
Cleaning for the Music Boys Live in Absolute Quality



Little Joonie was sitting on the swing because Pokemon had been taken off the air in Korea. He was sitting on the swing just kicking at the dirt ground and sighed. When he was suddenly flying in the air. He looked behind and saw an eight year old ______ pushing him on the swing.

‘______ why are you pushing me I’m too heavy for you’ He said to her

‘No you’re not Oppa’ She grunted ‘Appa always pushes me on a swing, when I’m sad, so I’m going to push Oppa’

She pushed him with all her energy and he was able to calm down and not be angry anymore. As time passed _____ started to slow down as she was getting tired pushing Joon, but she kept going until she had no energy left. She stopped pushing him and sat down on the closest bench and sighed. Joon finally got off the swing and sat down next to her.

‘Are you feeling better Oppa?’ She asked huffing and puffing

‘Hmm’ He nodded ‘Thanks ______’

‘It’s ok Oppa’ She said resting her head on his shoulder ‘My turn’

She got up and ran to the swing and sat on it.

‘Oppa my turn!’ She yelled from the swing.

Joon got up and started pushing _____ on the swing and they played on the playground until sunset.


Your POV:

I woke up surrounded by warmth all over me. I could feel someone caressing my hair and hugging me. I jolted and sat up straight.

‘Are you ok?’ Seungho asked

‘What time is it?’ I asked holding my head

‘Its two in the afternoon’ Seungho said ‘Are you ok now?

‘My head hurts’ I groaned ‘What happened?’

‘Well Joon came back and well you sort of punched him and he disappeared’ He said

‘OH GOD’ I said falling onto my side and onto his lap ‘Why am I so mean?’

‘You’re not your mean, you’re just angry’ He said

‘Wait where is Joon? ’I asked sitting up again

‘I don’t know’ He said shrugging his shoulders

 I quickly got up and ran outside the room, to see SHINee all looking at me.

‘______ are you ok?’ Minho asked

‘Where’s Joon?’ I asked him

‘What?’ He asked

‘Where is he?’ I asked Minho

‘I don’t know’ He said quietly

‘Why did you let him go?!’ I said loudly ‘You idiot! You know what happens when something goes wrong? You know he goes missing for days on end. Remember when his Grandma passed away, he was missing for a week’

‘How do you know that?’ Minho asked

‘Because I’m not stupid! I know you didn’t help find him’ I yelled at him ‘OK! You always treated me like I’m stupid, well guess what Choi Minho! I’m not! I liked Joon in the past yeah and I got hurt but I’m not going to make that stupid mistake again. I like someone else. I’m going to go and find Joon’

I ran out of the dorm and down the flight of stairs and looked around. ~Where would Joon have gone? The last time he went missing they found him at the park. That’s where he went last time!~  I ran to the closest park and saw someone sitting on the swing just kicking at the dirt. I ran towards the person and began pushing them on the swing.  ~ I’m sorry you suffered Joon, I’m sorry~ . I kept pushing him until my arms felt sore and I stopped and stood there waiting for it to slow down. He finally stopped it with his feet.


Joon’s POV:

I stopped the swing using my feet and sighed.

‘I’m sorry’ She said ‘I didn’t realise it would be this bad’

I didn’t turn to look at her

‘I shouldn’t have yelled at you in the first place, it happened years ago and I don’t understand why I’m angry and annoyed at you when it all happened so long ago’ she said ‘I was wrong and angry and it was all just stupid and… I’m sorry’

I was now standing in front her, she looked up at me.

‘I’m sorry’ She said

I hugged her. I didn’t have anything to say to her. I accepted her apology and all she needed was a friend to talk to. She stood there with her hands by her side and she just cried into my shirt, apologising over and over again.

‘It’s fine’ I said ‘I made you suffer and I deserve to see feel that pain too’

I pulled out and rested my hands on her shoulders. She looked up at me her eyes glittering with tears and red. I slowly leaned in and she realised what I was doing and looked to the left, so I was faced with her cheek.

‘You like Seungho Hyung right?’ I said

She stayed silent.

‘Meh its ok with me, I approve of him’ I said taking my hands off her shoulders and stretching

‘What?’ She looked at me in shock

‘You always said you liked Pandas’ I said smiling at her

‘I don’t like him’ She said ‘At least that’s what I think’

‘Ha!’ I sad pointing at her ‘You do like him’

She stood there blushing and kicking at the dirt.

‘Wait till Hyung finds out about this’ I said laughing

‘No!’ She said loudly ‘You can’t tell him please?’

‘Fine’ I smiled at her ‘Just for you I won’t tell anyone’

‘Thanks Joonie’ She said hugging me


Hey everyone Yamasau here!! How did u like my update? I know its been a while but you know I've been busy! Watching the MAMA's school, homework and all that jazz! Hope you all enjoy this chapter and i will update again next week! 

I love all my lovely subscribers! thank you all~!

Can you all please check out this fanfic too? Im a co-author with it so please check it out!! And you guys can follow me on twitter!!! 

Click here!

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BUT! I promise i will upday this Friday.Meanwhile, feel free to give and suggestions on what you want the next chapter to be


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Chapter 39: Welcome back! Thanks for the update :)
'till next sunday <3
ozwalkr #2
Chapter 39: Good to see you. The story is cute, and I hope you do more with it soon!
Chapter 41: I miss this story.. Please update soon~ >.<
Chapter 41: Welcome co-author nim :)
Please revive this awesome fic! I'm conting on you ;)
Chapter 41: I love this fic so much...please update and I hope the author-nims do alright
I love this story! No, please continue it!
Chapter 23: Nevermind just Google what the meaning. Well not sure if it's that, may you please tell me ^-^V
Chapter 15: Chonny is the so y!
SuperShawolFan304 #10
Chapter 40: Aish..... :(