Nobody likes to Clean Up

Lucifer's Butterfly

Some minutes later when people (mainly speaking of Key) had settled down...

“I’m going to go find something warmer to wear.” Taemin escaped as he sensed cleanup time approach.

She was parched and still in a daze, so she reached for a glass of water and took two quick, large gulps before her face twisted unattractively while swallowing the third gulp.

“Bleh.” To ease the poisonous taste, she stuck out her tongue and breathed through . ‘Who in their right mind would just fill a glass full of just vodka?!’ She prayed that her alcohol tolerance was still impressive enough to handle the near quadruple shots she had just thrown back. She shoved some cake down as a chaser.

Jonghyun nudged Key's side. "How strong of a drinker is she again?" Maybe 2 months ago, he would have been ecstatic to have her mentally impaired and would have taken advantage of it. Now, he was legitimately worried for her health. Well, with a slight hope she was a lovey dovey, touchy feely type drunk that he could take the opportunity to get to know intimately. But, of course, that was at the far far back of his mind. Dark demonic corners that he forced any naughty, violent, all around 'bad' thoughts into.  Of course.

Reading Jonghyun's mind, even that little faraway dirty idea, Key crushed Jonghyun's hopes and gave him relief at the same time. "You got no chance bro. She's a strong drinker. Probably as strong as Onew-Hyung on his worst day. Even if she got wasted, she's one of those drunks that amplify their feelings and are super truthful. Right now she hates us right? So she'll probably take a knife to us if we breathe wrong."

The pair watched her chug some juice to wash down the cake and hydrate herself. "Then again," her cheeks started to flush, "she hasn't drunk in months..."

"And who wants to tell her that juice was Taemin's and he dumped orange rum liqueur in it last night?"

Clean up was slow to start. Jonghyun had laid back down on the blankets and propped his head on his arm to watch the girl sip at her drink while examining her gift from the faeries. Key was inventorying what was left of his expensive tree decorations. Onew and Minho were eating the remaining snacks while talking about their first ever sighting of faeries.

"Ohhh Luna, you have such pretty fur. I envy you . So pretty and majestic.” She was coddling the beast as if it were a giant teddy bear or a big, gentle Labrador. Luna squirmed uncomfortably. “ Yes, you are. Yes, you are beautiful. Yes you are…." The beast escaped her hold and ran away, but she didn’t seem to mind.

“And this book!” The drunkard held up the shabby book over her head, “is AMAZING!!!” She dropped it onto her crossed legs and started flipping through it with sparkling eyes. “Potions to help you focus. Teas to chase away nightmares. Herbal mixes to ward off vampires. Dusts that make you unattractive to succubi. Plants to let you see FAERIES!” Her excited mutterings had the boys slightly worried.

"I'll go get her a glass of water." Kibum nodded at his own idea.

Minho started to pack the empty containers back into the cooler and stack bowls. “Hyung, help me clean up before she drinks any other unidentified liquids.”

“Yessir…!” Jonghyun said as he picked up the pot and portable stove. Jinki emptied scraps into a trash can.

Key returned holding a glass of water. “Where’d she go?” He scanned the room.

“She’s right-,” Jonghyun started but turned around to see an empty spot at the table, “not there.”

Jinki picked up the trash can and started to move. Taemin returned to scene in a run and slide.

“Where’s the fire Taemin?” Key said as the maknae steadied himself. “There better be no fire.”
“I saw her go outside through the garden!” Taemin gasped out.

Plates broke, food scraps flew, and bottles rolled as the boys all scrambled.

Thea's Corner <3
This is as good as it's getting. I don't feel like making it any longer. It's just easier to do also.
Three chapters (albeit short ones) in one night. Kinda sorta makes up for at least some of the time I've been away. Sort of...
Posted: 11 April 2014

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ebonyexalted #1
Chapter 68: idk if you’ll ever come back to this but i for the life of me hope you’ll finish it. you’re sooo close and such a talented writer like you and this story deserve closure. ik it’s been over 10 years but quality never dies. i came back after all this time and can’t believe there was never a final resolution!!
jonginybear #2
Chapter 1: this is sooooo good!!
I want to complete it