







“Is everything ready?” CG asked darkly to his men.


“Yes sir”


“Have you sent the men to YG headquarters?” CG grinned.


“Yes sir” his men replied, “They’re waiting for our signal.”


“Good” CG laughed, “I heard they’re trying to make an antidote? Make sure our men destroy everything.”


“Yes sir.”


“Good…get to your positions then” he ordered, “And give them the signal.”


His men left and he remained in his dark office, he smirked and brought his hands together, “ GD it won’t be easy getting an atidote that doesn't even exist."

















Bom and CL paced up and down the office waiting for some news. They turned around when they heard the door open, it was Minzy and Gummy.


“Gd?” CL asked.



“He’s gone…” Minzy said numbly as she sat down on the chair.


“He’ll be ok” Gummy said trying to reassure herself, “Top and Dae are following him-“



“TOP?” Bom slowly stood up, “…what…do you mean?”



Gummy and Minzy looked at each other before looking back at Bom, “…TOP oppa-“



*ring ring*


Bom reached for her phone, it was TOP. She stared at her phone nervously for a moment before picking up.



“…where are you?” she exhaled.


“Remember I said I’d do everything I can to protect you?” TOP’s deep voice spoke through the speaker.


Bom took a deep breath realising what he was doing, “…you promised you wouldn’t leave…come...come back right now”


“You know I can’t do that” he said quietly.


“Why not?!” Bom shouted before heading towards the door.


She flung the door open but before she could go any further two guards stopped her, holding her tightly.


"Bom you can't leave it's dangerous" the men tried to stop her from leaving.



"Bom-ah!" CL rushed to her side and tried to stop her from leaving.



“Get off me! I need to stop him!!” Bom shouted as she tried to release herself. She reached for her phone again, “TOP! Tell them to let me go!! Get back here now!!”


“I need you to trust me Bom please…I’m sorry for asking you this but just trust me this one time ok?” Top asked.


Bom started to cry in the men’s arms and she slowly slid to the floor, “No I don’t want to! There! Now come back!”


“...Bom” TOP sighed.


"You don't understand! I've had this feeling something bad is going to happen all day!!" she explained hurriedly, "WHat if something happens to you...what have to come back to me now please"



“I need to do this, I'm sorry” TOP whispered, “…I love you.”


“No….no” Bom wept as TOP hung up the phone. She’d been feeling this horrible anxious grip all day that something terrible was about to happen. Was this what she’d been scared of all day?

















TOP put his phone away and covered his eyes with his hand. Bom’s cries remained his in mind so vividly it felt like she was crying next to him. But he couldn’t let GD do this alone. He had to help GD, he had to get rid of CG once and for all. It was the only way to protect Bom.


“Hyung?” Daesung asked warily.


TOP rubbed his eyes and calmed down, “I’m ok…just follow GD.”
















“Young deuk take two men and check the premises again, Suwon take Kyunjoon and Jong suk and guard the back entrance” Taeyang and Seungri ordered the men as they walked down the corridor.


“Neh hyung” they bowed before hurrying off.


Seungri reached the door and opened it revealing the girls looking very nervous.



“Seungri!” CL stood up and walked up to him.


“Are you ok?” Seungri asked.


CL nodded and nervously looked around, “…Have you heard anything?”


Seungri shook his head.



Bom looked up immediately, “He hasn’t called?!...What if something’s happened? We should go!” she stood up and headed towards the door.


Taeyang stopped her, “Bom they probably haven’t reached the place that’s why-“







They all turned towards the door as Young deuk flung into the room.


“What is it?!” Seungri asked.



“They’re here” Young deuk said darkly.


“They?” Minzy asked nervously.


Young deuk looked at her, “CG’s men.”



Minzy covered with her hands nervously while Gummy held onto her.





“AHH!” Minzy screamed and closed her eyes at the sound of gun shots at a distance.


They froze at the sounds of gun shots.



Taeyang pulled his gun out, “They’ve got in! Young deuk take the girls to the back room hurry!”



