"I Don't Like It."

Can't Wait Anymore... (Sequel of: Seven Years)



"Oppa?" I called as he stopped. I was worried and plus, all of them were advicing me to follow him, so I did so. 

"Yes?" He replied formally.



"Are you okay?" I approached, putting my hand on his arm. "Tired? Sick? Are you running a fever?" I tried touching his forehead but he moved away. 

He walked away, "I am just trying to make a call, in peace." 

"Peace..? Oh ya right, that monkey is too noisy." I made a comment. 'Og, did you see him holding me? It was because I almost fell.."

"You almost fell? Are you okay?" He quickly examined me. 

"I am okay." I smiled. "Are you?"

"I don't like it, Mi Ki, I really don't." Himchan scoffed. 

"Daehyun? You dislike him? But you invited him.." I don't get it. 

Himchan turned and gazed right into my eyes, "No, I don't like you being too friendly with them. I am.. Jealous." 

I rolled my eyes and laughed out loud, "Ohh! You are jealous?!" 

He bite his lips slightly and nod, still gazing into my eyes. 

"Oppa, don't be bothered by all this, because I have changed, and you changed me." I added. 

"Change?" He seem puzzled. 

I nod a few times, blinking. "Because of you, I know how to appreciate someone, and I learn how to respect and overcome the phobia, of starting a relationship." 

"Mi Ki," Himchan called. But I stopped him, putting my finger on his soft lips.  

"Let me finish.." I continued. "You are the reason why I decided to do my best, because everything I want to give up, I think of you." Slowly, I removed my finger. "You make me notice, that I can love someone, and it's you." 

As I finished, I felt something different. 

Himchan pulled me into another round of tight embrace, "Shh.." He whispered into my ear, he leaned forward and nuzzled my nose. Smoothly, he pressed his lips onto mine, our lips layered. A little warmth, a little ticklish and a mixture of happiness and shyness.

It was just in a split second and we stood face to face, looking at each other, a little shy and a little awkward. 

"Mi Ki," He continued. 

"Hmm?" I didn't dare to look at him. 

"I just want to let you know.. That I.. Really want you to be with me." He backhugged me. 

"Me too.." I rest my chin on his hand. 

He released me from the hug, "Hungry? Let's go back and eat." 

"No longer jealous?" I . 

He tapped his lip with his finger and interlaced our hands together, teasing back. 

"Ya!" I knocked him with my body. "Don't you dare to tease me with that!"

We headed back to the camp fire, hand in hand, feeling warm from this inside. 



*I will not be home for 4 days so that I won't be updating till.. 1st April? ^^ I will be spending Yong Guk's birthday in camp, ohmg why~ Anyways, I have updated 2 chapters so please read and.. Like them? Keke. Other than that, continue to comment and subscribe because I will be read and reply(if I can) so, do it~* 


** I am happy because I am from Singapore. Why? (Check out the pic below..)**

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Chapter 25: Aw so sweet~~~ the ending is really cute author! Hahaha ♥
Chapter 25: Aigooo~~~~so sweet :3 *dies*
Chapter 25: so sweet ..u just kill me with this fic ...
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 25: Aww.hehe. Sweet story though hehe. Done reading the seqqqquel hehe :)
Chapter 25: So fluffy
so cloud
i like it :)
Omg I need to stop reading things really fast I read the first one and this sequel from like within 3 or 4 hours help ;l
Chapter 16: This is super sweet! I love this
Chapter 25: I really thought like it daebaek, supporting reader here!!!!