A Writer's Perspective


A single point of view of what I think about should and should nots for fanfics/stories.


So I've been seeing more and more of these blogs that have been advising authors, or even blatantly telling them, about how to improve their writing. (Mind you, but most have been Kerry's 'JUST A TIP' series, but there have been a few others as well)

I've been wanting to comment on so many little aspects that these people have brought up, but of course, there is really no overall winner in an argument when everything is completely opinionated. However, I've decided that hey, even if I don't agree with you, I won't criticize directly, but I'll write something myself about this, but how to make it not sound like it's the same thing over and over again?

And as I'm sitting here boring myself to death in reading all this crap that I've read over and over again, a new epiphany came to me. "What if it was the way that it was presented that's the problem?!" I mean, seriously, even I can't deny the fact that I would rather read something comical than just bland prose all the time. So then, what if it was full of snarky propositions? Would you read it then?

Well, I'd like to test that out. This little multi-chaptered, section by section enhancement device I'm giving you is solely for the purpose of seeing if you think that there's something you agree upon, perhaps you can put it to good use, starting out with how to actually start a fanfic/story, then randomly going into details that most miss, and finally showing how to perfect your writing in a way that you are completely satisfied with it.

So if you're interested in writing...well, read onto the next chapter, please =D


Try something new! Just make sure that "something new" is NOT ignoring the latest chapter :]


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Chapter 6: I'm so relieved I've been doing it right all these time, with about 2,000 words per chapters!
Chapter 9: Wonderful! Now if only we could make most of the AFF people who need to read this read this
This is wonderful. I think this deserves more subscribers and views. Wait till I recommend this in my shop :)

Anyway, are you accepting affiliate? If so, I would really appreciate it if you'll consider adding me.
I don't usually add but can we be affies?
Thank you very much.

Good Review Shop
Chapter 8: Yap, *raise hand* I'm one of those writers that has the disease lolol
Thanks, I guess, I just need to write even if I don't update any of my stories

You made me laugh, and I needed a laugh

lmao can't stop laughing
Chokes because of laughter. No, really. I did just nealy die.
Well this was a shock to get an update from you.
The italicized writing had me thinking what the fu--- But then the mushroom got me. Not literally; thankfully.
It makes me wonder what goes through peoples mindss. O_e
found this in the random story, it really works for me lol
kept finding lots of things lol
I'm guilty as charged of having so little words per chapter lolololol<br />
I have to mend my ways lololol *smile*<br />
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