Imagine with Super Junior


Do YOU have a  C O L O R F U L  I M A G I N A T I O N ?

Then this is the place for Y-O-U~!


Imagine... You... Your SJ bias... Romantic scenes...(and sometimes funny and witty) 

The sky's the limit! Go ahead and check them out!


Annyeong~! Some of you may recognize these from a fanpage of SJ... Don't worry, I'm admin ~GaemJoo~! 

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy, and take out with full credits if you want to share :))


If you want, you can subscribe too~! Happy reading... And imagining! ♥


PS. You can request for your SJ bias~♥ 


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regine921005 #1
Chapter 3: just please continue doing these cute, short but really sweet stories! it made my day! ^_^
maureenLee #2
Chapter 1: hahaha !! it made me laugh :) :)