The Irritation

The Olive Branch

A cool splash of water hit Yuri's face, causing her to gasp loudly. Fortunately for her, no one was at the restroom. She looked up at the mirror, and saw her reflection. Her cheeks had a black, runny stain caused by the mascara she had worn. The pink coating of the lipstick smeared across her lower chin. She grabbed a handful of tissue and wiped away the water droplets from her face. She pulled out a cleansing tissue and wiped away the unwanted marks.

I can't act too irriationally over what a waiter said, Yuri told herself. Get yourself together, Kwon Yuri! You're not going to fall for such a haughty guy like Jung Yunho. 

As she applied her mascara back on, Jessica came in with a worried look. Not knowing what to do, Yuri gave her a smile through the mirror.

"Hey Sica. What's up?" Yuri asked, grabbing her lipstick.

"Are you mad?"

Yuri stopped and turned around. "About what?"

"You know, about the waiter and Yunho. If he bothers you or anything, we can kick him out--"

"No. It's perfectly fine," Yuri said, raising a hand. "I don't see why I should freak out. This is nothing."

"Are you sure?" Jessica asked, slightly frowning at her.

"I'm so sure, I think I can dance in front of the whole restaurant!" Yuri exagerrated. "Now, stall some time for me. I need to put my makeup on."

The blond girl stared at her friend. She watched Yuri cover her lips with a nice shade of pink and add a light shade of blush. Jessica sighed and gave her a small smile. She patted Yuri's shoulders as a sign of encouragment.

"You know what, Yuri? I'm proud of you. You're getting through this pretty well. I thought that you would kick Yunho and Jaejoong out of the group and go home. Turns out that I had nothing to worry about!" Jessica exclaimed.

Yuri faked a laugh and turned her attention by to the mirror. Well, it's only one day. Plus, I can see that they're trying pretty hard. As long as they're paying, I'll be fine!



He looked up after the waiter placed the plate of steak in front of Jaejoong. "What?"

"You sure you don't want to go to the restroom? I'll accompany you there after Jessica and Yuri comes back."

"What? Why? I don't need to use the restroom," Yunho said, rolling his eyes.

"That's not it. You might want to look at your reflection in the mirror at the restroom," Jaejoong said. He made a smirk. "You're kind of... red."

Yunho slightly jumped out of his seak. Just when the waiter placed down Yunho's special (which consisted of noodles and a small plate of meat), Yunho grabbed ahold of the waiter's wrist. The waiter widened his eyes, shocked over how sudden Yunho was.

"Do you have a pocket mirror?" Yunho asked.

"Ah... No--"

"Can I see your tray?" Without waiting for a response, Yunho grabbed ahold of the silver tray and flipped it over to the bottom. He stared at his blurry reflection, but found no sign of visible red shade through the murky image. He heaved a sigh of relief and handed it back to the waiter, flicking his hand for the employee to leave. 

"I'm not red," Yunho said. "And if I am, it's not that noticeable."

"Whatever you say," Jaejoong responded. He looked up and noticed Jessica heading their way. "Oh, look. One girl came back."

Jessica flipped her hair and took her seat across from Jaejoong. She pulled in her chair and grabbed the large napkin to place it on her lap. Jaejoong stared at her intensely, waiting for her to say something. When she did look him, his heart skipped a beat and he looked away.

"S-So," Jaejoong stuttered, "how's Yuri?"

"She seems to be fine. Fortunately for you two, she's not angry," Jessica informed them. She looked down at her large meal. began to water and her eyes sparkled with greed. "Well, time to dig in!"

She quickly grapped her fork and knife to cut the steak. Jaejoong blinked his eyes, then stared at the empty seat next to her. He cleared his throat a bit too loudly, causing Jessica to look back up at him.

"Wut?" she mumbled with food in . Jaejoong gave her a disguisted look. She quickly gulped down her food and wiped the sauce from the corner of her lips with the back of her hand. "I mean, 'What?'"

"If Yuri is okay, where is she?" Jaejoong asked. Jessica pointed her fork over her shoulder. He looked behind her, and found Yuri walking towards them. She seemed calmer than she was before when she left them with a dumbfounded expression. Yuri smiled softly at Jaejoong and Yunho, and slowly took her seat.

"Sorry about that," Yuri said. "My makeup was ruined."

Yunho looked up with a frown. "What? But you looked perfectly fine when you le--Ouch!"

Jaejoong elbowed Yunho's stomach and shot him a glare. Yunho gave him an angry look. 

Be nice! Jaejoong told him through his glare.

