
2 weeks ago, I saw him in the practice room.

13 days ago, he asked me to be his partner.

12 days ago, I said ‘yes’ to him.

10 days ago, we started to practice together.

8 days ago, he introduced me to one of his friends to join our group.

7 days ago, the terror started. Someone called me.

6 days ago, his friend finished his composed song for us. Something amazing happened. The 3 of us found our bonds.

4 days ago, his friend was missing. We searched for him but found nothing.

3 days ago, he was missing too. I couldn’t find him anywhere.

2 days ago, the terror got worse. This person messed up my locker.

Yesterday, I took my day off. I was too afraid to go to school.

Today, this person is chasing me.



He said to me, “I just listen to your voice.”

It was his last sentence since he has gone. No one could find him.

It has been 3 days. I missed his songs. I missed his notes on the piano. I missed him.

I need him.



I ran from the person who has terror me since a week ago. I knew it since he phoned me and said he’ll make me regret for what I have done. I didn’t even know what thing exactly I have done that made him wanna me to regret it. But, I know for sure, if I get caught, something terrible will be happen.

“Hang on me,” someone said to me while grabbed my hand. This hand pulled me to an empty hall. It pulled me up to the stairs I even didn’t know it was there. I tried to let my hand go, but this hand was too strong. When I tried to scream for help, I looked at his face. I cancelled my will to scream. It was him.

“What.. are you doing he..? Where have you.. been this 3 days..?” all my thoughts blurred out and competed each other to go out first. I couldn’t say it clearly. But he seemed understand. He shut my mouth.

“Ssh.. They’ll hear us,” he whispered. So, he knew that I was being chased by someone.. Wait. He said ‘they’.

“How many exactly them?” I whispered, asked him. He raised his fore finger, middle finger, and ring finger. 3 people. “What do they want from me?” I asked again.

He gave me a sign to wait. So I waited. After the last person took different way from us and didn’t notice us, he sighed and then hugged me. My heart jumped and I’m sure my cheeks turned all red. But, I stayed in my place. “Thanks to God you are okay,” he said to me and patted my head. He looked at my confuse face. “I’ll explain to you. Follow me,” he led me to a building not too far from this place, that I knew is his apartment.


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You_Love #1
Chapter 5: WHAAAAAAT!?? CHEN!? ADGAHDFAFA And I thought that Chen would do as the third Musketeer (?) :(
You_Love #3
Chapter 4: asdashdgfashgffsa OMG!! your story is so amazing,i need a update soon pleaseeee :3
Chapter 3: ohmygosh it's so goooodddd
huhudad #5
woah !! Author-nim !! it sounds exciting !!