“No Dara! She’s still in the infirmary!” CL shouted.


“We’ll get her!” Seungri pulled her by the arm, “Right now I need you to go with Young deuk!”


“No I need to get Dara first!” CL pulled her arm off and ran off with Bom following her.


“CL!!” Seungri shouted.


“Seungri! The antidote!” Gummy stopped him from running, “We need to get it!”


“Young deuk you take Minzy to the back room! Seungri you go with Gummy to the lab and get the antidote. I’ll go get the girls” Taeyang said before running after CL and Bom.


















GD stopped the car and looked at the abandoned building in front of him. He got his gun out and hid it behind him before getting out of the car.


He scanned the area and he could already tell there were men hiding about the place waiting to kill him. He didn’t bat an eye towards them and made his way to the entrance where two armed men were waiting for him.


“Gun” one of them ordered GD with a smirk.


GD glared at him before throwing his gun on the ground.


The two men stepped aside and let GD in.












TOP and Daesung stopped their car a little further.


“There seems to be at least 10 men outside…we’re not going to get in without them noticing” Daesung shook his head.


“Then we’ll just have to kill out way through” TOP muttered getting a case out.


“Hyung they’ll hear the gun shots-” Daesung replied.


“Who said anything about a gun?” TOP said as he pulled out a thin and sharp knife.
















CL and Bom ran down the corridor ignoring the faint sounds of gun shots at a distance.



“AHH!” Bom stopped and covered when she saw two of YG’s men dead on the floor in front of them.



“Oh god” CL exhaled and ran up to them to check their pulse.


“Are they?” Bom asked nervously.


CL sighed and shook her head, “They’re dead.”







They immediately turned around to look down the empty corridor.


“Come on we have to get Dara before they get her” CL said before grabbing the guns by the bodies. She threw one to Bom, “I have a feeling we’ll be needing these.”


Bom grabbed the gun and held onto it tightly before following CL towards where Dara was.















GD walked down the long dark corridor calmly. He turned his head left slightly and noticed men on the floor above him watching his every move. He clenched his jaws and his eyes turned into slits as he continued to work.


Before reaching the end of the corridor a man opened a large door to his right without a word.


JIyong eyed the men one last time before entering the dimly lit room.


The door shut behind him and he looked up to see two men and a chair with its back to him.



“It’s good to finally meet you” CG’s voice rang through the air. He finally turned his chair around to face GD with a grin.


JIyong didn’t reply or even move a single muscle as he kept his gaze on CG.



“I guess the feeling isn’t mutual” CG smirked before leaning back on his chair.



“Where’s the antidote?” JIyong said darkly.


“Not so fast” CG laughed, “You know what I want first…where is it?”


“Show me the antidote first” Jiyong growled.


CG laughed again, “I don’t think you’re in any position to be ordering anyone around. After all you need me more than anyone because” he stood up now and leaned over the table, “Because I’m the only one that can save your precious Dara”


JIyong’s hands turned into fists and he glared at CG wanting to kill him there and then.








“ugh” a man fell dead on the ground with his neck slit.


TOP stepped out of the dark with a knife dripping in blood. He eyed the area and noticed his next victim.


He nodded at Daesung who was at a distance and pointed to the entrance.














CL and Bom turned into next corridor and ran to Dara’s room. They sighed with relief when they saw her still asleep.


“Get the wheelchair!” Bom told CL as she rushed towards Dara and started to take the covers off.



“Ok come on Dara!” Bom mumbled to herself as she put Dara’s arm around her shoulder.





“BOM!!” CL suddenly shouted and grabbed her gun before aiming it at the window where two of CG’s men were.


Bom ducked and placed Dara back on the bed before turning around with her gun in her hand. Without hesitation Bom shot at one of the men but he swiftly hid behind the door before shooting back at them.


“We need to get Dara out of here!!” CL shouted before pushing the wheelchair to Bom, “Get Dara in the wheelchair and I’ll deal with these two!”


Bom grabbed the chair and pulled it close to her while CL started to close up on the men while shooting at them.



