Jr is furious, eager to find the boy, woried, crazily in state of panic right now, if something will happen to the blonde, he will blame himself for being careless, for not taking care of the boy,,,they all rummage every single room that they were passing.,,,not even a single hole they let to passed without checking whats inside,,,the four met in the middle of their searching, thus mean they already reach the end and already checked every corner of the building, every direction of the hallways, he ruffled his hair, stomp his feet on the ground, where is ren!!! he screamed in annoyance,,,where is that damn bathroom he'd gone to!!! he shouted, everyone is turn to ook at them,,he squeezed his eyes thinking where is the possible whereabout of the boy,,

They were searching for almost 2 hours already but no shaddows of ren had seen,,"go back and find the students a while ago,,,he commanded,,walking back and forth with just few steps,,,thinking and thinking,,,face palming himself repeatedly,,,,

"students? who? there are lots of students here? aron spoke, baekho nodded, minhyun was stunned, tearing his eyes, already blaming himself for letting his bestfriend to go alone,,,,

"the students who saw ren in the bathroom! for goodness sake,,jr yelled..he is worrying too much already,,that soon his anger will gone to explode if they will not able to find the blonde in the next hour  or better if less than it...

"i....i...i will find them,,i'm~~~i'm sorry it's my fault,,,i should've ccompany him,,,minhyun talked finally after just being too silent, eyes stock on the floor while talking, stuttering,,,feeling guilty, afraid of losing his bestfriend again,,he once left his bestfriend and now he gained him again, there is no point of losing him for the second time,,,

"minhyun are you ok? aron went to the shaking boy and ask him,,it' alright,,it's not your fault,,,he console,,,

"i'll go find them,,i'm sure they are still in the party,,,baekho volunteered,,,he hated ren but he started to like him already,,they started to open to each other and built a friendship,,he race in his feet heading to where the center of the party at...

"minhyun was crying,,,aron is comforting, jr is exasperated, all of them are waiting for baekho, baekho who was searching every face in the party, he wished he still recognize those students,,,

"few minutes later baekho came back to the rest,,in the same position, in the same state, their heart skip a beat while waiting for baekho to regain his breath, to able to talk nd give a better news, he was panting,,"at the gymn,,,he manage to speak when he got a bit of his normal voice,,,

"what gymn?,,,aron asked,,

"gymn,,,jr mumbled,,,let's go,,he's there i think,,,,less people,,he is there,,,he used the bathroom in there since the bathroom in here are overload and the gymn is just a few steps from here...jr conclude,,

"Ehhh? then,,we have to rush now,,minhyun finally spoken naturally and run heading in that place wishing to see his bestfriend in that place,,...

Four of them run like they are racing,bumping every person that gets on their way,,,not minding anyone,,all their concerned is the boy....just few turns from here and there, they met the entrane and ferociously opend it, a gangster heart went through jr's vein, making his fist into bald and ready to punch anyone he couldn see whoever is with ren,,,

They open the restroom door, checking every cubicle, they reach the last door but no ren still, no mj in there,,jr punch the door instead,,,who the hell did you asked baekho?!!! he questioned trying to be calm, frustrated already,pissing off with the situation,,it has been almost 3 hours and yet ren , we cant find ren!,,,

"the students before,,,im sure they are those~~~,,,baekho obediently answered,,,

"but why~~~ jr tried to rebut against baekho but was cut by aron,,

"look? aron picked something on the floor and  showed it to everyone,,,,

Jr took the small thing from aron's hand,,,assessing it carefully until his eyebrows furrowed more,,,he remembered it, it was ren's ring,,,



"pick something...he told the blonde while they were at the accesories section, it was on the first shopping day of both of them, the first day he shopped ren's clothes,,,

"i dont need those,,,ren coldly replied not even looking at the items,,

"he pick a box of rings and bracelets including necklaces and put it infront of the boy but ren is not choosing still..he pick the ring randomly,, a ring that molded in wings shape,,,and paid it to the counter without asking the boy if he likes it,

~end flshback~


"this is his~~,,,,,jr bit his lower lip, anger filled his mind,,heart racing too fast due to anged, madness,,,he walked out of the place following behind, his friends,,,after a moment of silence, finally jr thought  one place, a place that ren's always glance at, always look at, always go when he was spacing out,,he ran and the rest ran along,,,stopped, as they stopped a dark place approaching to them,,,

"What are we doing here? baekho asked first, wondering why, trying to visualize the place,,,

"ren!!! jr called,,,,yahhh choi minki,,,!!! he shouted more calling the name of the lost boy..

