The Coldness

The Olive Branch

Yunho found it odd how he found Jaejoong constantly glancing at the mirror and finally combing his messy hair. In fact, instead of wearing his school uniform or some baggy pants, Jaejoong was wearing some nice blue jeans with a black sweater. He walked over to his closet, and pulled out a brown, leather jacket that Yunho had never seen before. Impressed over Jaejoong's choice of style, Yunho laid down on his stomach at the couch and watched Jaejoong smirk and check the picnic basket standing on the corner of the table.

"You seem to be happy," Yunho finally spoke up. Jaejoong glanced over at Yunho, then shrugged. However, another smirk crossed his lips.

"Yeah, I guess," Jaejoong replied coolly, not wanting to be found out. "Hey, I'm probably coming home late. The money for pizza is on the counter table."

Yunho raised an eyebrow. "You're going somewhere? To fight? If you're going to fight, I don't plan to pick you up today."

"No, no. Today, I'm going to do my best to avoid all those wannabe-fighters. Today, I'm going to keep clean and act sharp," Jaejoong replied, grabbing his comb for the seventh time. 

"Okay, you're acting strange. What's going on?"

"I'm... going somewhere fun," Jaejoong replied, putting his comb in his pocket. He grabbed his wallet and the keys to his house. "I'll be coming home late, okay?"

"You're coming late and going to somewhere fun. Are you going to a club?"

Jaejoong rolled his eyes. "No, I'm not going there. I'm not even at the age to go to a club, idiot."

Yunho narrowed his eyes. "At least tell me where you're going, then. People are going to get the wrong idea if you don't say the truth."

Jaejoong didn't want to tell him that he was going on a date with Jessica. He wasn't even sure if things were going to work out. Surely if he told him and things didn't work out, Yunho would make fun of him and think that he was a joke. Jaejoong kept quiet, and thought of the only other female name that he could've came up with at that moment.

"I'm going out with Yuri, okay?" Jaejoong said. Although he meant that he was going out with Yuri as in "hanging out," Yunho interpreted it the wrong way. To Yunho, he thought that Jaejoong was "dating" her. Yunho widened his eyes and stood up from his couch.

"What? Why are you going out with that block-head?" Yunho asked, raising his voice. 

Jaejoong shot him a glare. "To hang out. And don't judge Yuri like that! She's very useful for me."

Useful? "So you're just using her?"

"In a way."

"Oh." Yunho kept quiet, then sat back on the couch. He grabbed his remote, and the television. "Well, it's none of my business in the first place. Go have fun with Yuri."

"Thanks," Jaejoong replied. He left the house with the basket in his hands, excited on his first date with Jessica. After Jaejoong left, the large house was filled with silence. Only the soft mutters from the television were heard. While Yunho flipped the channel, he constantly glanced at the clock standing over the entertaining box.

Would Yuri be the kind of girl who arrives at the date early, on-time, or late? Yunho wondered. Once he caught himself thinking about Yuri, he quickly shook his head.

"No, Yunho. Just no."

He looked towards the calendar, then realized a big, red circle marked around a certain number. His eyes softened, and his heart began to ache. Yunho got up, walked over to the calendar, then ran her fingers across the red ink.

"So it's that day already, huh?" Yunho thought. He slowly shook his head, then grabbed a coat to go outside for a walk.


Jessica stared at her outfit, which consisted of a white, fluffy winter coat and a tight black sweater, not to mention a pair of matching black leather boots. She also wore a white beanie to keep the snow from getting on her hair, but now she was wondering if she was over-dressed for the small occasion. Like always, she had her olive branch and the empty book with her. She stared down at her two precious items.

Should I call Yuri and ask her to take these for me? she wondered. Now that I think about it, girls wouldn't bring an empty book and a branch to a date. I didn't even bring a purpose or anything.

She found her reflection on a window of a random shop. She quickly checked her hair, then bit her bottom lip, which was gently applied with lip gloss. She tugged down the side of her beanie.

What if I have to take my hat off? Wouldn't my hair get messed up? A pause. Wait, why am I so conscious over myself? Jessica, this is Jaejoong we're talking about. He probably wants something from you and that's why he asked you on a date.

Suddenly, Jessica's phone beagn to ring. She grabbed her smartphone from her pocket, and raised an eyebrow when she realized that it was Yunho calling her. She swiped the "call" button and placed her phone next to her ear.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey. Um, this is Yunho. I was just wondering if Yuri already left the house already," Yunho replied. Jessica raised an eyebrow.