“Come on Dara” Bom pulled Dara off the bed and struggled to put her in the chair.



CL kept shooting at the men so they couldn’t do anything but hide for the time being. But her bullets weren’t going to last forever.



Finally Bom managed to get Dara on the chair. She turned around just as one of the men fired a shot at CL.




CL ducked in time but the bullet hit Bom’s already injured arm.


“Agh!!” Bom cried out in pain as she fell to the ground but she quickly changed hands and aimed the gun straight at the guy’s forehead and shot.


The guy fell dead on the floor.


Bom’s eyes widened in shock and she took a deep breath realising what she had just done without hesitation.



The remaining guy pointed his gun at the girls but before he could so anything he was hit by a bullet. He fell to the ground too and in less than seconds Taeyang reached the girls.



“You girls ok?” Taeyang asked anxiously.


CL nodded quickly, “We need to get Dara out of here.”


Taeyang nodded and went over to Dara, “Minzy’s waiting in the back room let’s go!”














“We had a deal, I’ll give you the location of where we’ve kept the drug and you give me the ing antidote!” Jiyong’s voice rang out angrily in the room.


“Oh I’ll give you the…antidote” CG smirked, “It just won’t be easy.”


“What do you want?” Jiyong hissed.



“The location if you please” CG asked creepily.


JIyong stepped forward in anger but stopped when the two men beside him pointed their guns at him.


“You’re running out of time GD…Dara won’t survive for much longer you see” CG shrugged smuggly.


Jiyong’s face hardened.


“She’s dying and you can’t do anything about it” CG hissed.


Jiyong glared at him, wanting to rip his head apart.


CG suddenly broke into laughter, “Don’t you feel pathetic GD? I mean falling to your knees because of one silly little girl?” he shook his head and walked closer to GD, “The great GD crumbling down because of…love?” he burst into laughter again.


JIyong kept his glare on him the whole time, “I won’t ask again…Where is the antidote?”


CG smiled smugly, “The location first or you can say bye bye to Dara.”


JIyong glared at him as he took about an envelope from his pocket, he threw at the table, “Everything you need is in there. Now give me the antidote”


CG nodded at the men who took the envelope and then he turned to GD, “Follow me” CG walked up to the door and opened it. He walked out followed by JIyong.



They walked out into a large empty space where at least 25 men were standing at the sides with chains, knives and metal rods.


“What you want is over there” CG pointed to the other side of the room where a small bottle was hanging on a piece of string, “All you need to do is get there.”

JIyong eyed the little bottle that held all the hope he had in this world. He had to get it no matter what.


“You’re expertise lies in fighting does it not?” CG teased GD, “You get through my men and the antidote is yours.”


Jiyong eyed the men around the room all smirking confidently while preparing their weapons.


“Have fun...but don't take too long, rememeber Dara is waiting for you." CG laughed knowing there was no antidote before leaving Jiyong in the room.
















“Noona just get what you need hurry!!” Seungri shouted from the door.


Gummy fumbled around the lab anxiously grabbing all she needed and stuffing it in the bag.


“Antidote antidote…” she mumbled as she ran to the fridge.





“SH*T!” Seungri shouted before shutting the door close, “Noona hurry up!”



Gummy grabbed the antidote and put it in the bag, she flung it over her shoulder and ran to her desk pulling out two guns, “Let’s go!”














Taeyang hastily wheeled Dara down the corridor followed by Bom and CL close by.


“Once you get to the back room I don’t want you girls to leave the room do you hear me!” Taeyang said hurriedly, “No matter who it is don’t let anyone it!”


“What about you?” Cl asked anxiously, “What are-AHH!” she screamed when she heard a gunshot ring close to them.


“Sh*t!” Taeyang hissed, “Bom! Take Dara and go! Cl you too!”


“What about you?!” Bom retorted.


“I’ll be fine! Now go-“





They all ducked as men ran towards them with guns.



“GO!!” Taeyang roared at the girls.


