Flower Child


What would you do, if you had no friends?

No people that would talk to you?

Well this was what 10 year old Park Yoonhae had to deal with everyday.

No friends, no playmates, and being shunned.


What happens when she does find a friend?

A friend... transformed from a flower?

Will her life finally be complete, or is something sickening going to happen?


Genre; Romance, Friendship, Tradegy

Characters; Park Yoonhae {OC} and Lu Han


truely yours,


hello! this will be my second entry for the contest; out of the box ! the super awesome, amazing poster 
is by jabbawockeez omg. thanks love!


flower child


"The future lies before you, like paths of pure white snow. Be careful how you treat it because every step will show."

"I'm cold as ice."


The girl ran into the woods near her house with tears stinging her eyes. She collapsed onto the ground as numbness took over her. She breathed hard as tears dripped from her eyes.

"Why doesn't anyone like me? I'm human too..." she cried into her hands.

"I want friends... But no one wants to play with me," she whined softly.

She moved her body closer to a white flower. She smiled sadly at it.

"At least flowers come from families that have friends. They can't talk, but at least they would be nice, " she giggled.

"Unlike the kids at my school...." she the thought sadly.

A tear slid down her cheek. As the single sad tear dropped onto a flower petal, light slowly grew out of it. The little girl grew shocked and scared. She scooted away from it, as light started to shine from the flower. She closed her eyes, and wished that it wasn't going to hurt her. She was only 10.

"H-hi," a timid sounding voice told her.

She opened one of her eyes. A little boy, that looked around her age, was sitting in front of her. He had pale skin as white as the flower petals. He had light brown hair as brown as the roots of the flower. He had dark green eyes, as green as the leaves and stems. He had yellow clothing, as yellow as pollen. The girl then opened her other eye, as stared at the little boy in wonder.

"Hi," she replied to him.

"My name is Luhan," he whispered, his voice sounding scratchy like he needed some water.

"My name is Yoonhae," she told him, before putting out her hand slowly for Luhan to shake.

Luhan looked at her hand in confusion.

"What are you doing? Why are you sticking your leaves out at me?" Luhan asked, completely confused.

Yoonhae had to stifle her giggle. Luhan was completely silly.

"Leaves? This is a hand. It's respectful for you to shake it when someone sticks out their hand," she informed, before taking his hand into hers, and shook it.

Luhan looked at her with wide eyes, in wonder and excitement.  His heart beating in a slow, and steady pace.

"Would you... Would you come home with me?" Yoonhae asked him.

He nodded his head slowly.

"I would like to. I don't think I would have any other place to go," he whispered.

She smiled, and helped to pull him up. She would finally have a friend. A person who would actually want to hang out with her.


"Mom! Look who I found!" Yoonhae excitedly exclaimed.

She looked up from the pot she was cooking with. She almost dropped the spoon in her hand, as she laid her eyes on the boy that was standing behind her daughter.

"Yoonhae-ah! Who is that?!" she asked, in shock.

"He's my new friend!" Yoonhae told her mom in excitement.

She looked at her.

"New friend? Where did you find him?" Her mom asked curiously.

She was about to answer, when her sister bursted into the room.

"Mom~ I'm going to go out with Sehunnie for... a... while," she told her mom, before slowing down her words as she placed her eyes onto Luhan.

"Who... Who is that?" She asked, as she pointed at him.

Minhae, Yoonhae's sister, took in Luhan's looks. His pale white skin, his dark green eyes, and his ridiculously familiar brown hair.

"It's Luhan! My new best friend!" Yoonhae exclaimed, as she hugged his arm cutely.

Minhae smiled softly, while their mom sighed.

"Dear lord... Where did this little boy come from, huh Yoonhae-ah?" their mom asked.

"Uhmm... Well..." Yoonhae started.

How was she going to explain to her mother that Luhan had came from a flower?

"Minhae-ah!" a voice suddenly appeared, relieving Yoonhae from explaining.

Then, Sehun came from the door. He froze when he saw Luhan.

"Oh my god..." he whispered in shock.

There was a vibe happening, only between Sehun and Luhan. Sehun reached out his hand, and Luhan instantly mirrored him.

"Is he your brother, Sehun-ah?" their mom asked.

He didn't take his eyes off of Luhan.

"No, Mrs. Park,"  Sehun breathed.

Their mom cast an uncertain look at Yoonhae. She shriveled under her look.

"Instead of going out, let's hang out with Yoonhae and Luhan in my room, okay? Have fun cooking mom!" Minhae exclaimed, before pulling both Yoonhae and Luhan into her room, with Sehun following them. Their mom looked at them, baffled, and shook her head.

"My kids get weirder and weirder every single day."


Minhae closed her door, and locked it, when everyone had gone into her room. She looked at Luhan.

"You feel it too, right Sehun-ah?" She asked slowly.

Sehun nodded his head.

"I feel it. It's fresh, too."

Yoonhae looked at her sister and Sehun with a confused look.

"Eh? What's fresh?" she asked.

Luhan looked at Sehun.

"I... I think, they know that I came from a flower," he whispered hoarsely to her.

Minhae widened her eyes at the sound of Luhan's voice. She quickly grabbed her water bottle from her bag, and handed it to him.

