Our past

Fake Flower

Grey means flashback :)

“Where the hell could she be?” Leeteuk ruffled his hair in frustration. He once again gained some weird looks from people, but he couldn’t care less.

Leeteuk had already went to Sora’s school, he also paid visit to Hyorin’s house where he found Sungmin and he also went to see Sora’s parents. Of course he didn’t tell that he had lost their daughter, but Sora’s parents did seem to know anything about her.

Leeteuk was running out of places. He didn’t know where to go.

“This looks pretty depressing and boring. Why haven’t you decorated it?” Sora asked while eyeing the empty rooftop.
“I never use it. I don’t like high places that much.”

“And yet you live on the top floor... Idiot,” she laughed.

“I like my apartment and it doesn’t bother me since there’s walls and glass around me. But this... Is so open,” Leeteuk shivered.

“Okay fine. But I’m going to decorate this place. This could become my hanging out place where I can run away everything and especially you,” Sora smiled.

“Do whatever you want with this place,” Leeteuk said. He liked to see Sora’s smile. And if this was going to make her happy, then fine with him. Leeteuk was pretty sure that he would even go through fire if that would make Sora smile.

“But why would you wanna run away?” Leeteuk asked.

Now Leeteuk understood why she wanted to run away. But would she really be there? Hiding from me in my apartment? Well that would be the last place I would look for her.. He decided that it was worth of trying. Once again he run all the way back to his apartment.

But every step that took him closer to Sora, made him feel scared and it was harder to keep going. He wasn’t sure if he could face Sora. How should he do this? How should he apologize? And was there even a chance that she would forgive him? After all, what he did was something bad...

“Oh my god! How cute he is!” some easily over middle-aged woman cooed and squeezed Leeteuk’s cheek.

A 12-years-old Leeteuk wanted to shout to this annoying lady, but his parents had taught him well and he knew that if he did anything bad tonight, his father would give him house arrest.

So he just bowed and answered without showing his true feelings: “Thank you.”

A 12-years-old Leeteuk already knew his place and how he was supposed to act. But that didn’t mean that he was happy about it. Actually he hated these kind of thing. He hated these business parties, which his father threw. Ever since he was a toddler, he had to attend. And how much he hated them!

Every time he had to listen to old people telling him how cute and well-mannered he was. They always tried to set him up with their daughters who always turned out to be really boring and dumb.

The only things that helped Leeteuk to survive these parties were the good food and his friends; Yesung, Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Siwon. They were all his father’s business partners’ sons. Even though they were a bit younger than him, they still had fun together.

“Hey, Leeteuk-hyung!” he heard Sungmin’s high voice.

Leeteuk sighed of relief when he saw them coming towards him.

“Your father has something to say to you. Come on,” Eunhyuk said quickly and grabbed Leeteuk’s hand.

Leeteuk bowed to the woman, whose name he had already forgotten, and excused himself. They run to the empty hallway before all of them bursted out laughing.

“You really seemed to need our help hyung. Was she torturing you so badly?” Siwon asked and tapped Leeteuk’s shoulder.

“Yeah, thanks you guys! You really are my saviors. She was so annoying! She kept telling me about her granddaughter, who - according to her words - would be a perfect wife to me or something like that. She kept telling how sweet and caring she is and blah blah blaah. She didn’t even say anything about her looks, so I guess she pretty ug-” Leeteuk was cut off suddenly when something soft, but extremely heavy bumped into him and he was soon lying on the ground with this heavy thing on top of him.

“What the..?” of course a 12-years-old Leeteuk wouldn’t swear.

He looked up and saw a pretty big girl sitting on top of him. She looked pretty young, maybe 5 or 6? She had really round face and chubby cheeks. She had big and happy looking eyes and dark straight hair. In her own way, she was cute. Except that she was fat. Yes, 12-years-old Leeteuk was really shallow and mean.

“Ugh. She must weigh at least three times more than me. I can’t breath!” Leeteuk tried to move, but he was unable to move even one centimetre. 

The girl above him was just staring at him with shocked eyes and didn’t even realise that she was crushing that boy. She was just too shocked, because under her was lying one of the most handsomest and cutest (how can he be handsome and cute at the same time?) boy she had ever seen. Ryeowook was only cute, but this boy. He was something. Sora had always had a thing for older boys. Probably because she had big brother, it was easier to be friends with older boys.

“Could you move? I can’t breath properly?” Leeteuk managed to say and returned Sora back to earth.

Sora blinked and only now realised that she was still sitting on top of that boy. “Omo! I’m so sorry oppa!” she muttered quickly and stood up.

Leeteuk sat up and breathed slowly. He didn’t saw any his friends anywhere near. Those bastards! They just left me like that! How dare they! Wait a second... “Oppa? Did you just call me oppa?” he couldn’t believe his own ears. Was this weird heavy girl actually calling him, Park Leeteuk as oppa?