Bom and CL held onto the wheelchair and ran off while Taeyang tried to keep the men away.









“This way!!” Cl shouted to Bom and they turned into another corridor, “Hurry!”







They turned around in surprise and saw men running after them.


“Come on Bom!” CL shouted as they tried to run away.






“Give me your gun!” CL shouted.


Bom threw her gun and held onto the wheelchair as CL turned around and shot at them hitting a few.






More gun shots were fired at the girls, one closely missed them but it was enough for Bom to lose her balance and she fell letting go of Dara’s wheelchair. The wheelchair along with Dara toppled over a little way away and Dara fell to the ground with a thud.


“DARA!!” Bom screamed as she tried to reach for Dara.


Dara laid there lifelessly.



CL aimed at the last two men and shot them dead. She turned around to find both Bom and Dara on the ground. She rushed to them and helped Bom up.


Bom edged towards Dara and pulled her towards her before crying. Things weren’t looking good here and she knew it. She needed TOP. She needed everything to be ok before she broke down for good.


She looked at Dara slowly, breathing heavily with fear. But more than her... Dara needed Jiyong.


Bom blinked back the tears, ‘Please GD…don’t fail her. You’ve got to save her.’

















GD looked up at the ‘antidote’ hanging by a thin piece of string. His only way to save Dara.



The men slowly started to make his way towards them smirking as they swung their chains.



GD looked at them numbly as he curled his hands into fists.


A man walked up to him and wrapped a bike chain around his knuckles and sung his arm around ready to punch Jiyong.


JIyong’s hand went to grab the fist and he spun the guy around and punched him back.

The other men now all rushed towards him chains and rods in hand and started to attack JIyong. Someone managed to punch him and JIyong fell back on the floor as he tasted the blood forming in his mouth. He wiped his mouth quickly and stood up before grabbing the guy by his collar.


JIyong punched him back into the crowd and grabbed the bike chain and whipped the men back into the crowd. 


Somehow one managed to get behind JIyong and grab him from the back. The other used this opportunity and they held onto JIyong's arms.


"ARGHH!" Jiyong growled as he tried to free himself but someone hit the back of his knees with the metal rod and he roughly fell onto his knees.


Without a pause someone kneed his stomach and grabbed his hair back before punching him.


"ugh" JIyong spat out the blood and heaved heavily on the floor. 


The men still had a hold of his arms, but as one of then men got ready to pucnch Jiyong again, Jiyong pulled his arms with all his might, pulling the men holding his arms towards him. He turned around and kicked them away. He then grabbed the nearest guy and twisted his arm back until they coud all hear the cracking of breaking bones.


"AHHHHHH!" the guy screamed in agony. Jiyong let him go and grabbed his metal rod before eyeing the men with his bloodied face.


The men in unison ran towards him to attack him as Jiyong tried to hit them out of the way.


"AGH!" he smacked one back and then another, but they kept coming towards him. 


One suddenly managed to hit Jiyong's arm and the metal rod came crashing down. Jiyong angrily grabbed the guy by the neck ready to punch him when suddenly one of the men managed to get behind him and whacked him across the head with a rod. 


Jiyong let go of the guy and staggered back. He winced in pain as he fell to his knees grabbing his head.


The men used the chance to kick and beat JIyong up senselessly as he laid there helplessly.


But as he coughed up blood his eyes reamained on the drug, his only hope of ever saving Dara. If he had to endure all this to save Dara then he would do it.
















Daesung stepped over another body and put his knife back, “That’s the last one hyung.”


“Let’s go” TOP made his way to the entrance.


But as they did they heard a sound of a car screeching to a stop close by.


“Who’s that?” TOP asked.



Daesung stepped forward and looked for a moment before his eyes widened, “…cops.”






















Minzy stood there alone in the back room. It was probably the safest room to be in. No windows and the door locked from the inside. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t hear the gun shots, the cries of men…her men.


She stepped back and stopped when her back hit the cold wall. She stood there frozen for a long time as cold sweat formed across her forehead.




