Brotherly Love ( Stefan & Damon FanFic ) The Secret Prt. 2

Brotherly Love (Stefan & Damon Salvatore Fanfic) : Lea Gilbert

Lea: Damon whats going on?

Damon: I want you.....I want you in my bed. Damon then carried me to his room in fast speed.Everything after that was a blur. 

I woke feeling I did something with damon yesterday. I suddenly remembered damon and his secret. I looked up and I wasn't in my room.....I was in his room,why? I got out of his bed to see my clothes on the floor.Thats weird why would my cothes be off of me. Did damon and I have ???

I walked downstairs being cautious of damon. I then heard him an stefan argueing.

Stefan's POV:

Stefan: where is she damon? 

Damon: In my bed...I think she loved the treatment of me touching her warm beatiful skin.

I rushed over to hit damon, but he moved out the way.

Damon: Why are you mad? you have a girlfriend?

Stefan: because damon I care about her and I don't want her hurt.

Lea's POV

I went back up the steps and went to damon's room. I closed the door and sat on his bed. Then someone starting knocking at the door I knew exactly who it was.Stefan.

Lea: Come in

he walked in looking mad 

Stefan: you ok?

Lea: yeah. i lied acting like I didn't know what happened.

Stefan: Ready to go home.

Lea: Yeah, wait where is elena? 

Stefan: she went to hang out with some friends.

Lea: Oh, well I am stuck at home by myself. I sad looking sad because elena is never home neither is jeremy.

Stefan: you can hangout with me, if you want.

Lea: Sure

I got up and we left their house to go to the movies.We went to go see Warm Bodies. After the movies Stefan took me home

Stefan: Bye, Lea

Lea: Bye, Stefan

He left after I went into my house, Something is up with Stefan and Damon, I have to find out......

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so u added a new character: Lea! Seems interesting ^^
dbauman12 #2
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