Ren was silent ans so Jr too,,they were at the same car and also at the same spot,,,Jr making a glnace to ren oncein a while assessing the other,,,Ren keeps looking on the outside keeping his sob while pbiting his nails...

"stop crying were near to our destination,,,jr said...he wanted to touch or pat the blonde but somewhat his hand was stopped...

"where are we going,,i want to sleep,,,just send me home,,,ren said without looking to his new master...

"we will shop for your clothes,,you can't go back to Mj just to get your things...Jr told,,

"i don't need lots of clothes,,,,ren said...

Jr didn't commented again,,,the car stopped and he opened the door immediately,,,he waited outside,,waiting for the other to step out from that car but no ren was stepping out,,,he bent down,,won't you come out from this damn car? want me to crash this down for you to get out in here? he told and threatened the blonde, roaring as the other just staring at him...

"do it,,i won't mind,,ren response seriously looking at jr's eyes.

"what's your problem!,,don't make things too hard ok? just do what i am saying, just follow what im telling you,,is that hard to do!!, Jr said a little annoyed already...he grabbed the other's hand trying to help him exit the car but the other stiffened,,,

"all of you are my problem,,,ren uttered as he pulled back...

Jr bent down more,,,do you think im doing this for my sake? i just need to do this,,you'll know it soon,,so please get out from this damn car and let's do this thing quickly and i will send you home and you can sleep as long as you want,,i won't wake you up, i will not disturb you,, if that's what you want,,you can't just use the same clothes want it?,Jr said adding a volume to his voice...

Ren crawled from his seat and finally exited the car...He breathed heavily before following the other who walked ahead of him...They roam inside the department store looking for clothes,,they entered in a stall,,,

"miss pack all the clothes that suits him,,Jr said telling the sales ladies nicely...he sited on the couch and read a magazine while ren was dragged by the sales lady and was placed infront of the mirror,,,he was just standing there while the ladies were picking clothes and tried to fit to him,,,

"sir it's all of the ladies came to him and pointed to the counter...

"is this all? jr questioned looking inside the paper bags...the lady nodded,,,he gave his card and paid, he took all the paper bags full of clothes and next, they stop by the accessories and bought some for himself and for ren,,

After couple of hours roaming around and buying stuffs needed by ren, they both meet their car and leave the place..Ren exited the car immediately walking slowly and gloomy like before as soon as they reach the garage,,,he entered the house,,it was really different from his previous stay,,it was all quiet like the other house but the feeling is different..he doesn't have any worries, like he needed to think that mj was waiting on his room and give a service to him,,he went straight to his room,, still pinkish wall,,he sat on the soft bed sighing continuously until he decided to take off his uniform,,,something fell on the floor,,it's a pack of powder,,,he took it on the floor wondering what is it,,he taste it and knew it was it..he thought for a while,,this is what his body needs,,heaven,,,his body already craving for it as soon as a few amount of powder touches his tongue,,,shivering all over his body wanting to take some drugs,,,his mind was battling,,can he grab it or not?,,,he glance to the door and go back to what he was holding,,he gulped,, he bit his lip,,

Jr followed the blonde,,,because the clothes they both bought was with his hands still,,,he was planning to knock but he thought the boy will be laying on bed and sleeping already as what the boy had said, he wants to sleep,,,he open the door peeking inside and saw the other stilll standing,,he went are your clothes,,he spoke,,,the other jumped and shift from his place...

"what was that? jr asked noticing what the blonde was didn't answered, he look at him and turn to the small pack,,,Jr took the pack from the hand,, suspiciously,what is this? he asked again...

"i don't know,,ren answered and lay on the bed after wearing a comfortable long t-shirt that belongs to jr's sister,,he just randomly pick it on the cabinet, removing his pants, l;eaving the above knee sleeping dress and went to bed to lay,,,

Jr just watching the other's moves while holding up the pack,,,the other didn't mind it,,"im talking to you..where did you get this? he asked for the third time...

"i said i don't know,,i just saw it on my uniform,,,if you want it then take it,,,ren replied annoyed rolling his eyes before he covered himself with the blanket,,,

Jr called one of his bodyguard and soon responsed,,he asked what was that powder on the pack and immediately got an answer,,the bodyguard left the room as soon as he gestured him to go...JR gritted his teeth,,,"you don't know about this? he asked pulling the other to face him suddenly got paranoid,,,

"i said i don't know!!! ren yelled...