She flinched and shut her eyes and breathed heavily. With every shot she feared the worst, one of her own dying.





Her eyes shot open, this gunshot sounded much closer.




Her lips parted and she exhaled sharply in panic. She looked around the room, a place to hide or run to.






“Ahh!” she screamed in shock when she heard Cl’s voice.


Minzy ran to the door and hurriedly unlocked it revealing Cl and Bom with Dara. She helped them in before tightly locking the door.



“Gummy unnie?!” Minzy asked.


“I don’t know” CL shook her head.


Minzy covered nervously until she caught sight of Bom’s bleeding arm, “Unnie!”


“I’m ok don’t worry” Bom reassured her, “CL you and Minzy stay here with Dara. I’m going to go help out there-“


“Have you gone mad?!” CL shouted at her, “You’re injured!!”


“Exactly, that’s why I need you to stay here and guard Minzy and Dara. If anyone comes you can protect them! I won’t be able to with this arm!”




“Look I can still shoot with my good arm!” Bom retorted, “You know I’m the best shooter in the force. Please Cl I need to get Gummy unnie. If we don’t get the antidote ready…then…” she looked at Dara and clenched her jaw.



















“Stand up!!” they ordered a badly beaten up Jiyong, “I SAID STAND UP!” they kicked him one more time in the face.


“ugh!” JIyong rolled onto his back and breathed heavily before spitting out blood.




Jiyong gritted his teeth and pressed his stomach with his hand before struggling to stand up.


He finally stood up, weak on his legs. Ignoring the men there he slowly made his way to the drug.



“Where you going?” they laughed as one kicked Jiyong’s leg making him fall hard on the ground.


JIyong supported himself on one hand before standing up again.
















“Find the girls!”



Bom slipped into one of the rooms when she heard men looking for them. She remained there until she knew they were gone and stepped out of the room heading for the laboratory.


She stopped one more time in the middle of the corridor when she saw a dead body. One of YG’s. Bom slowly made her way to it and kneeled down. She recognised that face. She’d seen him a lot in the headquarters.

Bom held onto the guy’s hand, “I’m so sorry.”


How many more lives were going to be taken away like this because of them?


Suddenly she heard footsteps ahead of her and she quickly stood up ready to run and hide when she heard Gummy’s voice.


“Seungri you go help Taeyang, I’ll go to the girls-“


“Unnie!” Bom stepped out and ran to the two.


“What are you doing out here?!” Seungri asked, “CL?”


“Oh god your arm!” Gummy reached for her bloodied arm.


“Unnie we don’t have time for this” Bom replied, “Have you got the antidote base?”




Gunshots were fired at them again. Without hesitating, Bom pulled Gummy behind her and swivelled around before shooting at the perpetrators.


“You two get out of here!” Seungri ordered them, “I’ll handle this! Take the back route! Go!!”




Bom grabbed hold of Gummy and ran down the corridor in haste.



“Bom, you’re arm” Gummy cried as they ran down.


“I’m fine we just need to get you to safety!” Bom shouted as they turned a corner.


“Sh*t!!” Gummy cursed before getting her own gun out and aiming at the men on the other side of the corridor.


“How many are there?!” Bom shouted as they ducked for cover. She aimed her gun and neatly aimed it at the men, shooting them without hesitation.


“More than 30! If not more!” Gummy replied, as she continued to shoot too.


“There’s no way we’re going to get through them unnie” Bom shook her head, “Listen to me unnie! Is there another way of getting to the back room?!”


“No, unless we go through the garden and enter through the back door. The corridor might be empty there” Gummy replied.


“Are you sure?” Bom asked.




“Ok I’ll keep these lot distracted for a while, you go that way and I’ll follow you once I know no one is following us!” Bom hissed.




“Go!! Unnie!!” Bom shouted literally pushing Gummy away before shooting the men.

















CG grabbed the envelope, “Get the men to the location.”


“Yes Boss!”


CG grinned widely before laughing manically, “Who knew it would be this easy?!” he laughed again before looking at the screen to see his men beating GD up, “Love? That was your biggest mistake GD.”