“Well yeah, I mean you are older than me so you are my oppa, right?” Sora didn’t think that there was anything wrong with that.

“But you can’t call a total stranger oppa. I mean I don’t even know your name!” Tsk. How annoying girl.

“Oh! My name is Sora! It’s nice to meet you oppa,” Sora said happily and bowe. “What’s oppa’s name?”

“I-I’m Park Leeteuk,” Leeteuk muttered. he was a bit taken aback.

“Now I know oppa’s name and oppa knows mine, so now we aren’t strangers,” Sora was beaming.

“That’s not what I meant...” Leeteuk muttered and got up.

Sora couldn’t take her eyes of off Leeteuk. He was just so handsome. I wish my oppa would look like that too.

Leeteuk realised that Sora was staring at him. “What are you looking at?” he snapped.

Sora blushed. “Nothing, oppa is just really handsome,” Sora muttered and looked down.

Leeteuk couldn’t but smirk after hearing that. “Really? Well thank you Sora. You look also nice,” sure that was a lie, but Leeteuk was taught to be good to girls - even though he hated it.

Sora raised her head and looked at Leeteuk with sparkling eyes. “Really? You really think so?”

“Yeah, sure,” Leeteuk shrugged his shoulders. “So Sora. I think I should get going. My friends are waiting for me,” he really wanted to get away from that girl.

Sora’s smile vanished. “Aa... Okay, I understand,” she muttered and you could easily hear the disappointment in her voice.

Ugh. I hate it when I have to act nice. “Come say hi to me when you have time. I’ll hopefully see you again,” Leeteuk forced himself to smile at Sora. 

“Really? Okay I will. See ya oppa!” Sora smiled brightly and run to back where she came from.

Leeteuk frowned. “What a weird girl,” he muttered to himself and left to look for his friends.

Sora on the other hand run back to the ladies' room and to the mirrors. She had to check it out herself. Leeteuk had really said that she looked nice. He really meant it, right?

“Kyaaa!” Sora jumped like a five year old. Wait! She is! Okay anyway and hummed something happily while walking out.

“Sora! There you are! I’m sorry it took so long. You didn’t get bored when I was gone?” Sora heard her best friend’s voice behind her.

She turned and almost run to Ryeowook and hugged him happily. “Oppaaa~!”

“Woa! Someone’s happy. Did something good happen to you?” Ryeowook asked and patted Sora’s head lightly. He hadn’t seen Sora smiling like that for a long time. It had been almost a year since Kyuhyun left, but Sora was still not fully recovered.

Sora nodded “Mmm-mm.I met the most handsomest boy ever! He was really sweet and nice to me! He even told me that I looked nice! I think I love him,” Sora’s smile even grew bigger. Could she really be in love? Well let's just say that what she was feeling was what a 5-years-old would call love. 

Ryeowook frowned. He wasn’t sure what to think. “Who was it Sora? He really said that you look nice? Well that’s true for sure, but still.” Ryeowook wasn’t that naive anymore. Because he knew what other kids thought about Sora.

“Leeteuk something..”

“You mean Park Leeteuk?” Ryeowook’s eyes widened. Leeteuk was the last person he trusted. Sure Leeteuk had a perfect image, but that didn’t foul Ryeowook. A 8-year-old Ryeowook wasn’t stupid.

“Yes, him! He seemed even older than you. He said that I should come say hi to him, if I have time. Can I go now oppa? I really want to see him,” Sora asked with her puppy eyes., which Ryeowook couldn’t resist

Ugh. I hate it when she does that. “Fine... But I’m going with you. I also want to see him,” Ryeowook muttered and took Sora’s hand.

They went back to the ballroom and started looking for Leeteuk. After few more minutes of searching, Sora spotted him standing in the corner with his friends. Sora’s lips rose up and she almost run to Leeteuk. But she stopped just couple of metres away, because she started feeling really shy.

She bit her bottom lip and wasn’t sure what to do next. Should she just go there? Well Leeteuk did say to her that she could come and say hi. So she should. Sora was almost taking a step closer to them, when she suddenly heard Leeteuk saying her name.

“And she said her name was Sora or something! You guys should have seen it! I had never saw that big girl in my life!” Leeteuk smirked evilly.

Sora stopped right there. Did she heard right? Was he actually saying that?

“Was she really that big?” one of Leeteuk’s friends asked.

“Yeah! I couldn’t even breathe when she was on top of me! Seriously, I thought I would die. That’s really sad that someone lets herself become like that. So not nice. And plus she was really ugly. She will never find a husband with that face. Good thing I don’t have to see her ever again,” Leeteuk laughed.

