy. Yuka is just my roommate but I feel very motherly towards her and her unborn child. Taka told me that he feels like a father to the child.

Taka and I both discussed our futures one day. We would want to have children of our own someday. Caring for Yuka and her unborn child has really put things into perspective for all of us.

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and looked at it. A new text message from Yuka.

Come home. I have some very exciting news, and bring Taka!!

“Looks like we have to head home. Yuka has something to tell us.” I said as I slipped my phone back into my pocket.

We all said our goodbyes before Taka and I headed back to my place.


Yuka was dancing around the living room when we walked in. The pregnancy bump was obvious now. She stopped dancing around the room when she saw us. Yuka ran towards us with a huge smile on her face.

“Yay! You’re back. Good! I found out the of my baby today.” Yuka chimed.

“Oh really? What is it?!” Taka said, bouncing around like a small child.

“It’s a boy!” Yuka exclaimed.

I watched in fascination as Yuka and Taka started dancing around the room happily. A silent laugh escaped my mouth. Yuka suddenly stopped and her face became serious.

“There’s something I want to ask you two.” She said as she looked at the both of us.

Taka and I nodded in agreement before she spoke again.

“I wanted to ask you two to be the godparents of my child.” Yuka giggled.

“Well I call dibs on being the godmother.” I teased.

“Well as long as I can be the cool godfather.” Taka smirked.

“Yay! It’s settled then.” Yuka chimed in.

We all started dancing around the room like a bunch of crazy people. I suddenly realized that Taka and I would now become parents in a sense. The thought of helping raise a child with Taka made me blush a crimson color. Taka noticed the obvious blush on my face.

“What’s on your mind love?” Taka questioned.

“Nothing. Just thinking.” I mumbled.

“About what?” Taka whispered as he walked up next to me.

“About how we’re going to be raising a child together in a way.” I said as my cheeks got hotter.

Taka giggled, “I know. I feel like we are becoming one giant family. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Now my cheeks felt like they were on fire as I stumbled upon my words.

“Are you proposing to me now?” I stammered.

“Do you want me to propose to you?” Taka questioned.

“I love you. I don’t need a marriage proposal. As long as I have you in my life then that’s all I need.” I said as I regained my confidence.

“I love you too, and that’s all I need to know. The rest doesn’t matter to me as long as I always have your love.” Taka whispered.

Neither of us said another word as our lips met one another. We didn’t care if Yuka was watching or not. Both of us were happy in our own little world. We had each other’s love and that was all that mattered.

                               To Be Continued….

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Awww~ I like this so much!! <3
It's my first time ever reading OOR fanfiction, I'm so exciteeed >///< I love the ToruKa pairing, and the fluff you write is so cute...
Plus, Dreamer the dog makes it a hundred times better!
Just read till ch. 16 because I really need to go to bed now, but I'll surely keep on reading! :)
KpopWednesdayite #2
Chapter 32: been looking for an OOR story all over the place and i finally found one!! thank you for this and i love it! xD <33333
Chapter 12: toru said to taka: “I was just thinking about how
beautiful you are, and how I’m lucky
to have you in my life.”

me: taka?...beautiful?....wtf...he's cute...but not beautiful...

Taka and Dreamer are puppies..heheh...
Chapter 15: Yuka definitely is a weird girl. Poor Hiro. But it's a good thing he found out about it so soon. But Rin seems quite nice so far and definitely like a much better person than her sister.
And even Hiro already figured out that Toru and Taka are together xD
Chapter 14: First it was Taka and now Yuka tries it with his brother? Okay. I don't really think she's the right one for Hiro but we'll see how this goes, I guess. And I understand Taka's reaction when the little one gets lost and ends up at some party. Might be a little overprotective but it's an understandable reaction.
Chapter 13: I can only repeat over and over again how cute they are together ♥ And I wasn't surprised that Tomoya and Ryota already noticed the change or that they don't mind them being together.
I like how Taka takes his big-brother job so serious :D But I totally understand he wants to protect his cute little brother~
I haven;t started reading this fanfic yet but thank you for making a One ok rock fanfic! I'm so excited to read it ;D
Chapter 12: Dreamer likes to interrupt sweet moments, huh? I understand that Toru isn't too happy about having the dog between them, especially with such a smell. Not exactly a very romantic first night as a couple xD
Chapter 11: Toru always spacing out and Taka immediately guessed what's going on. The leader is a little obvious xD But Taka's reaction is so cute. I can totally imagine him bouncing through the room like a child. They're simply perfect together ♥
Chapter 10: Toru always manages to end up in weird situations, huh? But at least he didn't have to admit he was stalking Taka xD The last sentence and Toru's though really made me smile. This is so cute. I wish him the best of luck for this thought to turn into reality.