
The Going Home Club


Luhan was pacing all around the room, totally panicking while Sehun jammed himself into a corner, absolutely terrified to the point of pissing his pants.


Sehun’s eyes were planted on his shoes, he spent the entire time completely occupied at staring holes at his feet (he really should buy new laces), because if he settled his vision other than his feet, he might really piss his pants.


Because holy , they were in prison. Well, they were placed in this cellar that were for people whose sentence were probably just spanning a few weeks, but still, they were in ing prison.


And it was all because of that pacing idiot over there. Luhan was the opposite of him right now, Luhan was loud and throwing a tantrum, saying things along the lines of ‘I memorized the constitution and in paragraph 2 of article blah blah blah I should not be here because I’m still a minor’ and ‘Where the hell is my phone?’  and ‘My uncle twice removed is a well renowned lawyer’ and Sehun just wanted to shake him silly because his loud whines where annoying the hell out of their current roommates:


Big-, tattooed and completely scary looking criminals who looked like the inside of this cellar was their home. There were about five of them.


While Luhan was continuing his complaints (which were also starting to annoy the police officers), Sehun almost jumped when someone talked to him.


“Hey, what are you in for?” a man with long unkept hair with a bandana tied to his neck asked.


“U-uh. .” Sehun stammered, but before he could even think of a way to explain exactly how they got in this situation, the police officer near them answered for him.


“They ed a five year old girl.”


The five men who looked like they ate nails and glass for breakfast looked absolutely horrified.


“Dude. .”  he looked at Sehun looking sick. “At least wait for them to grow s.”


“And I thought, me cracking a man’s spine with my bare hands was bad.” Another one of the inmates marveled. His hair was bleached and styled into those pompadours people in the yakuza use. “But you guys are in a whole different level.”


Sehun would’ve laughed at the irony, that big beefy criminals would consider him, a scrawny freshmen, a bad-.  But his fear didn’t let him.


“Wh-what I didn—“ but he was broken off by Luhan.


“Hey! Listen here mister.” Luhan jabbed a finger on the bandana-man’s arm.

Sehun wanted to jump into a hole, oh no. He can’t believe Luhan just did that. Instead of screaming at the police officer, Luhan’s attention was now on the bandana-guy, who was looking at Luhan with a mixture of shock and growing annoyance.


“I did NOT a kid. How dare you assume that I,  a straight-A student from a respectable university with a good amount of facebook followers would sink to that level of low.  I even managed to get three girl’s phone numbers in the span of an hour. Huh? Huh?? How many facebook subscribers and girl’s phone numbers do you have?  And what is up with that bandana? Is that a makeshift bib? I am not going to be judged by someone who can’t even eat properly. .blah blah blah”


. Sehun just wants to grab Luhan’s mouth and burn it. He’ll get both of them killed at this rate.


Angry Luhan was apparently, a stupidly  fearless Luhan.


Actually, Luhan had been to prison before, but he wasn’t this annoyed about it. The first time was when he allegedly ‘stuffed a candy-cane down a man’s throat’ but he didn’t really ‘stuff’ it, he just kinda ‘lightly nudged it’ inside the man’s mouth. You see, what happened was that he was hitting on Luhan calling him ‘cute’ and ‘as fine-assed as a girl’ and he was happening to be eating a candycane at that time (it was Christmas), so Luhan used it to his advantage. Hey, it wasn’t his fault that the man actually tried to swallow the whole candycane.


But that time, by doing that, his ‘street cred’ increased, people respected him afterwards, while this time, there was nothing glorious about a 5 year old girl.


Hell, he wasn’t getting called a psycho because of something he didn’t do.


The bells of the police station chimed as the doors opened, and in came the woman with her child.


Luhan stopped his ranting and Sehun’s head shot up with hope.


The woman glanced in their direction and mouthed ‘Sickos’ as she tightened her hold on Sunmi.


“Hey, why are Sehun and his friend inside there?” Sunmi questioned.


“Because you ing told your mom that we had you stupid girl.” Luhan muttered so that only he could hear. Even if it was kind of his fault in the first place.


The portly, doughnut saturated, police officer guided Sunmi and her mom to sit in the chairs near his desk.


As he sat, he looked at Sunmi and asked her.


“Honey, where did those horrible men.” He pointed at the two. “touch you?”