"want me to tell you what is this? it's a powdered coccaine,,you know what is that? a kind of drugs,,,where did you get this?!!! jr told the guy raisng his voice as he held the other on the collar..

"i don't know ok?!!!! ren shouted..

"you don't know then why you have this? this what you get from Mj at school? did you ask for it? you know the effect of it on you? you really want to have ? you think i don't know? I was informed that Mj keeps giving you a capsule before having !  you miss it? huh?!!! jr burst in anger and pinned him on the bed...

Ren pushed the other,,is that what you will always do to me,,,is that what will i get while i stay at your place? accused me whenever you want?!? you Jr!,,you're no different from them!!! then what is it to you if i want to have ,,will you  have with me??,ok im waiting,,yes that's true i always ask mj to give me that capsule, to drug before he used me,,,he screamed, he shouted, he yelled,,,,

"you are crazy,,,,jr commented...

"Yes!!! im crazy,,,im crazy over ,,im crazy over drugs,,,i need it and i want it,,that's what Mj taught me,,being crazy over ,,!!!! that drug is helping me! because i don't know what i am doing while we have disgusted to myself and to avoid that i need it,,!!!now you know!!! ren keep screaming,,

"what did you say!!! Jr pushed the other again and pulled him closer,,their eyes met, full of anger and hate,,,they both parted when ren's phone rang,,,they both look at it, no one is picking it until jr reach it and answered...he didn't talk at first...

"Hello baby,, how was it,,did yousaw it? it was a present from me, i know you miss it already,,you miss my touch too right?....a voice said behind the call...

"MJ? you gave it to him,,messing up with me huh? Jr spoke confronting the voice..

"owhh,,,Jr,,,wait,,,did i interrupted something? owh im sorry,,i was thinking ren already take that precious powder already...he was with that right? i mean on bed..he always do whenever he take some of it,,,i just wished i was on that bed,,,Mj said sarcastically...

"don't you ever ever get near to him or i will tell your father you are bothering us,,i can refund everything i paid to your father...Jr warned the boy..

"owhhh im sorry,,you're the one who messed me,,,he is mine!! not just came and snatch my ing from me!!,,,we are not done yet jr...he will come back to me,,owhh and,,,make him once in awhile if you don't want to loose your property..he is addicted on that,,,just an advice,,,Mj said annoying him and hang the phone....

Jr grab the other from the bed again throwing the phone..."if i see you wiht him again i will lock you to this room,,and if i caught you taking drugs again, you'll know what will i do,,,you better remind yourself about it,,,i took you from him and you need to behave in this house as long as you are on my possession,,,i spent all my money because of you....

"then take it back! did i ask you to do that? did i beg you to do that? did i told you to help me? i didn't,,i didn't beg now told you,,you just did it on your own,,did you ask me if i want to? no,,,no! no! ren said bursting in cry while screaming...

"do you think i want you think i like this? Jr said pushing the boy to the just trying to do this because of your~~~ Jr didn't finish his words,,he heave a sigh and pulled out from bed leaving the tearing blonde..

"then who,,just tell me,, ren spoke in normal tone..

"behave and followed me and i will take you with them...jr said and left....

Ren run towards jr, catching him,,,im sorry,,i swear,,i didn't know about that pack,,,i didn't know Mj put it on my pocket...he told,,it was his first time apologizing and explaining like this,,,he doesn't know why but whenever Jr got angry, he felt something he can't understand...slowly, he release the hand and went back to his bed,,,,sniffing and controlling his sobs..

Jr went to him sitting next to him,,im sorry i was just~~  i was just impatient and hot tempered,,,you'll understand everything soon,,,you have to cooperate,,,and avoid MJ as much as you can,,or better just stay where i can see you,he said,, so stop crying,,,he pat him on the head like a kid and stood up...they were both in the same age but it seems jr was a matured parent pampering his kid..

