Jonah, A Leather Bound Book, And Grindelwald's Fall

The Day Will Come


Listen guys, I need to know how I'm doing so leave a comment. I need one or two before I update again. LUV YOU BYE!


Minho stared at the ghost pensive, his mind reeling. If it hadn’t made sense before it sure as hell didn’t make sense now. And worse yet, he knew if he wanted any answers at all he’d have to go back into the damn thing. Stepping forward, he shoved his wand into his waistband and looked down into the pensive. Another memory had risen to the surface. Sighing heavily he stuck his hand in it and soon after landed inside the memory. 


Looking around, he took in his new surroundings, a dirt road stood before him, stretching away in either direction, fields of some long thin plant stretched away to either side. To his left was Omathan dressed in muggle clothing composed of a black suit and tie with a white undershirt. Judging by the style of suit it was sometime in the 1940’s. Minho jumped as Omathan’s memory-self walked right through him, heading down the road towards a small hill and a house on the horizon. 


Twenty minutes later, they had arrived at a worn down house. Standing in front was a small boy swinging an axe at a large piece of wood, next to him were similar chunks of the tough cedar. No more than maybe nine or ten years old the boy was holding an axe nearly the same size as himself. Looking up as Omathan approached, the boy lowered the axe and wearily took stock of Omathan. 


“Can I elp ya suh?” The boy asked with a heavily accented voice. He was definitely from the southern united states.


“Indeed young man, you can tell me your name?” Omathan replied, a warm smile lighting his face


The boy lowered the axe against the chopping block and looked back at Omathan “Ma name is Jonah, was’ yers?” 


“Taren. Say… that axe and pile a wood look a bit big for someone of your size. Where’s your daddy?”


Jonah glanced over at Omathan once more before answering, “Taren eh? Funneh name suh. Me pop is off a fightin’ the Germans which leaves the chores o’ the house to meh” 


The response was almost a challenge to Omathan, who Minho noticed quickly hid a smile at the now aggressive pre-teenager. “Well then, I’ll tell you what. It’s about lunch time” Omathan paused and glanced at his watch “How about I trade you a good old fashioned sandwich for a pile of freshly chopped wood?” Omathan looked at the boy, still trying to hide the smile that was threatening to break onto his face. 


Jonah twisted his mouth and looked slightly upwards, apparently deep in thought for a moment, then slowly started to nod “Yeh that’s fait innit?” 


Omathan nodded and gestured for the boy to head up to the house. ing his jacket and loosening his tie, Omathan rolled up his sleeves and hefted the axe. Swinging it up over his shoulder he split it in half with one . A few deft movements later and two more resounding and it was in fourths. Minho sat for almost thirty minutes as Omathan chopped the entire pile neatly and precisely. 


After he was done he glanced quickly at the house and pulled his wand from his sleeve, flicking it the wood vanished and then appeared neatly stacked in the wood box by the front door. Grabbing his jacket and swinging it over his shoulder he stowed his wand once more and stepped up to the door of the house knocking lightly on the door frame. “Can I come in Jonah?” 


Apparently Jonah acquiesced, because Omathan stepped inside. Following, Minho watched as he sat down at the table in front of a rather delicious looking sandwich, while Jonah took the seat opposite him. Taking a bite, Omathan sighed in contentment. “You sure can make a sandwich boy, say where’s your mom then, I had assumed she would be home at least?”


For a moment, Minho wanted to berate the kid for trusting a stranger, then he realized that it was a much different time. It would never cross Jonah’s mind that this well dressed man who had kindly agreed to chop wood for him would be a notorious dark wizard. 


Jonah looked up from his own sandwich “She’s upstairs, sick wit the fevuh”


“Ah, well that’s no good” Omathan studied the young boy in front of him subtly, Minho had no idea what he was looking for, but he seemed to be searching for something on the boys face. After a moment, he took the last bite of his sandwich and wiped his hands together. “Well, maybe you should take me to her, I’m no doctor but I know what’s what. There might be something I could do” 


Jonah looked up hopefully “Would ya?” 


Omathan nodded and followed the boy upstairs to a small bedroom, that was sparsely decorated. In one corner sat a bed with a middle aged woman in it, obviously with a very high body temperature. Omathan took one look at the woman then turned to the boy, “Jonah could you run and fetch a bucket of water and a washcloth, make it well water too, nice and cold.” Turning back to the woman as Jonah hurried out, Omathan pulled out his wand and pointed it at the woman “Tres dies curatio” He announced firmly, white light exploded from his wand and wrapped itself around the woman before disappearing. 


He then pointed his wand towards the door and said “Muffliato” Turning back to the woman he took in her shocked and terrified expression “Oh calm down will you? It’s not like I’m Hitler.” He stepped up to a large armoire that occupied one part of the bedroom wall and flicked his wand again. It scooted slowly to the side to reveal a discolored patch of wall. Omathan passed his wand from his right hand to his left and drew his fist back, slamming it into the wall and making a sizeable hole. Reaching in, he grasped around before latching onto something and pulling it out. 