Sunmi looked genuinely confused. “Huh? They weren’t horrible at all, they were quite good.”


The police officer’s eyes rounded, as her mom shrieked. They probably misunderstood that Sunmi found Sehun and Luhan to be ‘good’ in a. .less innocent sense.


Apparently the inmates thought the same too, because the bandana-dude nudged him and gave him a thumbs up and a suggestive smile.


Luhan sat down, exhausted at all his complaints and buried his hands in his palms. How ed up were they?


The officer looked at them in complete apprehension. “You sick. .sick bastards.”


“The oppas are sick?” Sunmi turned to look at Sehun and Luhan. “Maybe we had too much ?”


Everyone in the police station froze. Such a young girl saying that word.


Her mom broke out in sobs.


Sehun groaned. Luhan regained his energy. “It’s all just a BIG misunderstanding!”


Sunmi’s mom rose to her seat. “What part of that was misunderstanding?? You heard her loud and clear!”


Sunmi knocked her head a few times. “Oh no, I told them our secret again.”


The police officer looked absolutely dumbstruck. “Oh god, they completely brainwashed her.”


“You.” Luhan pointed harshly at officer. His knuckles were turning white with how much he was gripping the trapping iron bars. “You shut up! you should be losing your job.’


He turned to look at Sunmi, who looked scared at Luhan’s harsh voice. “Tell them what happened Sunmi.”


“Um. .but you told me it was a secret.”


Luhan face palmed. “That doesn’t matter anymore.” He said with limited patience.


Sunmi frowned. “But a secret’s a secret.”


“GAHH!” Luhan screeched in frustration, making Sunmi cower and have watery eyes. Her mom immediately hugged her, throwing Luhan a dirty look.


Sehun stood up and touched Luhan’s shoulder, he gave him a stern look. “Look what you did.”


Luhan rolled his eyes. “This is just ridiculous.” He sighed as he sat down again.


“Princess, come here.”


At the sound of Sehun’s voice, Sunmi immediately stopped her tears and looked at Sehun. Sunmi’s mom held her protectively.


“You won’t be able to lay a finger on her again.” She snapped, but Sunmi pulled out of her grasp and went happily to Sehun.


Sehun knelt so that he was eye-level with Sunmi again. “Now Sunmi, what does mean to you?”


Sunmi smiled and said. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell them.”


“Can you break that secret for a while?” Sehun smiled and put a gentle hand atop her shoulders through the bars.


“But, secret’s can’t be broken.”


Sehun chuckled.


Luhan was absolutely shocked. A minute ago, Sehun was a stone throw away from pissing his pants, but now he was completely composed despite their situation. It would’ve been cool, if it weren’t Oh Sehun, who was the exemplification of all things uncool.


Sehun gave Sunmi’s forehead a quick peck. Making Sunmi blush furiously and her mom shriek in horror. “He’s doing it again!” she yelped.


Sehun paid no mind and looked at Sunmi gently. “That was a spell, now the secret is broken.”


Sunmi just nodded, still blushing furiously and  avoiding Sehun’s gaze. “U-huh. .s-secret broken.” She echoed.


“Now, can you please tell them what it meant?”


Sunmi turned to look at her mom and the police officer.


“ means milk tea.”



First there was silence.


But after her words sunk in, the station was filled with howls of laughter.



Luhan and Sehun were let out of the cell, with Sunmi’s mom apologizing profusely, on to which Sehun stopped, saying that if she kept bowing like that the baby in her stomach was gonna feel an earthquake.


When they were out of the police station, they could see that the police officer was still laughing. But he was apparently glad at having Luhan’s constant whining out of earshot.


“.” Luhan cursed, blowing hot air into his hands and rubbing them. It was nighttime already, and cold. “That was so embarrassing.”


“Yeah, and it was all your fault.” Sehun deadpanned.


Luhan stopped in his tracks and stared at Sehun with a deeply indignant look on his face. “Excuse me?”


“Yes, you are excused.” Sehun said simply as he walked past the male. Only a few more blocks and they’ll reach the bus stop. He’d had enough of talking with Luhan, but this made Luhan even angrier.


“Hey.” Luhan grabbed Sehun’s shoulder. “How was this my fault? If you hadn’t lied to the girl and just told her what meant.”


