Gift Exchange~~

2 Different Tears

As soon as we got there, we visited all the animals, then we ended by visiting my Jae Kyung.

"Jae Kyung-ah~~~" I called as I ran towards my lion. I hugged her, then petted her head.
"I missed you so much. And I'm going to miss you. Take care of youself, hm?" She growled as if she missed me also. I trained her abit, then after, I gave her her food. Steak.

"No fair, I haven't had that since White Day, my real birthday." I said quietly. I looked at T.O.P and he was smirking.
"What's wrong?" I asked him. He shook his head then nodded.
"Nothing..Let's go to the souvenier shop." He said. He took my hand then we walked to the shop. I let got of his hand and wrapped my arm around his. I guess he didn't mind, because he smiled. We walked in, and right away, I found the mitts.

"AH! Bo peep bo peep!" I said as I let go of T.O.P and ran towards it.
"I think the ah goes after bo peep bo peep." I heard him smirk.
"I've been looking for these. Miss, you always have what I look for here!" I told the cashier.
"Ah, ne. We have alot here. Omo. Is this your boyfriend?" She asked. "Did you break up with the other guy?"
"He's not my boyfriend, and yeah the other guy broke up with me."
"Oh, I'm sorry." I took the mitts off the shelf and looked around more. I saw a red rose in a small, pretty bottle.

"Miss, what's this?"
"That rose blooms every 3 years. This year, it's going to bloom."
"When does it bloom?"
"Well, it's supposed to be today, but I'm not sure anymore."
"Oh...I think that's pretty. But I don't have enough money." I lied. I didn't want to buy it on my own.

"It's 10'000. But I can give you a discount since you are a usual here. I can give it to you for half."
"Oh, really? I only 3'000 left after I buy these mitts. Then I'll but that necklace please."

"That totals up to 7'500." I gave her the money, and she gave me a light blue bag, like before.

"Ah, oppa, neo baegopda. I'll go ahead okay?" I said as my stomach grummbled. He nodded, then I ran out to the food stand.

No one's POV

T.O.P took the rose in the bottle off the shelf and bought it.

"Take this. It's supposed to make fateful love possible." The lady said as she gave him a necklace with a small box. It was the necklace from IRIS that Jin Sa Woo was going to give Choi Seung Hee.

"How much is it?"
"Just take it. She's always here, and I feel bad for her. She seems like she really likes you, so take it." She smiled. T.O.P bowed and put it in the bag. He went to the food stand with Ha-Neul, and ate some food with her.

"Oppa. I..." She trailed.

Ha-Neul's POV

I couldn't say it just now. And it'd be weird if a girl says it first...right?

"Can I stay at your house today? I my brothers are going to have a party, and their parties last forever! I won't be able to sleep tonight, so can I stay over?" I asked innocently.
"Sure, you can stay whenever you like." He smiled back. After we ate, we went to his house, and I changed into some PJ's I left there when I lived with him. I put the bag in the room I was staying in, and took the necklace out. T.O.P was in the washroom, so I had a chance. I ran into his room, and put the necklace in the drawer beside his bed. I ran back into my room, and sensed that he had been in here. I smelt his shampoo, that I also used when I lived there. I shrugged, then when I looked at the desk, there was the bottled rose.

"Omo..." I walked up to it, and it was blooming.
"Wah~~~~~ THANK YOU SEUNG HYUN OPPA!" I screamed.
"NO PROBLEM!" He replied. He probably got into my room when I was in his. At around 11:40-ish. I fell asleep, and heard someone rappin quietly. I didn't want to open my eyes because I felt so tired.

*I guess that's what you call a gift exchange.*

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im_sucks_LOL #1
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NotAsian #2
Chapter 14: really like how its coming along so far. TOP's dynamic character is really interesting too
plstop #3
Chapter 71: hahaha now that I noticed it she's always riping out her clothes and bra and shorts :P
Chapter 115: this was really good! ^.^
naegaapa #5
owah~!! so cute~!! goshie~!
@naegaapa im so fail~ haha.
evalala #7
i love the story!<br />
This really awesome, I like the story!!!