"He is fresh. Hear his voice."

Sehun chuckled.

"It's because all healthy looking plants are dehydrated."

"How... How do you guys know so much?" Yoonhae asked, yet again confused.

She didn't know what in the heck was going on.

Sehun smirked.

"I was a tree branch before Minhae transformed me."

Both Luhan and Yoonhae gaped.


Minhae chuckled, and nodded her head.

"Ever wonder why Luhan's eyes are dark green?" Sehun asked, smiling.

Yoonhae nodded her head.

"It's because he was a flower. His stem was dark green, right?"

Luhan nodded his head.

"My branch was brown, so my eyes are brown," Sehun explained.

Yoonhae stifled a giggle.

"So if I were going to be a plant, I would be come... Coal?" she asked, as her eyes were coal black.

Minhae chuckled.

"Maybe... But onto important matters. What did you do to Luhan, to get him into this form?"

"She dropped her tears on me," Luhan piped.

Sehun smiled.

"That means that your connection should be as tight as ours," he told them, as he grabbed and held onto Minhae's hand.

Yoonhae and Luhan looked at each other.

"Really?" Yoonhae asked.

"Yeah. You two will have so much in common," Minhae gushed.

"But... I don't talk a lot. I don't think I even have proper clothes to stay here," Luhan sighed.

They all looked down at Luhan. Rag-like yellow cloth covered him, and that was it. Sehun chuckled.

"Well Minhae and I will go shopping for you, and I'll teach you how to bathe. It was kind of difficult for me, without anyone helping me," Sehun confessed, as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"The two of you just stay in here, and play, okay? Sehunnie and I will be back soon!" Minhae exclaimed, before pulling Sehun out the room with her.

Luhan and Yoonhae looked at each other. What would they do now?


For a few minutes, they both just sat on the ground in awkward silence. Neither of them knew what to say. Luhan wondered if he should ask what type of soil Yoonhae would like. Yoonhae wondered if she should ask Luhan what type of books he liked to read.

"So..." Yoonhae started.

Luhan looked at her in curiosity.

"What's it like, becoming human like this?" she finished.

Luhan blinked at her. He looked down at himself, and saw fingers instead of lines in his leaves.

"Weird," he whispered.

"Bwoh? Weird?" she asked.

He nodded his head.

"It's a lot different from being a flower, or plant, for an easier term."

Yoonhae frowned.

"How so?"

He smiled.

"It's much easier. You just stay there, and get fed by the soil and the rain water," he grinned.

Yoonhae furrowed her eyebrows.

"Isn't that a bit boring, Luhan-ah? I mean, just staying in one spot, not being able to do a thing? No reading, no watching movies, no nothing?" Yoonhae asked.

Luhan stared at her.

"What is reading, and what are movies? How do you watch movies? Is it like watching a flower, and taking care of it?" Luhan asked.

Yoonhae stifled a tiny laugh.

"No Luhan... You can read from a book, which are..." Yoonhae started, before looking around for something.

Luhan watched her in interest, as she crawled across the floor to  grab an object with what seemed like white leaves in it.

"These! They're made out of paper, and you can read from it. Like, stories and stuff," she explained, as she showed Luhan the pages.

"And you watch movies, by just sitting on the couch, and watching them off a TV! I can show you that later," she told him.

Luhan smiled.


Yoonhae smiled back and nodded her head.

"Yep! It's really cool. And maybe Sehun Oppa will show you how to play soccer. I'm not very good at it yet, so I can't show you how to play..." she admitted sheepishly.

Luhan chuckled.

"Nah... It's okay. I would rather you teach me the basics of being human, then teach me how to play soccer."

Yoonhae smiled, and hugged him. He was shocked, but hugged her back anyways.

"Thank you... For enjoying my company," she whispered.

He smiled softly.

"Of course Yoonhae-ah... You're a great person to be with. I don't understand why people don't like to play with you."


FC ❀ ) Hai.. hehe. Ijustreallywantedtotypeinthis. Hope you've had a wonderful day! ^^


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please TT update the sequel! i love this
i also love luhan
this is still so cute but still so cringey
i hate u but i love u
Chapter 22: my nose. omg. i'm crying and my nose.
author nim, good, you're too good until i can't explain what i feel.

omg. luhan~




SERIOUSLY I SEE 'TRAGEDY' UP THERE AND I CAN'T... I LOVE READING SAD STORIES AND CRYING MY HEART OUT BUT THEN AGAIN I HATE READING SAD STORIES BECAUSE THEY ARE JUST... SAD. And then I would cry all night thinking 'oh why didn't [the main character] get a happy ending'...

The beginning reminds me of a manga I read! The flower becoming a human when the tears fall on it!!! ^_^
Chapter 22: This story is amazingly written and the plot is original. I was really sad that Luhan had to turn to into a flower again and hoped he would somehow be a human again. Neverheless, I loved the story and the ending is awesome as it is.
beautifully written and very original. I was sobbing so hard like idk whether to be sad or mad but somehow I'm happy too??? this should be a book tbh
Chapter 22: Author-nim, why why? Just kidding. This story make me cry at the part of final ending 1 till the last ;~~; ....... Sequel please XD