Making new friends

Babysitting with the Stars

“So Sungyeol’s also gay huh?” Woohyun was talking to himself as he hazily wandered the streets of the city. He was clearly still in shock from what he had just witnessed, and was not in his right mind. “W-Well there’s nothing wrong with that…ha ha yeah nothing at all. They’re all gay…everyone’s gay….I’m the only straight man in a world full of gay…no big deal.” He didn’t even notice the strange looks people were giving him as he glided down the street.

“I need a drink….” He muttered and entered the closest bar he could find—a place called The back door.

I’ve never heard of this place…” Woohyun thought to himself as he made his way inside. He noticed that there seemed to be an awful lot of men there, but he didn’t really think too much about it. He was still too bothered by what he had seen earlier and just wanted to get some alcohol in his body and forget about everything for a moment. He sank down at the bar and sighed.

“What will it be?” The bartender asked.

“Ah!” Woohyun pointed a finger at the very pretty man in front of him. “You’re that kid...Sungjong!”

The young bartender blinked. “How do you know my name?”

“Oh uh…I….” Woohyun looked away nervously.

“Wait aren’t you…Nam Woohyun?” Sungjong asked. “You are aren’t you? I knew I recognized you. Wait, but how do you know me?”

“Uh…Gyu hyung told me all about you.” Woohyun lied.

“He did?” Sungjong eyed him skeptically. “What’d he say about me then?”


“Yeah, thought so.” Sungjong scoffed. “Anyways…what’re you doing here?”

“I came to drink.” Woohyun stated, nonchalantly. “This is a bar, isn’t it?”

“Uh yes, but you do know what kind of bar this is don’t you?” Sungjong shot him a concerned look.

“Hm? What do you mean?” Woohyun titled his head in confusion.

“Are you really that clueless?” Sungjong sighed. “This place is called the back door for crying out loud!”

“Yeah I don’t really get that title.” Woohyun put a finger to his chin. “Like what does that mean? The back door…I mean was the front door already taken?” He joked.

“This guy…” Sungjong shook his head. “How are you so…?”

“So…what?” Woohyun blinked cutely.

“Oh forget it.” Sungjong waved it off. “Anyways, I think you should leave this place. Like right now.”

“Why?” Woohyun pouted, pounding his fists on the counter in a childish manner. “I want to drink! Get me something to drink!”

“You don’t understand.” Sungjong tried to explain. “You being here…it’s dangerous. You’ll get eaten alive.”

“I’m thirsty Sungjongie~” Woohyun whined, clearly not paying any attention to the young bartender’s warning words.

Sungjong was starting to get really annoyed with this man, who despite being older than him was so damn clueless and now he was even addressing Sungjong like they were close friends or something.

“Ok look here Nam Woohyun-sshi…you should—.”

“Hyung…” Woohyun pouted. “Just call me hyung. I don’t like stuffy formal language.”

“Fine…Woohyun hyung.” Sungjong rolled his eyes. “You really should—.”

“You know my day started out really great.” Woohyun somehow thought it was an appropriate time to share how his day went. “I had a snowball fight with Gyu hyung and Hyun Su…I really think Hyun Su’s warming up to me. Ah but there were these jerks who said mean things to hyung.” Woohyun continued. “But don’t worry Jongie. I told them off right away!”

Sungjong sighed. “I wasn’t worried….and can you please not share your life story—.”

“Hyung seemed better after that…I wonder what hyung’s doing now.” Woohyun rested his elbows on the counter as his eyes dazzled with thoughts of Sunggyu swimming through his mind. “I know he had his radio interview…I hope he ate something at least…ah and it’s pretty cold out. But I think he brought a jacket so he should be—.”

“Hey cutie.” A man, who looked to be in his mid twenties sat down beside Woohyun. He was sporting a sleeveless shirt and fitted leather pants.

“Cutie…where?” Woohyun looked around for any sign of a cute girl.

The man chuckled and tapped Woohyun’s arm. “I’m talking about you.”


“Back off Il Woo hyung.” Sungjong sighed. “He’s not interested.”

“Well I love a challenge~” Il Woo grinned cunningly, as his finger grazed Woohyun’s arm once more.