"What? Why would you want to know that?" Jessica asked.

"Isn't she on a date with Jaejoong?"

Jessica kept quiet. "Um, I don't think so. I mean, she helped me dress up to meet Jaejoong..."

There was an awkward pause. After a few seconds, Yunho finally decided to speak up.

"O-Oh," Yunho replied awkwardly. "Um, okay then. I'll... talk to you later?"

"Sure..." Jessica muttered. The two hung up at the same time, wanting to end their conversation as fast as they could. Jessica stole a glance at her reflection, then heaved a sigh. She tapped the branch against the brick wall, while opening the book to keep herself distracted from her conversation with Yunho.

What did he mean by Jaejoong was on a date with Yuri? Does that mean that they're together? Jessica wondered, staring at her clothes. Did I dress up for nothing? Maybe he just said that it was a date because he's planning to reveal his feelings about Yuri towards me. They have been getting along, too. Plus, they go to the same school. It would be normal for Yunho to call me. He'd be feeling pretty lonely, since it's Yuri who took him away from Jaejoong.

There was a moment of silence.

So Jaejoong likes Yuri, huh? Jessica concluded. She lifted her eyes from the blank book for a few seconds, then sighed.

She realized how cold winter was.


Yuri yawned as she dragged her feet towards the small kitchen. Last night, she had helped Jessica pick the "perfect" outfit for the winter date. While she poured herself some hot chocolate, she glanced out the window. The sky was clouded with dark, gloomy clouds and white snow shot down to the ground, dissolving into the small white hill.

Today is my break from dancing, Yuri remembered. She walked over to her backpack, and opened up her textbook and pulled out several sheets of paper. Time to do some homework while I'm on my break.

While Yuri was solving the problem, her phone began to vibrate. Hoping that it was some of her friends, she reached over the table and grabbed the electronic. When she checked to see who sent her the message, she realized that it was Jaejoong. She scowled, and opened the message. However, her frown faded into a curious look once she read the message.

Today is BoA's "death" anniversary. Yunho will walk the same path he did until he reaches to the hospital at the exact time he arrived when he got a call from the hospital. Don't stop him, or else he's going to get really angry!
This is one thing that Yunho dislikes: someone blocking his way. Be grateful.

- Jaejoong

Yuri blinked her eyes, then checked the date. She heaved a sigh, then tapped her pencil against the book.

A death anniversary, huh? she thought. No wonder I'm on my break from dancing today.

She paused for a second. Then, Yuri groaned and hid her face in her arms.

I wish he'd just forget about her and move on, she thought selfishly. She stopped her thoughts for a moment, then began to sniff. Realizing that she was about to cry, Yuri quickly looked up and stared at the light to hold back her tears.

"Stop crying, Kwon Yuri!" she demanded. She wiped away her teary eyes with the sleeves of her shoulder. "Okay, then. If you're crying to cry, at least go for a walk. Let the cold weather wake you up a bit, okay?"

I feel like an idiot talking to myself, she thought. Nevertheless, she grabbed her waterproof jacket, and headed out the door to get some fresh air.

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8/11/13: Hey guys! I start school tomorrow, which means that there will be MONTHLY updates instead of weekly updates. Yep... Thanks for understanding!


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@DylonShinka: I'm like you enjoyed the fanfic! :D I felt that I kind of rushed it too much, but I'm still glad that you liked the ending. ^_^
DylonShinka #2
Chapter 31: Ahh so happy ending~!
really makes those who read it untouched and curious.
Thank you for your story, it was fun ^^
@ErinKrystal: Well, I'm probably not going to do a sequel (and if I was, it would probably highlight their marriage life or maybe one of their children's life), so yeah. ^^;;
Chapter 31: I hope you do another sequel! This story so interesting! :D
@roxxi1993: Well, I added the epilogue, if that makes you feel any better. :3 I was going to leave it as a cliff-hanger, but I thought that it would be nicer to add an epilogue instead. >_<
Chapter 31: Awww I was hoping for one more chapter before it truly ends!
But its so cute how it all ended!
Yunho finally had the courage to kiss Yuri!
And Jaesica got together after a long time of separation!
Thank you for completing the story!
@Glamgirls: Aha, thank you! ^o^
I love your foreword and description ><
@rapunsyoo: I was planning on having a cliff-hanger, but I decided to just end the story with a short epilogue. :P Thank you for reading! ^_^
Chapter 31: OMG THE EPILOGUE >___<
Yes it's kinda unclear for me but still better than hanging the story tho.
Good job author ^^