A small leather bound book was held in his hand. Shoving it into his pocket he flicked his wand, repairing the wall and returning the armoire to it’s original place. Turning to face the woman he pointed his wand at her and shouted “OBLIVIATE!” Red light exploded from his wand hitting the woman in the chest, then another quick flick and the Muffliato spell was disbarred. Stowing his wand he stepped up to the woman’s side just as Jonah could be heard on the stair landing. When he entered the room he had no idea anything was amiss “Here you are suh, watah and cloth” 


“Thank you Jonah, just keep a wet rag on her forehead and she should be alright in two or three days alright?”


“Thank ya suh” 


Omathan placed a wet rag on the woman’s forehead then stood ruffling Jonah’s hair “You keep watch on her, I best be going. Long way to go” 


Twenty minutes later, he was walking back the way he had come, whistling a merry tune. 


A small pop was heard and Omathan, as in the memory before, moved with speed that was blinding to Minho, purple flames lanced from his wand arching towards the pop. White light flashed as the flames were redirected to the side and a voice shouted accusingly “JESUS CHRIST YOU IDIOT, YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!”


Minho gulped as a recognized his mothers voice as she stepped out of the field lining the road wiping dust and dirt from herself. 


“It wouldn’t have killed you, just hurt you like a bastard” Omathan smiled as Minho’s mother fell in to step behind him 


“Have you heard the news?” She asked somewhat excitedly.


“No, but I’m sure you’ll tell me.” 


Minho’s mother sighed “Smart . Do you remember that geeky little kid from the international school tournament? You know, the one representing Durmstrang?”




“Yeah, him” 


“Yeah, last I heard he was trying to take over the world, I figured I’d have to step in and kill him pretty soon. Why what about him?” Omathan turned a quizzical glare on her


“Well, you’ll never believe who beat you to the punch. Not only did he defeat him, but he put him in his OWN prison after capturing him alive.” 


“Oh my, now I am interested” Omathan looked ahead to the road, why they were still walking, Minho had no idea. They could apparate at anytime they wanted


“Albus Dumbledore!” She delivered it with all the flourish of an auctioneer who knew they were going to get top dollar for a one of a kind item. 


Omathan’s step faltered for a moment, before resuming it’s pace “Interesting, to be honest I’d have given that one to Grindelwald, I mean Dumbledore is a brilliant wizard, I just didn’t think combat suited him” Omathan looked away lost in thought. After a few moments he snapped his fingers saying loudly “Caspian!” 


Next to him a small but clean and well kept house elf appeared, “Yes master, Caspian is here master. What is it you need?” 


Omathan didn’t look at the elf as he walked “Write a letter to Albus Dumbledore, let him know I request an audience. Send it via owl as usual” 


“Yes master.” 


The elf snapped it’s fingers and disappeared with a crack. Minho’s mom and Omathan walked along in silence for a moment more before she said lightly “Why?” 


Omathan looked over at her for a moment “Because, if he could defeat Grindelwald, he has a fair chance at besting me. I’d rather have him as a friend than an enemy. That’s one thing you never learned. Maybe it’s because you were raised a Slytherin. Having those IN power in your pocket is one thing. Bearing the trust of those WITH power is quite another.” 


Minho’s mother seemed to think it over for a minute before nodding “Indeed, whoever would have thought that when I signed on to be your apprentice, I would be getting theology lessons as well as magical ones…”


Minho gritted his teeth, Well at least now I know what that was all about, he thought to himself, pushing off of the ground as the memory dimmed. He exploded out of the pensive and stood leaning against the nearest wall. 


 I wish I had a copy of these memories, I wish I had a copy of these memories, I wish I had a copy of these memories.


Before him appeared a small wooden box. Opening it, he took stock of the contents. Half a dozen small glass bottles held individual memories. Sighing, he closed the box and drew his wand, banishing it to their dorm. He would look through them later. As for now he had to find the rest of SHINee. And most of all, he had to think…


Edited :D

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What's crossover? Crossdress? Is it the same? Pls ans~~
Tweaker #2
Thank you <3
new reader here :) lol hp nd SHINee together :P its really quite interesting though! love the story..update soon ^^
Tweaker #4
Busy busy sandora :( <br />
Ill start writing again eventually i havnt abandoned it :P
SardinesAreNommy #5
FINALLY!! YAH! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??! All of your subscribers MUST be worried (I am) :P
Tweaker #6
I noticed that lol :P What would i do without you!
SardinesAreNommy #7
<br />
I screamed and jumped around when I saw this, you're WAY TOO KIND.<br />
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BTW...<br />
<br /> spelt thought wrong.. :S<br />
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^^ You need me!!<br />
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Tweaker #8
Everyone, a big thank you to SandoraSohma for her amazing grammatical correcting abilities. I know many of you may have though i suddenly started paying attention in English class (Pshh as if) When in fact it was her ceaseless efforts that have saved me from complete humility. <br />
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Tweaker #9
Thank you <br />
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