
Can't Wait Anymore... (Sequel of: Seven Years)


We headed to a cafe since Monica and I did not have any lessons to attend to. 



"So.." Lee Joon started, "You two.. May continue, while me and We go get some beverage." He said as he made a drinking handsign to Monica.

They left and Himchan and I were left behind by ourselves.

"How have you been?" His lips curved a little upwards, smiling with much guilt. 

"Fine. You?" I replied.

The atmosphere was awkward, but we still feel the friendliness between us. 

"Not so nice, because.. You are not anywhere near me." He said. "But today, I feel.. Great." He tried being cheesy. 

"Oh man!" I rubbed my own shoulders. 'Seriously.. Have you been dating or something?" I joked. 

We both laughed. 

"No." He replied with a calm face, "I said, I will wait for you, so why would I date anyone?" 

I looked down and tidied my bangs, "You still do?" 

"Yes." He said. 

I looked at him, in his eyes. We maintained a short while of eye contact. 

"Anyways.." He blinked. "I just want to say.. I am sorry." 

I took a deep but short breathe. "Why?" 

"For.. Chasing you away?" He doubted a little. "You still hate me for that, right?" 

I shook my head, "Nope, I still hate you for everything." I laughed. 

"Really?" He looked serious. 

I hooked my finger inwards, hinting him to lean forwar, as we were opposite each other. "No." I whispered into his ear. And left a small peck on his cheek. 

I quickly moved away, sat straight and settled down, blushing. I faced downwards to hide my face. 


"Woo~ Drinks are here!!" Lee Joon put the tray on the table and looked at both of us, I was facing down and Himchan touching his cheek. "What's wrong?" 

"Don't ask, just sit down!" Monica seemed to know something but she tried to hide it from Lee Joon for us. 

"Iced Americano.." Lee Joon put the drink in front of Himchan. 

"Strawberry smoothie.." Monica passed my drink to me. "Straw.." And then the straw. Lightly, bit by bit, I looked up, and caught the moment. Himchan's eyes, were on me. 

"Hey!" Lee Joon put his hand in between the both of us. "Still awkward?"

"No!" Himchan elbowed Lee Joon. "Anyways, thanks for helping!" 

"Help?" Monica sipped her drink, "Help what?

"Oh~" Lee Joon said and pointed at me. "Can I tell?" He asked Himchan. 

Himchan nodded. 

"Well, we are cousins.." Lee Joon pointed at himself and Himchan. "That explains why we look sort of alike?

"Get straight to the point." Monica showed a (-_-) face. 

I got choked by my drink because it was quite funny when she did that. 

"Simply.." Lee Joon passed me a piece of tissue. "Trolled!

"Huh?" Monica and I said in unison. 

He started laughing. And Himchan had to continue for him. "I.. I am here in New Zealand for a week already.. So I got him to test you.." He said, timidly but at the same time laughing along as Lee Joon did. "Because I wanted to see how you react."

"That's not trolling!" I kicked his leg under the table. "That's more like pranking.. Right?" I asked Monica.

"Oh my god! That's explain why you keep mistaking some other people as someone these few days!!" She said in much horror. "I thought you went gaga after being stressed up by the lecturers." She patted her chest and breath in and out, "Thank god you are actually fine!"

I pouted. "Stop being dramatic, Monica..." I gave her that (-_-) as well.  


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Chapter 25: Aw so sweet~~~ the ending is really cute author! Hahaha ♥
Chapter 25: Aigooo~~~~so sweet :3 *dies*
Chapter 25: so sweet ..u just kill me with this fic ...
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 25: Aww.hehe. Sweet story though hehe. Done reading the seqqqquel hehe :)
Chapter 25: So fluffy
so cloud
i like it :)
Omg I need to stop reading things really fast I read the first one and this sequel from like within 3 or 4 hours help ;l
Chapter 16: This is super sweet! I love this
Chapter 25: I really thought like it daebaek, supporting reader here!!!!