something special

SHINee's very own Asianfanfiction [taking in requests!^^]

short jongkey drabble

" I don't understand how do you look so perfect." jonghyun said,  gawking at Key's new photoshoot for Ceci.

" Same goes to you." Key said, distracted.

" hell no. Look at me! I look like I woke up from a dump." Jonghyun whined

" No you you're beautiful. I look like a sick kitty." Key remarked.

Jonghyun gave key a hug. 

" No you aren't. you're more beautiful than anyone. If you were to be ugly, at least you would always been the most beautiful to me." Jonghyun said, smiling.

Key smiled, his eyes got teary already. Seriously? All the times when he was insecure, Jonghyun would always make him feel like a million bucks. Jonghyun was so nice to him, and the diva-ish him would like to return the favour, and crown jonghyun as the most gorgeous of themsevles all, Jonghyun just manages to make him feel as if hes on the top of the world. 

But Jonghyun made him feel like He's the best. Key is disappointed that he can make Jonghyun feel special.

Because Jonghyun always makes him feel special. Key doesn't want to be on the recieving end anymore.

" Please Jonghyun, let me make you feel special. Let me shower you with love." Key said softly.

Jonghyun kissed his forehead and smiled against his skin.

" Whenever you're with me, I always feel special. Because I love you, and I really do."

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