Another Heavenly Night~

2 Different Tears

"Boyfriend? AHAHAHAH! Of all people, you pick him?" Dong Woon laughed.
"Yeah. Why, you jealous?" I poked his arm.
"No I'm not. And p-"
"I know, I know." I cut him off. I put my arms around Jun Hyung's neck and leaned in.

*Note to self, my third kiss has to be a good one. First T.O.P, now Jun Hyung. Oh my gosh. That's heaven!* I thought, then kissed Jun Hyung. I pulled away, and looked at Dong Woon.

"Satisfied?" I raised an eyebrow, then we got into the van.
"Did your brother really call?" Jun Hyung whipsered to me.
"Nah. I don't even know if he's home." I replied. We were sitting in the back, and Dong Woon, KiKwang and Hyun Seung sat in the middle, DooJoon drove and YoSeob called shotgun. BIG BANG started again, and I answered my phone.

"Hey american girl."
"So, you want to go for dinner tonight?"
"I can't, I have visiors at home."
"Oh, okay. Call whenever you have time." He said then hung up.
"He gave up that easily." I whispered to myself. DooJoon dropped us off at the YG building where my car was (I didn't use it since the day T.O.P embaressed me). Jun Hyung and I got into my car, and I drove to my house. We walked in, and yet another great greeting. This time by both of my brothers.

"Where were you? T.O.P got worried, G-D looked all over the place. And-" They both said coming down the stairs both shirtless.
"Ew, you guys are so gross! Get a shirt on. Hyun Joong you know what I told you about being shirtless in the house!" I yelled.
"Jun Hyung, these are my idiotic brothers. Kim Hyun Joong, my older brother and Dae Seong Ho, my twin." I said, as I walked to the kitchen.
"How is he your twin if his-"
"He goes by my dad's last name. What do you want for dinner?" I asked.
"Anything's good." He replied. I got ingredients ready to make BiBimBap and Kimbap.

"Hyun Joong! Jerry! Did you guys eat?" I called.
"Yeah!" They replied.
"You can sit in the living room and watch some tv while I cook us some dinner, kay?" I said.

No One's POV

Jun Hyung shrugged, then sat on the couch and started watching tv, until Ha-Neul's brothers came out of nowhere and stood infront of him.

"Who are you?"
"Why are you here?"
"What buisness do you have here?" They asked many questions.

"I'm Yong JunHyung. I'm here because your sister dragged me here. My buisness here is nothing for you to concern about." He replied quickly. The two continued asking questions, and Ha-Neul heard them talking.

"LAY OFF MY BOYFRIEND!" She yelled, then they both ran into the kitchen.
"Boyfriend?" Hyun Joong asked.
"Did I hear right?" Jerry poked his ears.
"Yes my boyfriend." She nodded as she finished with the BiBimBap.
"What about G-D, T.O.P and Joon?" Her older brother asked.
"Oh nothing."
"But you-"
"Don't you even say it Jerry or I'll put you in hell with Seung Hyun." She threatened, pointing her wooden spoon at him.
"Or, I'll beat you up badly. Pick."
"I pick to shut up." He said, stepping away.
"You too Hyun Joong. Jeez. You guys are so humiliating I feel like I'm the oldest." Ha-Neul said to herself. After she finished cooking, she set the table up, and called Jun Hyung.

"Manhi mogo." She smiled.
*Damn. She's so cute. I can't be falling for her already.* Jun Hyung thought. He just looked at her, eating peacefully, then when she looked up, she saw that he wasn't eating. She took a piece of beef, and put it near Jun Hyung's mouth.

Ha-Neul's POV

"Ah~" I said as Jun Hyung leaned in to eat it. After we ate, I brought him to my room.
"You can sleep on my bed tonight." I said as I opened my closet to get the sheets I she could sleep on the floor, but he stopped me.
"You are my girlfriend right?"
"Yes and..." I trailed off.
"You sleep in the same bed as I do."
"Alright fine. Lemme just get you some pj's." I ran into Hyun Joong's room to find him watching some video on his laptop, and stole some pj's from him. I ran back into my room and gave Jun Hyung the pj's.

"Go change in the washroom." He took it and left. Meantime, I got some shorts and a tank top on. Jun Hyung knocked on the door, and I called him in. He came in with the pants I gave him, but no shirt. I stared at his well build body, and didn't say anything.

"Oh, you don't mind right?" He asked after a long pause.
"Not at all." I said plainly. I got into my bed and Jun Hyung lay down beside me. I turned my body, and surprisingly, I faced Jun Hyung's back. I thought I'd face his face, or his side.
"Good night Jun Hyung."
"Good night Sunni." He replied. I put my arm around his waist, and he didn't seem to mind. Luckily, my bed was an extra large double, so we could both fit on my bed.

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im_sucks_LOL #1
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NotAsian #2
Chapter 14: really like how its coming along so far. TOP's dynamic character is really interesting too
plstop #3
Chapter 71: hahaha now that I noticed it she's always riping out her clothes and bra and shorts :P
Chapter 115: this was really good! ^.^
naegaapa #5
owah~!! so cute~!! goshie~!
@naegaapa im so fail~ haha.
evalala #7
i love the story!<br />
This really awesome, I like the story!!!