Luhan said that, but knows that if he hadn’t said the word, there wasn’t going to be a problem in the first place, but his pride restricted him from saying so.


Sehun sent him a steely stare, looks like he really was pissed at the moment.


“Yeah. .whatever you say.” Sehun said with a withdrawn voice. Sehun doesn’t know why he’s so annoyed right now, maybe it’s because he’s finally gotten enough of Luhan’s iness, or maybe because of the fact that if his mom finds out about this, no, scratch that, when his mom, finds out about this, he’d have to start saving up for a new ps3 because his current one was probably going to be smashed to bits.


To his astonishment, Luhan didn’t say anything back.


Using the silence as a cue to part, Sehun started walking again to the bus stop.


Left alone, Luhan got to thinking,


He may be a prideful prude on the outside (yeah, he admits to that sometimes) but on the inside, Luhan knows to admit his wrongs. Maybe he should even thank Sehun for getting them out of prison.


But heh. .Luhan saying thank you to Sehun would certainly not be happening, but he still has a conscience though.


“Which direction did Sehun walk off to again?” he muttered.



Sehun saw the bus stop and hurried to catch up with the newly arrived bus. He failed to hear the grating of converse soles against concrete behind him until he heard someone call his name.


“Yah!” Luhan called out, a few meters away, his breath creating little wisps of fog due to the cold. “Nancy stop!”


Why are you calling me that again?” Sehun rolled his eyes.


“Because I like degrading you in my mind.” Luhan said bluntly, shrugging, as he went closer to Sehun.


“Riight.” He turned around. “I’ll be going now.”


Luhan expected Sehun to make some sort of snappy comeback, but he ddin’t. He must really be pissed. Sehun was apparently one of those silent-when-angry types. He hated those types.


Luhan grabbed Sehun wrist.


OK, Why did he just do that?


Sehun snapped his head to Luhan.


“Wanna. .uh. .drink, coffee?” he asked, immediately letting go of Sehun and looking to the side. Why does he feel so fidgety? “I can drive you back home.”



Sehun immediately relaxed as he felt the steaming smooth caramel liquid trickle down his throat. Not even caring that maybe he just killed his tastebuds because the caramel hot chocolate he was downing was hot to the point of scalding.


Damn.. this was good. And the best part is that he’s not paying.


He really can’t believe that he was sitting across from Luhan, and they weren’t seconds away from spouting insults to each other. Though he admits that a few moments ago, he really wanted to punch Luhan in the face.


They were even. .’civil’.


He watched as Luhan drank his black coffee with some sort of ‘cocky’ elegance. Like ‘ha. .I’m manly for drinking this bitter milkless and sugarless manly drink and you’re a sweet-toothed wuss with your hot chocolate’.


“You drink like an old man.” Sehun thought. Oh wait, apparently he thought out loud because Luhan immediately glared at him.


“And you drink like middle-schooler.” He retorted.


Ahh. .here it goes again. Sehun should’ve expected that their peace treaty wouldn’t have lasted long. Their tirade of insults continued until Luhan was almost rising from his seat, ready to grab Sehun’s collar.


“Spit that out! I paid for that!” Luhan screeched, pointing at Sehun’s drink. “And for your information, No. I’m not a tranny! Want some friggin proof you a-hole?” he was so angry that he might really have pulled down his pants and showed Sehun his junk.


Sehun was also on the brink of an outburst, he was about to yell back when he felt a tap on his shoulder, it was the manager.


So yeah. .here they were again, out on the streets and cold. The cold managed to calm their heads down. They were standing side by side, an awkward foot away from each other.


Sehun gave out an audible sigh. “Why do we always get in trouble?”


“Probably because we hate each other.” Luhan replied.


There was silence.


“Hmm.. .I don’t actually hate you though.” Sehun said. “You’re just really difficult.”


Luhan was a bit shocked at Sehun’s confession, but he kind of had to agree. “Yeah. .I find you difficult too.”


Luhan shot a fleeting glance at Sehun and saw a young teenage boy, standing on the sidewalk in the middle of the night, probably cold. And it was kind of. .because of him. He was still his dongsaeng after all. Maybe. .an apology wouldn’t hurt his pride that much?


“Hey.” He called, making Sehun turn towards him.


