Believe the Lyrics


THIS STORY IS BASICALLY AN ALTERNATE VERSION OF CHAPTER 41 IN I'm Emotionally Unstable and I Thank Super Junior For It."

Credit for Alex goes to sujudork206. Check out the AMAZING story that started it all. It's called "No Other than these Famous Idiots!"

Credit for Uki goes to BamxAngiee. Read her also AWESOME story that inspired me. It's called "I'm Emotionally Unstable and I Thank Super Junior For It."


RECAP of Chap 40 "I'm Emotionally Unstable and I Thank Super Junior For It":


Oh , oh , oh . All Hell’s about to break loose. O.O



She [Jessica] turned to Donghae and quickly bowed to him three times, saying each time, “Mianhae, oppa, mianhae. I promise I won’t come in between you and her [Uki] ever again, I promise.”



“Ice cream for the champ!” Heechul exclaimed, shooting up and raising Uki’s fist like you would see in those Rocky movies and whatnot.


“Whoo! Uki the fighter strikes again!” Eunhyuk also yelled.


“Aish, enough with this!” Uki exclaimed with a smile on her face. “Just get me my damn ice cream!”


Aish, this girl(x


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CUTE~! i love it!!!~ i really love KYULEX momentsssss <3
........... Wow..i'm speechless..KYU you're such a cutie yet a pabo xD <3 <br />
I really love this story...good job dear~~
@wjc912: YAY, thankss~ ^^<br />
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@sujudork602: LOL. I'm glad you like it!! I was trying so hard to keep them in character. >< Embarrassed Alex. ;)
my face when I was reading this---> O////O <br />
Gyyaaa, i love it!!! ^^
wjc912 #5
haha. that's so sweet :)
Cute! ^^<br />
But I seriously can't imagine Alex crying this much. o.e<br />
Lol. But I still really liked it! Added a whole new flavor to an old and loved character. ^^
Corrections made MusicChibi unnie! ^^<br />
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Currently trying to edit the second chapter...
wjc912 #9
awwww. poor alex. <br />
kyu, what did you do? i thought you loved her. <br />
update soon.