*Knock Knock*




“What?!” CG hissed.


“Cops” the guy informed him.


CG’s eyes widened, “Cops?” If anyone from the force saw him here, he would be caught.





CG’s eyes turned back to the screen and he gritted his teeth in anger at the scene.
















Jiyong coughed up blood before looking at the door way to reveal TOP and Daesung with people he’d never seen before.




“GD!!” TOP ran to JIyong and helped him up, “You ok?!”


“What... the hell are you doing here?” Jiyong asked with difficulty.


“You think I would have left you, you b*stard?” TOP growled before putting Jiyong’s arm around his shoulder.



“Daesung get the drug!!” TOP shouted.




“PUT YOUR WEAPONS DOWN!” Junho shouted at the men.



“G.O! Let’s go get CG!”  Chief Kim shouted before running out of the room.




Junho eyed the men as they dropped their weapons reluctantly. As they did Junho turned around, “Is he ok?”



TOP growled under his breath as he looked worriedly at Jiyong.





Junho turned around just in time to duck as one of the men tried to hit him with a metal rod. He backed up and shot the guy in the arm. The others took the opportunity and grabbed their weapons to attack them.



“Damn it these cops can’t do anything right!” TOP growled before turning around and grabbing two guns and shooting the men in their heads without a miss.



TOP shot two more men as they approached to attack them.



As one of the men swung his arm around to punch Jiyong, Jiyong reached for the guy and wanked the metal rod he was holding. He then swiftly hit the guy back before turning to the other men.


He stumbled slightly from all the wounds but he remained determined.


He swung once more but didn’t hit anyone, his vision was blurring now and he could feel his head wound throbbing uncontrollably.


“AGHH!” A guy kicked him from the back and Jiyong fell to the floor dropping the metal rod again.


Before the guy could hit Jiyong again, Daesung shot the guy in the head.


“Hyung!” Daesung ran up to Jiyong.



“We need to get CG!!” TOP shouted amidst fighting some more goons.


“Chief and G.O- SH!T” Junho ducked as a guy tried to swing a bat at him.





JIyong looked up now, his eyes glazed with pure anger.


Daesung furrowed his brows at his expression, “Hyung?”


JIyong curled his hands into fists before pushing himself off the ground, “Gun.”


Daesung quickly gave Jiyong his spare gun but before he could ask anything, Jiyong stumbled out of the room.


“HYUNG!” Daesung shouted as he tried to follow him out but two men blocked his way.

















CL worriedly smoothed Dara’s hair away from her face, “She’s burning up!”


Minzy ran to them and fell to her knees before touching Dara’s face, “You think she’s going to wake up soon?”


CL hardened, “It has been a while since she had the sedative-“



Dara suddenly took a deep breath and her brows immediately furrowed.


Minzy and CL looked at each other in panic, “…she’s waking up…”


Dara’s dry lips parted as they searched for air. Her head tilted to the side slightly as the feeling of pain started to return.



“I…I need to get Gummy unnie!” CL said as she stood up, “Minzy you’re going to have to stay here-“





They both froze but stayed absolutely quiet.


They could hear mumbling outside and then someone trying to open the door.



“…unnie…” Minzy whispered terrified.


“Ssh” CL said quietly before reaching for her gun, “stay here”, she swalked to the door nervously.


They both held their breath when they heard unfamiliar voices outside the door.


And then suddenly they heard loud thuds as the men shoved their bodies against the door to open it.



Minzy covered with her hands and closed her eyes in fright while CL readied her gun at the door.








CL looked down at her hands and realised they were shaking violently.







She suddenly felt a drop of tear run down her cheek and she took a sharp breath, ‘…Seungri…where are you?’








“Ackkk!” Minzy screamed out loud and looked up at CL in panic.


*BANG* The door flung open and 3 masked men with guns barged in shooting at them.



“UNNIE!” Minzy screamed as she hid behind a table.


CL hid behind the book self and shot back at the men, “MINZY STAY THERE!!”