Luhan pursed his lips. Come on, they’re just two words, just say it. Luhan made to say it, but what only made out was a sound between a grunt and a whine.


“Wait.” Sehun said, the left side of his mouth tugging upwards in a small smirk. “You’re. .on the brink of saying ‘sorry’ aren’t you?”


Luhan scoffed but a tell-tale blush on his cheeks told Sehun the truth.


Sehun chuckled, completely amused as he took out his phone. “This is gold. Wait a sec. can I record it? I’ll think of making it my ringtone.”


Luhan grabbed Sehun’s phone, annoyed.


“No way!” he whined.


Sehun looked at him in anticipation. “Well? I’m waiting for my apology.”


Luhan rolled his eyes. Seriously, this kid. .


He took a deep breath.


“I’m. .sorry.” Luhan mumbled.


Sehun leaned in. “What? Didn’t hear you man.”


“I’m sorry.” Luhan said a bit louder.


But Sehun kept being an so he leant in even closer. Too close for Luhan’s liking. “What? Still can’t hear you.”


A vein on Luhan’s temple throbbed as he smacked Sehun’s face lightly with his palm. “Then clean in’ ears.”


Luhan walked wordlessly to the direction of the school, where his car was parked. Sehun got a glimpse of Luhan’s reddening ears peaking through his hazel locks.


Cute. .




He’ll just pretend that he didn’t think that.


Luhan turned around to look at him. “What are you doing just standing there like an idiot?”


Sehun was going to tell him that the bus stop’s direction was on the other direction, but Luhan cut him off.


“I told you that I’d give you a ride home didn’t I?” Luhan said.


Sehun marveled. Well I’ll be. .he guesses Luhan isn’t such a after all.



When Sehun and Luhan reached the park near the school, they saw a figure hunched over a bench. The hunched figure looked at them.


“Hey guys!” he called out.


Sehun and Luhan squinted through the darkness.


“Yixing??” Luhan exclaimed, shocked. What the is he still doin’ here? It was already about midnight.


Yxing jogged over to them, holding a cup which said ‘Change for the homeless’


Luhan frowned. “Did you steal from a homeless man?”


Yixing chuckled. “No, this is mine.”




Sehun and Luhan perfectly knows that Yixing lived in a lovely home in the suburbs.


“So why?” Sehun started, but Yixing cut him off.


“Because our club members are ty.” Yixing deadpanned.


They couldn’t agree more.


“So.” Yixing shook the cup to hear the sounds of many coins clanking against each other. “You guys want some milk tea? Or coffee? It’s on me.”


Luhan and Sehun looked at each other and couldn’t help but laugh.


Yixing stared at them, a bit lost.


What the hell is so funny about milk tea and coffee?




Yixing looked at himself in the mirror. Hair wet and messy, eyes bloodshot, in total need of sleep, and pale. It was probably because he got home at about 1 in the morning (courtesy of his ty club members, yeah, he was going to call them that from now on), and because of it, he had to do the late shift in his job which was from 2 am to 5 am. So yeah. .his sleep was only a grand total of one and a half hours. But he doesn’t really care about that because all he needs is a good slather of. .


 He pressed the pump of the bottle he was holding. Nothing.


. .


He pumped it again. Still nothing.


Crap, he probably used it too much when he bathed before his job last night.


“Mom?” he poked his head out of the bathroom door, to see his mom cooking bacon for breakfast in the kitchen. Hmm. . Bacon. Anyways, she hates it when he disturbs him when she’s cooking. .but this is a borderline emergency.


“My shampoo’s out.”


Okay. .maybe he was being a tad bit melodramatic.


But he . .er kinda needed that perfume.




Because apparently his crush of two years liked it. His crush liked it so much that he even tried to find it, but failed. Which kind of made Yixing happy because if he didn’t find that scent and still kept looking, maybe he would end up looking for Yixing instead.


Yxing shook his head, he sounded like a desperate psycho. And they called Suho creepy.


“U-huh?” his mom answered.


“Where did you get that shampoo you got me a two months ago?” he asked, voice slightly louder for his mom to hear.


“Hm?” she hummed, snapping her attention to his son. “Oh that? I got it in a town about a two hour drive from here in a business trip.”


. .two hours?