Sora’s eyes grew wider. She didn’t know what to do or how to react. It was like her brains had lost the connection to her body. She just stood there and stared at Leeteuk.

Ryeowook was standing beside her and he had also heard everything. He bit his bottom lip. He kind of knew that this was going to happen, but he had never thought that Leeteuk would be that straightforward. Of course he was mad. He wanted so badly to go and punch Leeteuk, but he knew that he had more important things to take care of first.

He took Sora’s hand and yanked her away from Leeteuk and the others, who hadn’t even realised that Sora and Ryeowook had heard everything. Once they were far enough he stopped and wrapped his arm around Sora’s body.

He didn’t say anything. He just waited. He knew his friend well enough to know what was going to happen next. Couple of minutes went by and they just stood there Ryeowook holding Sora and Sora trying to control her emotions.

Finally it took over and Sora bursted out crying. It was heartbreaking for Ryeowook to listen her cry like that. The only time Ryeowook had seen Sora even sadder than now was when Kyuhyun left. And that wasn’t that long ago either.

They stood there another good five minutes, Sora crying and ruining Ryeowook’s white shirt with her tears and Ryeowook patting Sora head and muttering comforting words to her. It took awhile for Sora to call down, but finally she stopped crying.

“I hate him, oppa. I hate him so much,” Sora muttered into Ryeowook’s chest.

Ryeowook Sora’s dark hair and hummed something to her. “You have every right to hate him, Sora. He was really mean to you. But you know that he’s wrong. You are really beautiful and charming and he’s an idiot if he doesn’t see it.”

“No. He’s right,” Sora raised her head and looked at Ryeowook with serious eyes. “I am ugly and fat. But that’s going to change! I’m going to change! I will become beautiful and thin so that he can’t take his eyes of off me. I’m going to change so much that he won’t even recognize me,” Sora’s eyes were full of decisiveness and determination.

Ryeowook gulped. He had never seen Sora this serious. The tears were now gone and there was only anger and revenge in her eyes. “Are you sure about this Sora..? I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I’m totally fine oppa. And I will be even more fine in the future,” she smirked. A 5-years-old smirking - something so wrong with that.

“Just wait Leeteuk. I’ll show you!” Sora pointed at Leeteuk’s back with her finger gun and smirked.

Ryeowook just looked at Sora with shocked face. What happened to my sweet, innocent and happy Sora? Will I ever see her again?

Leeteuk placed his hand on the doorknob. He sighed heavily. He opened the heavy door and stepped outside. The rooftop still looked empty and depressing. And there on the edge of the rooftop was Sora. She was leaning against the railing and hadn’t realised Leeteuk yet.

Leeteuk let the door close itself in and walked towards her. He still didn’t know what he was going to say and how to apologize, but at least he had some confidence now. He knew that he had to do it.


Let's just say that I really like you guys (even though I was really sad when there was only three comments on the last chapter) and I updated this soon. I wasn't planning on updating until like Wednesday, but oh well! Here it is! What you have been waiting for the past 5 months :) wow! It has been almost 5 months since I started this fic O.o time really flies, don't you think?

Anyway! This chapter. God, I have known since chapter three what this was going to be like and I wanted to write this chapter as much as you wanted to know about their past. Is there anything else this big coming..? Oh yeah! There's that one thing and that other thing and then there's the end (which all of them are already done :D) But don't worry! It's not like this will end any time soon :) part 3 will probably be like 10-13 chapters long and part 4 15-18 so you won't get rid of me that easily xD

I hope you would this time tell me what you thought about this chapter :) and I'll see you guys again next week! love u <3

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carlycandybear #1
update please ..love you story <3
Notegirl99 #2
Chapter 38: Holla .... I just finnished the last chapter... Why u no update for so long authornim? Love this story!!
Notegirl99 #3
Holla!! New reader here... I'm loving this ff so far!! Just got to chapter 22 after 1 day of reading this ff!! I really love it! Its filled with awesomeness n cute y parts that i love! I hope you are okay because it seems that your are not updating this ff... I hope u are in good health !! Bye i am gonna continue reading this ff. Bye
fernandawa #4
Please update it again T.T
xiaohope #5
Can u please continue to update it please
chocoblue14 #6
Chapter 38: And I'm reading this in 2015. Great story authornim. Hope you can update soon. It's almost a year you don't update this story. Cheers ^_^
bluskye #7
Chapter 11: I hope that you'll continue the story soon! Can't wait!!! :)
dimsung #8
Chapter 38: hai authornim.. i just read your fics fake flower and i fall for the story exactly ;) when will you update this story?? i get too exited about the update. hope you'll update sooner :):)
Teukie1234 #9
Chapter 38: Omg i miss your update authornim :'(((((
Chapter 38: Author nim!!~~ where's the update?? =( I badly miss leeteuk and your updates