Mind your own business, Yunho responded, rolling his eyes. He focused on his meal, and brushed away any kind of vegatble he saw on his plate. He removed them on one of the plates Jessica had finished eating off of. Seeing this, her icy look pierced through his own.

"Hey. You better finish that or else," Jessica said, dangerously poking her fork against her salad plate. "You have to eat your vegetables, Yunho."

"So? Look at Jaejoong. He didn't finish his carrots," Yunho pointed out.

"At least I have a reasonable excuse for not eating carrots," Jaejoong said. "I'm allergic to them when I eat them."

"Liar! I saw you the other day eating a carrot because a girl came and offered her lunch to you. You know, you have a hilarious expression when you eat something you hate," Yunho said, snickering. His friend scowled and stared down at his plate. He pushed the orange vegetable to one side of his steak.

"Who cares. No one is going to make me eat it," Jaejoong said. Suddenly, Jessica landed her knife right between Jaejoong's index and middle finger. His eyes enlarged to the size of two golf balls. His heart pounded against his chest, but not from Jessica's appearance, but over fear. "W-What the! Don't do that--"

"Both of you are going to eat your vegetables," Jessica hissed. "No one is leaving this table until all the plates are cleared, understood?"

Yunho and Jaejoong quickly nodded their heads and turned to Yuri for some kind of explanation. Yuri gave them a sheepish smile and shrugged her shoulders.

"Jessica was raised to eat everything on her plate and not to waste a single food. She has a stubborn younger sister who also didn't like vegetables, so that's why Jessica's enforcing this rule towards you two," she explained.

"You have a sister?" Jaejoong asked, raising his eyebrows. "Is she cute?"

For some reason, that question irritated Jessica. Instead of replying verbally, she stuffed with lettuce and kicked Jaejoong's lower leg. Jaejoong jumped out of his seat, knocking back his chair and falling to the side. As he groaned in pain, the customers stared at their table for a long time, wondering what was going on. Jaejoong hissed in pain. "

I'm guessing that's a yes?" he croaked.

Jessica sat up from her seat. "I'm done."

Yuri stared at her plate. "But you haven't finished yet--"

"Do I have to eat everything? Look at those two kids! They're not eating their veggies. Why should I finish mine?" Jessica asked. She cleared and ran her fingers through her hair. She pulled out her phone and pressed a few buttons. "Look, since I'm finished first, I'll head over to the shopping area."

"Wait!" Yuri exclaimed, grabbing her wrist. "Where should I meet you?"

Jessica pressed her lips. "You know that one place where we wanted to go to buy shoes?"

Yuri's eyes twinkled. "Ooh! Okay, I'll see you there!"

They watched Jessica walk away, hearing the fading footsteps of her heels. Jaejoong crawled back up and rubbed his leg. He grunted, and finished his plate after three more bites.

"What's her problem?" Jaejoong complained. "I just asked if her sister is cute."

"Maybe that's the problem," Yunho said. "Maybe her younger sister is ugly."

Yuri frowned. "Hey! I've seen her sister, and she's way prettier than Jessica." She paused, then looked at the direction Jessica left. "But..."

"But?" Jaejoong and Yunho asked in unison.

"Well, it's my first time seeing her react this way when it came to talking about her younger sister. Strange," she muttered.

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8/11/13: Hey guys! I start school tomorrow, which means that there will be MONTHLY updates instead of weekly updates. Yep... Thanks for understanding!


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@DylonShinka: I'm like you enjoyed the fanfic! :D I felt that I kind of rushed it too much, but I'm still glad that you liked the ending. ^_^
DylonShinka #2
Chapter 31: Ahh so happy ending~!
really makes those who read it untouched and curious.
Thank you for your story, it was fun ^^
@ErinKrystal: Well, I'm probably not going to do a sequel (and if I was, it would probably highlight their marriage life or maybe one of their children's life), so yeah. ^^;;
Chapter 31: I hope you do another sequel! This story so interesting! :D
@roxxi1993: Well, I added the epilogue, if that makes you feel any better. :3 I was going to leave it as a cliff-hanger, but I thought that it would be nicer to add an epilogue instead. >_<
Chapter 31: Awww I was hoping for one more chapter before it truly ends!
But its so cute how it all ended!
Yunho finally had the courage to kiss Yuri!
And Jaesica got together after a long time of separation!
Thank you for completing the story!
@Glamgirls: Aha, thank you! ^o^
I love your foreword and description ><
@rapunsyoo: I was planning on having a cliff-hanger, but I decided to just end the story with a short epilogue. :P Thank you for reading! ^_^
Chapter 31: OMG THE EPILOGUE >___<
Yes it's kinda unclear for me but still better than hanging the story tho.
Good job author ^^