“Uh. .do they only sell that there?” Yixing asks, and crosses his fingers that her mom will say ‘No silly, they also sell those at the local mall.’, but is devastated when her mom replies:


“Yeah, the owner told me that it was their ‘specialty’ or something.”


. .


Maybe he should just take the bus there, . .


No, No Yixing. You are NOT that desperate. Or maybe he is. But still, even thinking about going on a two hour ride just to get a perfume his crush likes proves how whipped Yixing is over their club president.


Yeah. .Suho. He friggin likes Suho.


Who no one listens to, who at comforting others despite him being a psych major, who has a very concerning bipolar personality (but he finds it kind of endearing) and who makes them go on annoying trips.


But. .


Suho is also thoughtful, caring, kind of adorable and honestly one of the nicest people Yixing knows. And have you just seen the guy’s smile? Yixing’s sure that one time, he had the urge to just pay Chen to take a picture of that damn smile.


But no need, he managed to get a picture of Suho inconspicuously as he pretended to sleep. And now it’s in his wallet.


Damn. .he sounds like a psycho. But maybe that’s a good thing, because Suho’s a psych major. So that makes them a good match right?


God Yixing, would you like some nachos with your great amount of cheese?


So yeah. .stop it Yixing. You are NOT going in to that two hour ride just to get some stupid vanilla scented shampoo.


Yeah right. .


“Mom. I’ll be late for school.” Yixing haphazardly said, his mom’s kind of cool about him almost always being late. “And can I borrow the car?”



Wow, Yixing still can’t believe that he’s actually going to go on this two hour drive and cut class. Just for shampoo.


“Ahh. .man, you need a life.” He mumbled to himself as he takes a left. He’s about an hour in on the drive. The road to this place was a bit rocky since it was a kind of an urban place. But he was making good time, if he keeps up his pace, He might even make it to his afternoon class. Though he couldn’t care less if he misses them or not.


What’s important now is that damn shampoo.


About another 45 minutes, he arrived at what appeared to be a small shack in the middle of absolute nowhere.


He checked the address.


A shack on the west of the Mudskip river.


Yeah, it was more like an invitation to a horror movie than an address.


Yixing scratched his head. What type of business trip did his mom go to to pass by a place like this?


So. .uh. .he should go in now right?


Because this is the place. It’s definitely a shack. And it’s definitely on the west of the mudskip river.


Yeah. .


He’s not scared.


Even if the shack looks like those houses people get stuck in for endless mental torment.


Like how can something still look so scary even in broad daylight?


He wills himself to knock on the door, hoping that that isn’t some kind of trigger for the house to come alive and eat him whole.


Ok, maybe he should lay off of those scary movies.


He hears a creak.


oh oh . Please don’t be a ghost please don’t be a ghost.


It opens a few more inches and Yixing screams. The one who opened the door had messy waist length hair and was pale as Suho’s (not that he’s seen it before though. .or has he? . . nope, he really hasn’t. .or not that he wants to. .or does he?. . .no. .no no, Yixing. You don’t want to. Yeah. . ).


“AHHH! A GHOST!” Yixing screams and covers his eyes.


The figure opens the door fully and gives Yixing a glare and edges closer towards him, who in turn makes a cross sign with his fingers in an effort to ward of ‘evil spirits’(he’s not really Christian but hey, that’s all he’s got at the moment).


“The , that’s rude.” The figure frowned as he smacked Yixing’s fingers.


Yixing lowered his arms.


“Oh. .” Yixing inspected the figure. He definitely wasn’t a ghost. In fact, he was even wearing a black printed t-shirt with frayed jeans. He was just apparently into heavy metal music, judging from the ‘metallica’ print of his shirt. He was also in great need of some water cuz really, he looks worse than Yixing who got only like an hour of sleep and still went on this long drive.


“Uh. .sorry about that man.”


The man sighed and motioned for Yixing to get in. “Forget about it. I kind of get that a lot.”


Yixing entered the shop. It smelled musky and earthy, in a good way.The things they sold were mostly herbs and essences of flowers. There were also some organic cosmetics being sold. The labels were all in Chinese.


“Yeah. We’re chinese.” The guy answered for him as he made his way behind the counter. Yixing was going to follow when he was stopped by something suspended in some kind of liquid inside a jar.


