Favorite Color


It started with the question, "What is your crush's favorite color?"


[Just random stuff.]


Han _______ had been in love with Jang Hyunseung since their first year in high school. She was the typical stalker-admirer high school girl. Although Hyunseung is her friend, she wouldn't tell him how much she adores him. She couldn't only admire him from afar.


One day, she and her girl friends decided to play "Questions."


She drew out a card.


But she couldn't answer the question.


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and i was like gsahgdasgydyuagdysaugfdsafgsdf!!! >.< ♥
wonwoojpeg #2
*blush* cute!! >.<
OMG . i'm blushinggg ~ xDD
juicy_red #4
so beautiful! haha I'd have blushed like crazy! jaja
Ahahahaha<br />
Awwwww that is so cute X3
Kelryu #6
awwww thats so cute :)