The Day Before


He was sick
He was twisted
And he was in love

There are two types of syndromes that can occur in a hostage or kidnapping situation. The first affects the victim. It is the Stockholm Syndrome. Where the victim mistakes their captor’s lack of violence to kindness. The second is the Lima Syndrome. This affects the captor in a way that they begin to pity their victim. This is most likely to occur in situations where the captor lacks experience

A kidnapping situation lands the victim in the care of a rehabilitation centre. Its personnel trying to cure her of a sickness that occurs when two unlikely people fall in love in the unlikeliest of places.

They say that she is sick

They say that she is twisted
She says she was simply in love.


When a young girl is kidnapped by a notorious killer, she finds herself becoming a victim, not of his cruelties, but of a psychological illness that makes her believe that she is in love with him. Stuck in her illusions, she fights against everyone that tells her she’s mad. That she’s made the story of them in her own mind. And a nurse in purple scrubs is out to prove that the man she claims to love never loved her back.






Hi there,

This is Admin 2: Carato Potrot

This is my first fanfic featuring MyName. Hope you enjoy reading it :)





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It's been almost two years since I commented on this and my feelings still remain: please update it soon! :D
Oh my gosh! This story is so amazing! I really hope you update it soon! :D
FireflyShy #3
Chapter 5: *_* it's so vivid the way you describe every scene. I love the parts where you say she can hear what is being said but gets muffled or is distant like how it is in shows.
FireflyShy #4
Chapter 4: I love how you make the title of each chapter related to an object that seems to be random but critical to the chapter. 8D woo idk what I just said but yeah. Great story so far