“That’s sick.” Yixing grimaced.


“Yeah. . She was our pet. Ms. Snufflebooger.” He sighed. “Apparently, my grandma thought it would be sweet to preserve her body when our cat died. I’m just filling in for my grandma today.”




“I know.” The ghostly looking man said. “We have a lot of weird stuff here. But this is my pfft. . personal favorite.” He muffled a laugh as he got a bottle from the counter drawers and raised it up.


Yixing read the label which had the Romanization of it’s chinese characters.


“Cao dung facial scrub.”


Lol. .the chinese are funny.


“Haha. So, does it really have cow in it?”


The man shrugged. “I don’t know. Can’t understand a thing in mandarin. But it’s still funny.”


“Hm. .so yeah. Do you have those vanilla and honey scented shampoos here?” Yixing finally asks.


The man thinks for a bit.


“Sorry, we’re out.”


For a moment, Yixing just stayed silent.


Then his world practically crashed.


He wanted to just curl his fingers around his hair and just pull it out. Because he doesn’t have anything to shampoo it with anyway.


Damn. .he really should’ve thought this through.


“Oh.” The man quips. “But we do have a perfume of the same scent.”


Yixing immediately brightens. “Get me the largest container. And get me three of them.”


The man stares at him. “Uh.. you sure man?”


“Yeah I’m sure.”



So yeah, Yixing was heading back now. With three gallons of perfume inside his car. Zhoumi (that ghost-looking dude) didn’t warn him that the containers were that big.


He checked his watch, Ha.! He could even make it before third period starts. He guessed that luck was on his side this time around.


A few moments later, it started to rain.


No biggie. It’s just a slight drizzle.


Yixing almost flinched when lightning struck not too far from there.


Ok. .maybe it’s gonna be a legit rain storm, but that probably won’t hinder his driving.


“What the hell is that?” Yixing squinted through the big dollops of rain on his windshield. Something black was standing right in the middle of the road. It kind of looks like a spread out garbage bag.


The distance between him and the garbage bag grew closer.


The closer he got the less and less it looked like a garbage bag.


Wait.. why the heck was it moving?




OH !


Why the was a cow right in the middle of the road?????






“Oh my goodness! Chen! Change the channel! Change it!” Xiumin squeaked, covering his eyes, and kind of curling into a ball into the couch.


The other members looked at the T.V screen. Expecting it to be some kind of gory horror movie, but it wasn’t even remotely terrifying.


It was Harry Potter. It was the scene where Snape was closing in on Dumbledore.


“Oh my ing !” Xiumin practically screamed. “Change the ing channel!”


Both confused and amused, Chen wagged the remote tauntingly. “Uh . .no?”


Xiumin grumbled. “Chen you piece of wit. Change it!”


Chen laughed, loving the way how Xiumin’s face looked like a freshly steamed bun. He just wanted to eat it off. Lol WHUT?


Snape was now raising his wand. About to say the spell that would kill Dumbledore.


Oh. .so that’s why Xiumin was  scared of it. Out of all of them, Xiumin’s the die-hard Harry Potter fanboy.


‘Avada Keda—“


“OH ! I can’t take this!” Xiumin sprang off the couch and headed towards the kitchen, where he could not be reached by the sight of Dumbledore dying and where he can comfort himself with some ice cream.


They all chuckled. “Hey Xiumin! You also know that Lupin, Tonks, George and a whole other lot of people dies in the last book right?” Kai calls out, highly amused.


“ you Kai, don’t remind me.” Xiumin exclaimed. “And we all die in the end really.” He said bitterly.


While the others were laughing they failed to see the seething ball of anger that was Kyungsoo.


“What the is wrong with him?” Baekhyun asked, clutching his stomach from laughter.


Kyungsoo snapped.


He stood up.


“That does it!” he said over everyone else, making everyone snap their heads towards them.


“Why is it that during the time I was gone, your mouths seem to have gotten more profane??”


Everyone just stared at him, not looking the least bit apologetic.


“You guys liked. Said the ‘F’ word a total of thirty three times in the last twenty minutes this meeting has started.”


“So?” Baekhyun asked.


“So.” Kyungsoo huffed. “Cursing is bad.”


“But it’s effective.” Kai reasoned, making Kyungsoo narrow his eyes.


