Dating LEEs


Most of us are quite picky when it comes to choosing the right person to date.
Some people has this thing called fettish for the people they go out with.
Foot fettish, neck fettish, hand fettish, the list goes on.
But what makes Sora's so called fettish different from the rest?
She has a
LEE fettish


Sora has a strange habbit.
She only dates guys whose surname is 'Lee'
That is before a certain 'WU' came into her life.


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oh my gosh, will you be updating this fic after your hiatus?
cause really, i ship these those two! ahh wu fan and park sora is love~
Chapter 1: Update please ^^
happy new year author. please update if you have time already. gomawo!
Chapter 1: rare pairing and good choice =)
Chapter 1: I love their start point. Their year will surely be fun bugging each other. Thanks for update.I hope you will update soon. ^_^
new subsciber =)
keysaetern #7
Chapter 1: That's right Kris bug shinhye more
its going to be an interesting year for them
keysaetern #8
Chapter 1: Good choice love exom Kris and park shinhye
I know its going to be a interesting story update soon