"are you sure he's here? it's too dark,,,and jr,,this is an abandoned garden and no one dare to go in here and also it's prohibited,,it's the end of us if the director found out that we came here,,aron said explaining the consequences,,all were eyeing to the boy jr,,,

"yahhh!!!!! choi minki!!!! answer me now?!!! jr called out again eagerly, ignoring the warn of his friends,....he steps in the low fence that serve as a boundary,,,

"yahhh!!! let's get out of here,,,baekho said in just low tone,,afraid to be caught,,,

"Yahhh answer me at least once,,just make noise,, if you don't want us to get in there just answer, at least i'll make sure that mj didn't took you,,de? jr pleaded as he fell kneel on the grass,,,

"jr,,,come on,,,minhyun spoke,,,

Jr stood up and waited a little more,,loosing his confident that the boy is there,,,

"I'm here...a voice almost whipered spoke...they heard it,, voice panting and seems getting exhausted,,,

"Ren! come on here we will take you home...jr told the blonde walking towards the voice....

"don't come here,,,,ren spoke again stopping the boy to get near,,,

"but,,,,what's wrong with you? did mj hurt you? tell me? jr asked,,,worried, keep worrying to the shaking voice of the boy...

"i want to be alone,,,ren said, sniffing, sobbing, i don't want you all to see me now,,,i can't face you right now,,,,,,just leave me alone,,,ren talked, his voice is shaking, his sobs was controlled but still be heard,,,

Jr went to the boy, ignoring his words, come on ren,,let's go home,,,,he told the blonde as he was trying to lift the boy up,,it was dark he can't see the boy's face,ren pushed him away, shoving him away and curled hugging his knees to the corner,,,,

"what's wrong with you,,,what does mj did to you huh? tell me?,,jr questioned,,,keeping his hold unto the boy...

"jr~~,,,,,ren called in whisper,,,leave now ple~~ase,,before it's too late,,

"but why? tell me for goodness sake,,what the hell did he~~jr frantically asked but was stopped when a ray of light reach the boy's face as he lifted him again to stand,,

Ren lowered his head, hiding himself from the light,,,,i said leave now!!!!!he yelled falling down to his weak knees...

"why you~~~~? jr asked but can't able to continue,,,, darn it!!!! he stomp his feet...ren burst in cries,,,enduring the pain he has in right now,,,the call of his body is there, enduring it and trying to control his self,,,

​The rest came to them,,minhyun fell on aron's arm and looked away from ren, aron hugged the boy and baekho hit the wall,,,,

"jr~~~~ ren called  under his sobs and sniff....he is physically hurt as well mentally hurt remembering what he had needed to endure in the arms of mj just few hours ago,,,he cried even more..pleading the boy to get him home,,,take me home immeditely jr,,,i can't endure it anymore,,i don't want to make a mess here,,,

Jr gave the boy to baekho to hold,,,take him,,,i will kill that bastard,,,he said in anger,,,gritting his teeth and he became more devious...

"jr,,,i need you,,please take me home,,,,ren words makes the other stopped,,,please just this one,,,

"mmwo? ren? Jr came to take the boy again,,he pat the forehead, the neck,,beads of sweat moistened his palm,,,ren what is it? you took the capsule? jr asked looking closely to the blonde,,,

Ren felt the coldness, he was shaking even more, grip tightened on jr's arm,,,,he forced me to take~~~~~Jr,,take me home,,i want to wash up,,,,jr,,please hug me tight,,,hug me please~~ he pleaded, he demanded,,,the capsule, the drug starts to make his body crazy, starts to crave,,,

"let's go home,,,he said carrying the boy bridal style while the other follows behind,,,

"jr~~~~ren whispered,,,losing his breath...

"endure it,,we will go home now,,,,jr response..