“What kind of messed up logic is that?” he seethed.


“Come on, think about it.” Kai shrugged his shoulders. “Wouldn’t it be so much more dramatic if you said ‘What kind of ed up logic is that?’”


Kyungsoo grimaced. “No.”


“Yeah Kyungie, cursing makes you seem more. .” Luhan trailed off, looking for the right word.


“Manly?” Sehun offered, knowing full and well Luhan’s efforts on making himself seem badass.


“Exactly.” Luhan snapped his fingers.


Sehun rolled his eyes. “Classic Luhan.” he muttered, but it was loud enough for Luhan to hear and glare at him.


“Don’t ruin our peace boy.” He warned.



Kyungsoo puffed his cheeks, he looked so squishy that maybe he could even rival Xiumin’s. Really, why is he in this club anyway?



“I can’t believe that I traded my position in the student council to deal with members who can’t keep from cursing every few minutes.” He mumbled. “You know, coarse language has always been a problem in our society. Because coarse language leads to coarse behavior. Now if you feel that saying those words will— umpphh!”


Kyungsoo’s eyes widened (if that were even possible), when Suho practically jumped on him, making him almost fall backwards on the couch.


“Uh. .Suho?” Kyungsoo said, shocked.


Kai was looking a little too displeased. “Hey man, What are you doing?”


“Oh. .my God.” Suho said blissfully. “I can’t believe it. Finally, there is somebody responsible in the club again. Oh the happiness I feel.”


Suho gave another smile. “Now I don’t have to friggin’ act like the responsible one.”


“Dude. .but your like. .the president.” Baekhyun said, secretly finding it funny how Kyungsoo just stared at their club president completely weirded out (because the only one who hugged him like that was Xiumin, and it was most of the time caused by Kyungsoo baking a chocolate cake) while Kai kept staring daggers at them.


“Yeah. But being responsible .” Suho whined.


Kai subtly, or not so subtly pried Suho from an annoyed looking Kyungsoo. But Suho wouldn’t budge.


“Don’t ever ever leave. Ever.” Suho said.


“Yeah! Don’t effer leaff! We need you (and your lasagna)” Xiumin called out from the kitchen. Words muffled by what seems to be a cupcake smothered in ice cream.


The clubroom’s door creaked open an something made suho straighten out and pull away from Kyungsoo.


It was Yixing, he looked horrible. His clothes were muddy, and he was pretty sure that Yixing had a tear in his shirt.


But hot diggidy damn. .


He smelled so. .so good.








Hides in a corner. 


Sorry guys for the veery late update. i actually like finished this more than 3 weeks ago. But i didn't have the time to edit/ reread/ post it. Cuz of. .


dun dun duuuun~


it just started and yeah. .i miss high school. and mah friends. and not studying yet still being able to pass.


ughh. .I'm taking laboratory sciences and damn. .zoology's gonna be the death of me. I'm even having hair loss. like wtf? em too young to be bald. hahahaha


anyways! woot! guys! love you allll!! honestly, aff is the only thing keeping away my stress right now. again. love you guys! and thanks lots for reading/subscibing/ upvoting. =D




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ValeGeng2422 #1
Chapter 29: Espero regreses
Chapter 11: i feel bad for minseok
he keeps being called fat
Chapter 4: “hate at first sight” faults in byun baekhyun vibes
GD_MyBoiii #4
Chapter 3: Omg this chapter is funny as heck!!! I can't stop laughing when Suho told Chen he was his father! I'm dying of laughter
Lyn_95 #5
Chapter 29: Dang i dont know if you will ever come back to this, HunHan is legit precious but its been so long...
Chapter 28: Really hope you update soon! I need a continuation of kaisoo...
Taenika #7
Plz....just finish the story....I can't just describe in words that how much I wish to read this story furthermore.....just plz get hunhan vibes...I know it's lot a late but I want the best fanfic ever in the world to get at least finished...plz authornim plz plz plz finish crying over here
aaaaa i come back to this fic every once in a while,, this was my first EVER. kpop fanfiction and its what probably got me hooked haha. its so good, i miss it alot and i hope you'll update one day <3
chanyeoluk #9
I usually don't read uncompleted stories, mainly just because I hate waiting for chapters. But I'm going to give this ago. Please keep updating Author nim ❤