Ren grab him from the back wrapping his arms on the other's waist,,,stay please,,,ren said,,he was kneeling on the bed while jr was standing,,,slowly, jr sat back on the bed,,,ren lean his face on his warm back tightening his hug as if he was scared or something,,he was shaking and so jr didn't refuse to that request,,,they remained silent with that position until the other loosened his wrap,,jr look behind and saw the other fell in his slumber...he turn around and catch the other on head as he was about to fall,,,he layed him properly on the bed tucking a blanket to him securing him from coldness, the blonde is still shaking though he was sleeping, but sweats were formed and keeps forming on the other's face,,he wipe the tears that stained the cheeks and wipe the beads of sweat,,he put another blanket grabbing it to the drawer but still ren was shaking,,he stayed beside him bending closer and hug him,,soon ren calmed down his body,,and the sweat was gone,,he then left him sleeping soundly..he made a small smile and shook his head,,,"what am i doing? ahhh!!!! jr,,you have to endure it,,you can't give in,,,don't ry to touch him arrasseo? you can't do that...he said slapping himself to come to his senses...that was near,,,he mumbled...


"Near what? a female voice came upstairs approaching to where he was standing and asked,,,How was he?

"Tskkkk,Yahhh!!! jr response with a yell,,,

"what? yahh? the female said hitting him on the temple slightly..

"yes yahhh,,,aigoo,,what were all of you doing ,,,why are you doing this to me,,,haisst,,,so irritating,,,Jr complained dashing downstairs...

"where is he? the female asked...

"he is sleeping already go to shinae's room,,,jr said pointing to the pink door...

*note: shinae, his younger sister...

"owh you let him use that room? wahhhh,,daebak,,,you're great,,,,the female complimented...Jr forbid everyone to use that room,,he wanted it to be remained as what is was left by his sister,,

"as long as he will not ruin the whole room or else, i myself will kill him....Jr said giving a death glare,,,

"owhh,,that was scary,,,i wished you didn't threatened him like that,,,the female continuously mocking the boy...

"noona,,,what were your plan to him,,he was a bit seducive,,,,Jr said and made a low volume to the word...

"what did you say?  yahhh!! you can't fall for him until they allow you to,,,his noona warned him..

"tshhhhh,,,jr smirked devilishly and look up to the stairs as if looking to the boy,,,

"aigoo,,is that mean you do? ok,,be good to him,,,i'll visit again,,,i have to meet them first,,,the female said and left the spot exiting the door...

"tell them to come quickly!!! and pay back my money,,aigoo,,i almost spent all my money!! he shouted to his sister...

"i got it,,you'll be gaining more than what you spent!!! i promise,,,the female told him,,,he smirked and dashed inside towards his room and settle himself on bed after being washed...



The next day, it was weekend,,,Jr just came from jogging, doing stretching infront of the gate,,,

Ren woke up with the sound of music maybe downstairs,,banging his head,,it took a while before he removed his self from the well tucked two blankets to him,,he stood up and smell the air from the window,,he saw the other stretching outside,,he stare and lock his eyes on the boy down,,he sighed and look down pinning his chin to his chest..he turn around and proceeded to his bathroom and washed his face before going down as his stomach made a sound...

Jr saw the blonde back facing the window,,he stopped from stretching and wipe his sweat from his small towel and entered his house when he saw the other left the window..he saw him slowly counting on the stairways while he was stepping on it...

"You slept well huh? jr commented giving a small smirked...

Ren just glare but continuously approaching the boy who was panting still from exercise..he get closer until he left a small gap between them,,

"what? Jr questioned expressionless not minding how close they are now..

"stop the music,,it makes me wanted to throw that thing,,ren said pointing to the speaker that gives a loud noise to his ear,,he hated music a long time ago..

Jr chuckled,,i can buy new one even if you break it repeatedly,,he responded,,he took the remote control and stopped it...breakfast in the living room,,,get a proper clothes,,they can't see you wearing that...

"who,,ren asked curiously...

"my friends,,they will be here in a moment,,its weekend,,we usually hang out in here,,so you better rushed and take a shower...

"who will care on what will i wear or if i will wear something? i don't need to show myself to them,,,ren said glaring sharply and went to the living room to get his breakfast...

Jr was left speechless,,how could he end up taking care of a person like ren,,a person who don't have the plan to follow everything he will tell him...not a momentafter he step a few,,noisy baekho entered the main door..