She jumped out and rolled down on the ground before shooting one of the men’s leg. He stumbled over and CL managed to grab his gun with her spare hand just as she got up and aimed at the other two men.


One of them shot the gun out of her hand and before she could regain control, he kicked her back before aiming the gun at her.


The other had made his way to Dara. Minzy grabbed the vase on the table and went to hit him but he grabbed the vase just on time and slapped Minzy to the ground before turning to Dara with his gun.



“No!! DARA!” CL saw what was happening and tried to stand up but the guy pressed the gun towards her head making her stay still.


“Shoot her” the man ordered his partner as he towered over CL.


CL breathed heavily and broke down into tears, “please noo...please….no”



The guy with Dara smirked as he looked on at Dara still unconscious on the floor and aimed at Dara’s head.




Minzy struggled to sit up and wiped the blood from her cut cheek. She turned around and saw the guy about to shoot Dara. Her eyes grew wide in shock. She quickly got up and charged at the man shoving him away just as he pulled the trigger.





Minzy fell on the floor next to the guy and clutched her shoulder in pain.


“You b*tch-“





“AHHH!” Minzy screamed and shut her eyes thinking the guy had shot at her.



“Seungri?” Minzy heard CL calling out Seungri and she opened her eyes to see Seungri and Young deuk standing there. She quickly turned back to see the guy by her side dead.


“Minzy!” Young deuk ran up to her and fell onto his knees, “Are you hurt?! Did they do anything to you?! Minzy!!”


Minzy took short small breaths before leaning into his chest. She turned her head to the side towards Dara when she noticed something. Her eyes widened in shock as she stared at Dara.




“CL!” Seungri helped CL up as she stared at the dead man by her feet, “You ok?!”


CL nodded as she held onto Seungri for support.






Cl furrowed her brows and looked down at Minzy.




“What is it Minzy?” Young deuk asked as he cupped her face but her eyes remained fixed on Dara.


CL slowly made her way to Minzy and then turned to look at Dara.


CL gasped for air as she stumbled back.



When Minzy had pushed the guy away, he wasn’t able to shoot Dara’s head but the dark reddening patch on her chest showed he hadn’t missed completely.



“DARA!” CL screamed and ran to her. She grabbed Dara and cried out loud, “No!! Dara!! Seungri help!!” she shook Dara’s limp body and cried again.



“Where’s Gummy noona?!” Seungri asked, “We need to get her now!”



“Bom unnie went to get Gummy unnie but they haven’t come back oppa” Minzy cried in distress, “Young deuk!! What are we going to do?!” she hit his chest frantically, “Save her please!!”












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Currently editing the final chapters of Undercover Love. Will update today!


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amleht #1
Chapter 84: Still crying though I've read this story for the nth time. Really loved this story. Thank u authornim
Boblymika #2
Chapter 1: Reading the story for the 6th time 😎
maya-kpop #3
Chapter 83: I'm re-reading this story again and it is such a good story. The old daragon stories are the best!
zigzag06 #4
Chapter 68: 8 yrs later and still one of the best fics and authors! Please never delete your stories!!
daragon2004 #5
Chapter 48: This is suchhhhhh a masterpiece. Im hoping for its Part 2
Chapter 83: I'm glad I'm not the only one who come back for this story...this is the only stories that make me felt like this...I'm so emotional wreck every and each time
zigzag06 #7
Chapter 84: Been reading this fic for years and i still love it!! Deserves an epilogue or a part 2!!
xe2d2205 #8
Chapter 84: I am back again ! I like this story! really , it has too much tragedy and hurt but aftermath they are happy what have their have! This is good! we were too much laugh and cry and this story made we happy at the same time! Thank you , you have a graet job! I hope we will meet a new daragon story again!
be safe and happy
Yma_0421 #9
Chapter 83: His alive!!! I thought kekeke no happy ending....
EmmaforTokki #10
Chapter 42: Waaaaaah! Ang intense!! feel na feel ko yung emotions. Huhuhuhu