one sided love


Myself wanting to forget that crush i had in middle school. i wanted no part of love or boys in my life. But what happens when i bump into someone i used to like?


One day something reminded me of  when i was a middle schooler and having that first love. All I wanted was that person to love me back. But intially it made me love sick and confused. Everyday i kept asking God for help and always asking God what was wrong withme every single time. At that moment i knew that i had to change. i didnt want that one sided love to interfere with my eduction so eveyday i tried to move on and not think of him. 10 years later i soon found myself succusesful in life and having the best time of my life with no boys or love.


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MinMiShine94 #1
oooh I like it the girl in the description sounds like me I used to have a huge crush on someone but I got bullied because of it and my grades became bad so I decided I want no part in boys I would only have as my friends and that's it I don't know how my story will end but so far I'd say I'm quite successful getting into university and all haha update soon neg I'd love to read a story I can understand the character ^.^