While they were walking on the hallway,,mj was walking on the same aisle approaching their direction with a devilish smirk on face,,,they stopped while mj and friends still walking towards them,,,they met, jr still carrying the exhausted ren,,,,Mj looked at the blonde, he touch the face and run his hand on the milky skin of the arm that make a shiver to the blonde,,,ren shut his eyes...

"get out on our way,,,jr told the guy,,hard words he let out,,

"ren~~thanks for today,,you still sweet as before,mj said trying piss jr,,,

Ren tightened his grip to jr,,,"owh baby im sorry i made that to you,,don't worry you usually have those but tomorrow those will be gone right? mj added looking at jr,,,

Jr gave the boy to aron,,,holding out mj's hand off of the blonde,,you screw it,,,,he said widening his eyes over mj, and soon a punch landed to the rude guy after,,,mj fell on the floor with the forcely punch he received,,he tried to stand up but jr caught him and gave another three punches on the face,,his friends tried to help but minhyun and baekho blocked them,,,

"try to touch ren and you will get more of that,,,try to get near him and i will due your father for more amount of money,,,you don't want to let your father knows what are you doing right now right? jr threatened...

"mj chuckled,,let's go,he told his friends standing up and left the place,,,

"all of you!!!try to touch him, you know him right? your public , you subject of your everyday gossips,,, and you will get what mj had got from me,,arrasseo!!!!! jr shouted to the crowd who gathered to watch the fight,,

All murmured and scattered after...jr took ren from aron and continue to walk out of the school premises,,,

"take him home,we will jut call our own ride to go home,,aron told as soon as ren was placed on the  front passenger seat,,,,,jr gets in the driver's seat,,,,ren is shaking in coldness, jr took off his coat and tuck it to the boy,,,,you have to endure it until we got home,,,huh? he told lifting the boys face and gave a peck on the lips that makes the boy kissed him back and crave for more...he pulled out and wiped the wet lips of ren,,he starts the engine and drive fast over limit,,

"ren is gripping on his chest trying his best to endure his call but still the worsed event for that night still popped on his mind,,,....he cried more as he remembers how mj force him,,,



"baby? i now you're there? mj called out after folowing the boy inside the bathroom,,

"ren cupped his mouth to keep the breath and avoid to make sounds,,,he fell sat on the bowl after searching his pocket and his phone is not with him,,

"minki~~i know you're inside,,open the door baby,,,i missed you,,,don't you miss hyung? hyung misses you~~soooo much,,

"ren till not talking, tears starts to fall, chest pump too hard shifting from his seat whenever mj knock hard on hthe door tht is just one step away from him,,,he starts to shake in nervous, scared,,he can't call anyone and he knows even if there are other people around, they don't dare to help him,,it's only jr, but he is not there,,,

"ren!!!mj shouted, with his low patience, he is unable to wait for ren to open the door,,,

"jr~~~ren called through his mind and tears starts to wells up more...

"ren,you know me im not the type of person who waits patiently...come on baby,i have something for you..i brought you the capsule,,i know you are missing it,,,i bet if jr makes you happy,,especially in bed,,,mj said singing it in,

"mj please let me go,,,im happy with jr already,,,,ren finally spoke but stuttering,,,

"what! what did you say! happy with jr?!!!mj shouted,,,with those words and banged the door more that makes ren shifted more in his spot,,

"Jr~~ where are you???? ren mumbed under his breath,,,panic,,there is no way to escaped unless mj will leave him but that was impossible,,,

MJ banged the door once more and became silent,,get it,,,he commanded,,soon a sound of clicking to the door was heard,,ren doesn't know what it was until the locked slide open, how it happen, he doesn't know how'd they do that,,he tried to lock it again but the door slightly parted on the frame and a hand peek inside,,,,mj opened the door fully and he was revealed,,mj smirked with his fierce eyes,,,,he pulled the boy out of the cubicle while ren tear up expressionless,,he knows it,,,mj will not let him go easily this time that jr is not around...