"yahhh!!! where is he? yahh!!! jr!!! where is he!!! he screamed like he was looking for the culprit to kill...

"yahhh stop yelling im here!!! jr answered yelling back,,,

"so where is he? minhyun asked calmly with a smile but excited to see the blonde...

"why are you so excited? huh? yahh i notice you,,,baekho uttered facing minhyun and confront him but aron just pulled him away from minhyun and covered the mouth,,stop talking,,aron mouthed..all smirked at how aron stopped the noisy baekho,,

"he's eating his breakfast..jr said in low tone,,

Minhyun moved towards the entrance of the living room revealing the silently eating ren,,,"you really let him stay here? he asked..

"do i have the choice? noona is pestering me, they are all pestering me..wait why are you so interested in him? jr said and questioned...

"a long story,,you'll know it when he opened it to you,,im just happy and relieved..thank you,,he said and smiled widely...

Ren is done with his food,,well not totally done,,he just took a few spoonful of rice,,,he pouted seeing the foods that was on the table but he can't able to eat all,,his stomach is not wide to get all the foods inside...he stood up and left the dining...he saw the four with serious conversations,,all was shocked from his sudden appearance infront of them,,he didn't change his expression on his face,,he just look at one by one and continue to walk upstairs...

"is that ren? why he was wearing that? baekho commented asking...

"is there other person here aside frommeand him and all the maids..of course he is goodness baekho...jr said hitting the boy on the stomach,,,

"urghh,,,what i mean,,ermmm he is not a girl to wear a dress you know,,,baekho said raising an eyebrow...

"and,,is he staying at shinae's room? aron added when he saw ren entered in a pink door...

"yes...jr simple response...

"is that you? shinae's room? aron confirmed it...

"i said yes,,jr answered assuring them,,the other rooms were not cleaned yet and he sleep well in that room so i just decided tolet him use it,,im sure shinae will not mad at me...he added...

"Hi guys!!! the same female came again greeting the boys,,,all of them except for Jr greeted back,,,Jr just sat on the couch and opened his laptop...

"aigoo,,when will you learned to greet me whenever you see me? we always see each other but you never greeted me properly...the female complained,,she is his older sister,,,they were three in the family as siblings, he is the 2nd and only son that's why at the early age he took the other business of his father...and their younger sister is shinae,,she is precious to him but something horrible happen and they parted,,,

"Jr just keeps being busy to his laptop until ren came out with his tight jeans and a simple pain shirt and a messy pony tailed hair...

Ren came out from his room just to grab a bottle of water after taking his bath,,when he saw the visitors who just came and heard her complaining,,he didn't mind until he saw her,,his jaw dropped and eyes widened,,,he was thinking,,,whatis happening in his world,,why all of the people,,,he clenched his fist, he was messed in his thought,,,trying hard to analyze everything...

Jr stood up and saw ren's expression towards the girl.."she's my noona,,,he introduced, and wait what will ren's reaction over it,,,,,

"hi ren? the female greeted and waved to him,,,ren just looked away,,


...update,,,hope you like it,,,thankyu to all new subbies,,,looking forward to any comment you want to say...sorry for the typos,,im in a rush today,,i still need to update the other..



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Chapter 30: Omg this story was so amazing that i read it in 3 days now it's over and i feel like i don't know what to do with my life anymore Hhhh LOL but truly speaking this story is just AMAZING I LOVED EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT IT THANK YOU FOR WRITING IT
daniellekima #2
Chapter 4: I'm starting chapter 5, and I love this story!!!
worldofdreams #3
Chapter 29: that was so cute and romantic
worldofdreams #4
Chapter 1: that is disgusting, what kind of mother is she? but anyway, good story, i like it alot
Maymas #5
Chapter 29: Waaah really love it i never tierd of reading it
mimi84 #6
very nice story
cominghome #7
Chapter 30: I loved this. Its the best I've read of these two out of the hundreds I've read
rain629 #8
Chapter 1: <3 this is really hot
Complete long fanfics about jren couple are so damn rare. I'll vote for this story because I like ren <3
Chapter 29: Why didn't I find this story earlier!!
Author-nim I really loved reading your story! *starting to cry* I loved every chapter! This story is one of favorites out of all the ones I read!