Small talk with Korea's bed head

Living with Famous Idiots!
“So? Where were you?” he asked me while getting cotton and dabbing my bleeding arm,
“You don’t need to know” I muttered,

“Someone’s being a bit mean right now” he laughed, I just sighed. He looked at me for a bit, but I didn’t dare look into his eyes, then he started to touch my blood spot with his hands,

“What are you doing?” I asked as he was touching the place where I was bleeding,

“What happened?” he asked still looking at the blood spot,

“I helped a girl who was being hit on by a drunken guy” I said, then he sighed and continued to dab by arm with the cotton,

“Hm~ you aren’t willing to tell me where you were, but you’re going to tell me what happened… I thought we got closer after the ice cream incident” he looked at me and gave me a shy smile, I rolled my eyes

“Well sorry for not fulfilling your wish”

“Why are you mad at me?” he asked staring at me,

“Why would you say that?”

“You’re usually nicer” he said and grabbed the bandage tape,

“Well sorry for not being in a good mood” I muttered, he looked at me,

“Do you want to know something?” he asked me, I sat there silent, “I really hate flowers,” I looked at him,

“And why are you telling me this?” I looked at him,

“Because, I want to become really close to you” he said looking at me into the eyes,

“Continue with your flower story” I sighed,

“Well, I confessed to this girl during this middle school, and gave her a bouquet of flowers, but she rejected me and threw the flowers in the trash” he sighed,

“Poor thing” was the only thing I could say to him

“Yep, and then she fell for this guy. Now she’s regretting it and is calling me to ask me out”

“I feel bad for you” I muttered,

“You know, there was this one time where my mom was begging me to get a girl friend, so she set me up with that girl, so I had to pay a girl to be my fake girlfriend to make her leave me alone”

“Really?” I sounded a bit interested,

“Yep, but then when I told my mom that my ‘girlfriend’ broke up, she called that girl who dumped me, and now she’s begging me to give her another chance” he sighed,

“She’s a jerk” I told him, he nodded,

“She wouldn’t date me when I was infamous, but when I became famous she’s suddenly crazy for me”

“You can’t fall for her, she’s going to break up with you as soon as you become poor again” I sighed,

“That’s why I don’t really like girl who are like her” he said, “Like, act cute, but aren’t. Or, just fake” he smiled, I nodded,

“Great, just don’t turn gay” I gave him a thumbs up

“I won’t!” he laughed, “Now tell me something about you” he smiled, I thought for a bit,

“Like what?”

“I don’t know, like a secret I guess, anything is fine,”

“Ok” I thought for a little while, “I can’t think of anything” I laughed,

“Not even one?” he looked disappointed,

“Not really” I lied, there was one, but I didn’t want to give it away…

“That’s boring” he sighed, “Well you’re arms done” he said touching it,


“So there’s nothing… Absolutely nothing you want to tell me?”

“Well…” I said and thought of something,

“What?” he asked getting a bit more interested,

“Today, Siwon forced me to the side to see how many people support Super Junior, but even at the sidelines I was shaking because I have a hard case of stage fright.” I paused for a bit,

“AND?” he said still looking at me,

“Siwon hyung was making fun of me because of it!” I sighed, and he just looked at me,

“That’s it?” he looked a bit disappointed,

“Well, you asked me pretty suddenly… so… yeah…” I replied scratching my head,

And I could have sworn, he muttered, “Liar” but I’m not so sure…

He got off of the chair, and walked inside of the dorm. I really wanted to stop him, and ask him why he was kissing Yoona, but I didn’t have enough strength to ask him. He might be like Siwon, bugging me about me liking Yoona. I don’t want him to think that I’m strange… What should I do?

I walked to the restroom and brushed my teeth, if I keep following Super Junior around too much, then I might see Yoona again, and I really didn’t want that to happen…

What should I do?

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OhNoItsCheli #1
Wow, I remember reading this years ago. This story brings back so much nostalgia. I love it.
lovesj #2
the very first fanfic that I've read and had a lot of spin-off.. nostalgic.. all time favourite fic..along with BamxAngie's fic.. it was nice reading it again...
great fic, thank you!
Nostalgic ^^
Chapter 1: I used to read this back when I was still a newbie in the kpop fandom. Rereading this makes me feel nostalgic af ;-;
whoisyouz #6
wonhobabey #7
swaglord #8
OH MY GOOOD. I searched high and low for this story!! I read this like years ago before I even made my account and I could not find and I'm here finallyyy!!!! BTW I LOVE THIS STORY SOOO MUCH