"Ren loses his strenght,,loses his hope that jr will notice and find him,,,,

"You're being so hard to get right now? did jr taught you that? huh? mj shouted and soon a palm reaches the rosey skin of ren's face,,it makes it reddened..he didn't reacted. only tears response to the pain,,,

"take this,,mj showed the capsule with water,,he mixed it wih the water and tried to feed it to the boy,,,,

Ren shut his lips and turn to other side, he knows what is it,,,that will make him crazy,,,,he refused but mj hold the cheeks and tried to open the mouth while the friends were holding him on both arms,,he teared more, with his weak state  mj had the chance to make him drink the mixed drug but most of it just spilled on the floor,,,mj was annoyed already,,having a hard time to the boy,,he slap the boy twice and he fell on the floor,, his lips was cracked and bleeded,,,

Mj took another capsule and forcefully inserted it to ren's mouth closing the mouth with his palm to not able to spit it out until the capsule had melted and slowly gets inside his throat,,,

Ren was lifeless,,he can't win over mj,,,he can't do anything,,,,Mj eyed his friends and soon left from the inside,,,they were left alone,,Mj planted harsh kisses on the blonde's neckline and starts to remove the clothing,,,ren was pushing him that gets beaten twice in return to stay still,,he gave up and just let the boy do anything to him...

"Mj~~~someone is coming.....a friend of mj came in and interrupt the guy when he was about to undress the boy...

"who? mj askd looking to his friend...

"jr's noona is checking the students,,,let's go,,,,his friend said,,,panic,,

"mj turn to the boy and pull up his pants again,,he bent down and gave a kiss,,,you're lucky still, he whispered,,and left the lifless boy,,,

Ren grab his coat on the floor and curled hugging his knees,,,he cried silently with a tight grip on his knees,,,

"ren!! is that you? what happen to you? jr's noona came in and saw the boy...she lift up the face,,what happen to your face? who did this to you? where is jr? she questioned,,,she lift the boy to stand,,,

"ren had glance to the mirror and saw his face,,he ran fast after seeing his face, leaving the teacher behind,,,and headed to the place he wanted to go for a long time ago,,,the place where no one dare to go,,the only place that he knew it 's  heaven for him but hell from everyone,,,,it was the abandoned garden on the side of their classroom,,the garden that he stared everytime he sit on his precious heavenly seat on the back,,,,

He reach the dark place and curled himself crying alone,,jr~~jr~~jr~~ he repeatedly mumbled but no jr is coming,it is almost 3 hours being alone in his pain,,,"is he looking for me? he whispered,,,,until  voice calling his name..

~end flasback~


...to be continued...what do you thik will happen to them? keke,,i have to cut it down,,,i used two flashbacks, lol,,,i still need to update the other story,,,owh i have baekren one shot story i will post it next time,,i got the copy on my workplace's computer so yeahhh i will retype it soon,,,The title is "PLEASE LEND YOUR HEART" temporary title lol...comment please,,thankyu for new subbies,, afellow triple s sub on this,,thankyu..nd yeah tomorrow is my hubby's birthday,,KIM KYU JONG if you happen know him a member of ss501, my precious boys,,,

***COMMENTS IS MUCH APPRECIATED,, got 29 subbies on this which is i dont expect because i don't have much friends in here...



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Chapter 30: Omg this story was so amazing that i read it in 3 days now it's over and i feel like i don't know what to do with my life anymore Hhhh LOL but truly speaking this story is just AMAZING I LOVED EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT IT THANK YOU FOR WRITING IT
daniellekima #2
Chapter 4: I'm starting chapter 5, and I love this story!!!
worldofdreams #3
Chapter 29: that was so cute and romantic
worldofdreams #4
Chapter 1: that is disgusting, what kind of mother is she? but anyway, good story, i like it alot
Maymas #5
Chapter 29: Waaah really love it i never tierd of reading it
mimi84 #6
very nice story
cominghome #7
Chapter 30: I loved this. Its the best I've read of these two out of the hundreds I've read
rain629 #8
Chapter 1: <3 this is really hot
Complete long fanfics about jren couple are so damn rare. I'll vote for this story because I like ren <3
Chapter 29: Why didn't I find this story earlier!!
Author-nim I really loved reading your story! *starting to cry* I loved every chapter! This story is one of favorites out of all the ones I read!