It's dark!

In the Rain

Tip. Tap. Tip. Tap. The sound of the rain in her window.


"Oppa, it's rainaing" Binchan said as she taps the glass in the window.

"I know" Baro huuged her from her back. She jumped.

"What happend?" Baro laughed. She glared at her. Making small pouts.

"Yeppeo" Baro pinched her cheeks.

"Aw, appaseo." She pouted.


They make each other feel comfortable in the couch. The rain is still falling.


"Oppa, it's cold" Binchan beamed

"I know" Baro whispered in her ear. He started to rubbed his hand into Binchan's arm. To make her feel warm.

"It's still cold" She beamed. He let his cheek touched Binchan's. He let a small blow on her cheeks.

"Oppa, it's tickle-ish" She laughed. She looked at Baro. His stares were magical even if they've been staying with each other for almost 3 years it still makes her feels butterflies flatter in her stomach. Blush appears on her cheeks. He giggled then he leaned closer. He pout his lips, signing for a kiss. She laughed as she leans closer. Their lips were only 1 inch away. Baro leans closer and closer. Binchan filled the gap between their lips. As the kiss gets deeper, the place went dark.


"Oppa!!!" She shouted as she gasp air.

"i'm here, it's ok. It's ok" Baro hugged her tightly.


The place went silent. There's no sound to hear, only the sweet yet hard taps of the rain. The cars light were visible in the window. Once it's gone, the whole place became empty. Binchan's hand were holding Baro's hand tightly.


"Oppa, I'm scared" She whispered. Baro chuckled as he open his phone for light.

"I'll look for the flashlight. Wait here." Baro stood up. He let go of Binchan's hand. She was left, alone, in the dark. She started to tear up. She cried in silence. Baro flashed the lights to her.

"I found i - What's wrong? Jagiya~~ Why are you crying?" He quickly left the room as he ran towards Binchan.

"Are you hurt?" He continue. He waited for a response but she just keep silent.

"Come on, tell oppa. I'm getting worried." He pouted. He knelt down so that his face were facing her's.

"It's nothing oppa. I'm fine."  She loocked at him with a fake smile but the tears were still visible.

"No, tell me! Jebal! Jagiya~~, trust oppa~~" Baro wiped the tears on her cheeks with his thumbs.

"You might laugh at me!" She pouted.

"No, I promise." He smiled.

"I - when you - I don't know why but when you - you *tears building up* let go of my hand, I felt - felt like you - you left me for - forever! So, I cried *tears fell down again* I know I look stupid for crying for such stupid reason. Promise me you will never leave me, arasso? Answer me! " She cried. She leave Baro speechless. He then left a small laugh at his lips.

"Of course not." He sat next to Binchan.

"I wouldn't leave you. I will stay by your side. Forever. and ever. and ever. I promise. So don't cry~~ Jagiya~~" He sang cutely, doing buingbuing. Binchan laughed.


He stood up. Binchan looked shocked. He then sat where they sat before. He pat the space in front of him. He wrapped his hands on Binchan's stomach. They look like the same position they were before the ligths went dark. He rest his cheeck on her shoulder.


"I love you Binchan" He whispered. She smiled, he planted a small kiss on her heek.

"I love you too Baro"

"Oppa, it's cold." She pouted.

"I know, that's why I bring, Blanky! Our son!" He giggled, he took the blanket behind his back. She laughed.

"It will make as feel HOOOOTTT~~~" He teased.

"Aw, you sound ty~~" She sang.

"I kinda wanna feel i - OUCH! That hurts." He said as he rubbed the swollen part on his arm because of Binchan's pinch.

"Stop it!" She beamed.

"Arasso, arasso. Here' s blanky" He wrapped blanky around them.

"Wah, so warm~~" She sang. He laughed. He left a small yawn on his lips.

"Kaja! Let's sleep." Binchan smiled.

"Arsso, goodnight jagi~~" Baro smiled. He put his arm around her waist. They felt comfortable. She rested her head on Baro's mascular chest. She was about to sleep when she felt something crawling form her hips to her chest.

"Yah! Pabo! Control yourself will you?" She shouted.

"But, I wanna do it know~~"

"No! Erase the ty feeling" She faced him. He laughed.


He made scary glares as he pushe Binchan on the couch. She was now lying down making Baro on top of her. He taesed her by slightly his lips. She gulped. He leans closer and closer.


"I love you Song Binchan."

"I love you too Cha Baro"


The last words they hear before finishing it with a kiss. Who knows what wil happend next, as long as they love each other. That's why rain can get dangerous at anytime and it's cold too.




Sorry for the late reply. Studies! So hard! Forgive me? Buingbuing! HahahaXD



Well, I'm done! Enjoy! Thanks for the support! Love you guys.




Annyeong! Hehehe, Baro's awkward dance! So cute! Thanks guys!

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Msnow2000 #1
Chapter 1: awwww this is the most adorable story ever! i wish my bf did this. . . he would just run inside and then yell at me for staying out in the cold rain.
vexatious #2
I like it like it like it!! :DD