


"How was your day?"

Even the simple question seemed forced from you. Lately all of our conversations sounded forced. Why can't you say it? Why

should I? We've both known it for a while now. I don't know why you have to pretend like everything's okay. You can smile

all you want but I can see how your eyes don't light up along with it. Can't you see my smile? Can't you see how it isn't like it

used to be? 
"It was okay."

You nod along, even though my tone is harsh, a little annoyed. I'm more annoyed with myself than you actually. I could've

saved us the trouble long ago, but I don't think either of us can do it. We have to though. I don't know exactly when it all

went wrong. In the beginning it was perfect. There was time I'd ache to see you and end up knocking on your door at 3 AM

and you would answer it with a smile even though you were half asleep. We were so good together. I had never felt more

happy than when I was with you.
We'd spend hours talking about us, about our future. Back then we never thought we'd be apart, it was just hell when you

had to go to class or study. People said we were so cute said we made them sick with it, jokingly of course. Or maybe they

weren't, maybe it was their jealously that made us this way. Truth is, I don't know exactly when it all went wrong. Was it

when we thought about moving in together, but didn't? Maybe it was when our friends started saying either we break up or
get married. Is that when the thought both went through our minds? 
Things happen, feelings fade away. I always though we were different, that this wasn't going to be like another relationship
that just ends. Now here we are, seven months later, the fire we once had now only embers that are dying out. It's quiet in
the cafe, it is pretty late but this is the only time we can meet now with my shows and your classes. Even the people that
work here can tell what's going to happen. I can see the way the lady looks at us when we get up to pay, with pity. 
We take the same walk we always do so I can take you back home. I sigh loudly, hoping that you'll say I don't have to take
you. I feel your arm link with mine and I wonder again why you act like everything's okay. Why won't you say it yet? The more
we're together the harder it gets for me to say it. Our love is gone, it's as simple as that. For how long, we don't know but
once I leave you on your doorstep it's going to be over. That is if one of us can muster up the courage to say it. 
"Thanks for walking me home." 
Your calmness makes me want to scream. 
"It's no problem."
Don't let me walk away without saying it.
"It's...it's okay Yongguk." 
I let out a breathe, thank God. 
"Is it...really?"
You just smile, but this one is different. Your hand is on my shoulder, and I can see sincerity in your eyes and you nod. I
mumble out how I'm sorry but you shrug it off, saying that it was bound to happen about how neither of us should beat
ourselves up over it. I guess you'll be fine without me. That gives me even more relief. I hug you tight one last time and you
walk in, giving me one of those smiles...the one's that you would give me when we were happy. The door shuts and I feel
this weight lifted from my shoulders, "Goodbye."
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Chapter 1: I like how they broke up because to me it seems like how a majority of couples I know have broken up. They just stopped feeling the spark.
It's really nice.
Chapter 1: really good. I loved it!
Chapter 1: out of all the breaks up i ever heard of this seems good just a little bit sad but they both accepted it and moved on. nice!
Chapter 1: Ahhh break up's, I guess as far as this one goes it went well right? Both of them seem to know it was coming and they both accepted it. I wish my break up's went like that instead I always end up feeling majorly depressed and during the time of the break up I start balling like a baby, even if I know its coming I still cry. I would imagine they'd still be sad about it I mean if you think about it how is it that the one person who makes you the happiest, knows you the best , and loves you just suddenly stop feeling love and passion for you. I've always wondered I mean this person makes you feel special and then suddenly you just wake up one day and notice that they don't make you feel special anymore. How can you just stop those feelings of love and passion how do they just dissapear? Anyways this is a pretty sad one-shot it just describes how the fire in their relationship burned out its a pretty sad thing especially because according to everyone they were a great couple and now its over and well its done that's it. Anyways good job this one-shot really made me think about things.