Kyuhyun's kiss

Living with Famous Idiots!

“Why do you look so cute tonight?” Kyuhyun asked,


He pushed me against the wall and kissed me, my eyes widened, WHAT THE HECK?!

He let go of me, and stared at me while still holding my head,

“You look really good tonight” he said,

“K-Kyuhyun-s-shi?!” I stared at him, but he kissed me again,

It wasn’t just a bump on the lip, nor anything close to frenching, but it was like those kiss scenes you see in a drama (Like the kiss scene in OH MY LADY at the end)

I’m still in shock, he pulled away and whispered in my ear,

“Why are you always so cute?” he hugged me even tighter, “Curves, and you smell so good” he said hugging me,

“W-What are you?!” I started to get flustered; he pulled away from the hug, and kissed me again,


“Kiss me” he said as he pulled away, then he kissed me again,

I stared at him, WHAT’S GOING ON?!

He held the back of my head, and his other hand was hugging my REALLY tight,

“Kyuhyun!” Yesung yelled and pulled him off of me,

“Hyung, leave me alone” Kyuhyun slurred,

“Sorry Alex, he does this when he goes over his limit often” Yesung said and pinned Kyuhyun to the ground,

I touched my lips, and nodded, then stared at Yesung’s fight with Kyuhyun

“N-NO! I WILL NOT SLEEP WITH YOU!” Yesung yelled pulling Kyuhyun off of him

“BUT HYUNG! I LOOOVVVEEE YOU!!” Kyuhyun said hugging Yesung,

“I AM NOT GAY!” Yesung yelled,

“YOU WILL FOR THE EVIL MAKNAE!” Kyuhyun said and kissed Yesung, I looked away blushing


“YOU’RE NO FUN! WHERE’S RYEOWOOK?!” Kyuhyun whined,

“AISH!” Kangin boomed, we all stared at him, “Can’t Korea’s most handsome man get some sleep?!” he yelled and fell asleep back on the couch, we all stared at Kangin, then the fighting happened all over again,

“Kyuhyun get off of me!” Yesung yelled when Kyuhyun pinned Yesung down,

“No Hyung! This is FUNN!!” Kyuhyun said and took Yesung’s shirt off, I ran over and pushed Kyuhyun off of Yesung,

“Yesung, are you ok?!”

“NOW YOU HELP ME!” Yesung sighed,

“Sorry” I tried to smile, “But can you explain all of this for me?” I grabbed Yesung’s shirt, “After you put on your shirt?” I handed him the shirt, Yesung took it, but didn’t put it on,

“Well, Even though Kyuhyun can drink as much alcohol as he wants, he, even though rarely, goes over his limit, and he becomes a romantic and kisses any human he sees” Yesung sighed, “He one time almost Ryeowook and Sungmin”

“Oh” I murmured, trying not to laugh,

“It’s not funny when you see two shirtless guys on each other, and one is yelling ‘HELP! KYUHYUN’S ME! Again!’” Yesung sighed,

“O-Oh” I said, so that’s how all those Kyuwook and Kyumin fanfics started…

“You ok?” Yesung stared at me, I looked away, I mean,

HE’S SHIRTLESS! And he’s tan… and abs… and…. I should stop now before ELFs come and try to kill me because I already saw a few members shirtless close up already….

“ALEX?” Yesung said leaning closer,

“I’m fine” I backed away, “Should we get Kyuhyun to his bed” I said,

“Alright” Yesung said, and pulled Kyuhyun to his room

Next day

“Alex~ Wake up” I heard Siwon say,

“Just a little bit longer” I said hugging my body pillow,

“Hurry before Donghae wakes up!” Siwon said,



Good, some more time to sleep~

“Because we were drunk last night and slept together, so you better get out of my bed and get dressed right now before Donghae finds out and kills us!” Siwon said, I jumped out of my bed


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OhNoItsCheli #1
Wow, I remember reading this years ago. This story brings back so much nostalgia. I love it.
lovesj #2
the very first fanfic that I've read and had a lot of spin-off.. nostalgic.. all time favourite fic..along with BamxAngie's fic.. it was nice reading it again...
great fic, thank you!
Nostalgic ^^
Chapter 1: I used to read this back when I was still a newbie in the kpop fandom. Rereading this makes me feel nostalgic af ;-;
whoisyouz #6
wonhobabey #7
swaglord #8
OH MY GOOOD. I searched high and low for this story!! I read this like years ago before I even made my account and I could not find and I'm here finallyyy!!!! BTW I LOVE THIS STORY SOOO MUCH