“No, I mean he’s not interested.” Sungjong repeated.

“Oh…” Il Woo frowned, running a hand through his light brown hair. “Well then what’re you doing here? Just curious about the lifestyle?” He asked Woohyun.

“What?” Woohyun blinked. “Lifestyle?”

Il Woo shot Sungjong a questioning look, and Sungjong merely shook his head in response.

“You mean he really doesn’t know?” Il Woo chuckled.

“Yeah…” Sungjong replied. “He doesn’t. I guess he’s just really innocent…or stupid.”

“Hey!” Woohyun pouted. “Are you talking about me?”

“Or both.” Sungjong shrugged.             

“Can I please continue my story now?” Woohyun folded his arms.

“No.” Sungjong answered. “I’m busy. I don’t have time to listen to your stories. Just go home.”

“Yah.” Woohyun whined. “Is that how you talk to your customers?”

Il Woo laughed as he put an arm around Woohyun. “Why don’t you tell this hyung all about it, ok?”

“Really?” Woohyun eyed the older man skeptically.

Sungjong sent Il Woo a warning look. “Don’t you dare do anything to him, or this hyung I know will never forgive me.”

“Don’t worry~” Il Woo waved him off, as he guided Woohyun away. “I won’t touch him~”

“Then what’re you doing right now?!” Sungjong pointed a finger at Il Woo’s hand that was subtly wandering down Woohyun’s back. “Il Woo hyung, I swear to god if you even think of—!”

“Ok fine…” Il Woo sighed, barely paying the young bartender any attention. “Whatever you say~”


“And there they were! Getting all hot and heavy right there on the couch!” Woohyun exclaimed, causing the group of men crowded around him to collectively gasp.

“No!” One guy in an orange top tapped Woohyun’s arm lightly, as he sipped his martini.

“Yes!” Woohyun’s eyes were wide and he animatedly explained his tale to the group. “And you know who paid for that couch they were on?”

“Was it you?” Ill Woo asked.

“Well….actually no.” Woohyun admitted sheepishly. “But still! That place is my home too! Have some respect!”

“Oh you’re totally right!” A guy with silver hair nodded, and placed a comforting hand on Woohyun's shoulder.

“So what’d you do after that?” A blue haired young man questioned from across the table.

“What else was I supposed to do?” Woohyun sighed dramatically. “I ran out of there as fast as I could!”

“You should have stayed and confronted them.” The man in the orange top advised.

“But what was I supposed to say?” Woohyun sighed. “I was the one who came in uninvited. It’s weird…It makes it feel like that place isn’t my home anymore. It feels like I don’t even know Sungyeol anymore.”

“Did you like him?” Blue hair asked.

“Of course I like him! He’s my friend…”

“Oh, so just as a friend…” The silver haired guy noted, but Woohyun didn’t seem to hear. “So...does that mean you’re single?”

“Huh?” Woohyun turned to the silver haired guy. “Uh yeah…? But anyways…I guess I still have Hyun Su and Gyu hyung. Whenever Gyu hyung’s there, everything’s right…” Woohyun sighed happily as he took another sip of his strawberry daiquiri.

“Looks like you’re out of luck.” Il Woo nudged the silver haired guy.

Woohyun hesitated for a moment. “Can I ask you guys something?”

“Sure!” Orange shirt gushed.

“Well….the thing is…is it normal to…to think about…being with another man?”

“That depends…what kind of thoughts are you having?” Il Woo grinned. “Give us explicit details!”

“Uh…n-nevermind…” Woohyun blushed, staring at his glass.

“But what exactly is your definition of normal?” The blue haired guy pointed out. “Because in all honesty none of us here are considered ‘normal’ at all.”

“Yeah I guess you’ve got a point.” Woohyun nodded. “I mean what is normal anyways? Man you guys are great! You’re so easy to talk to! It’s a wonder that you all don’t have girlfriends!”

“Uh wait…” They all exchanged confused looks.

“Sungjong said he doesn’t know.” Il Woo told the others. “How about we just let him figure it out on his own?” He winked, and the others giggled amusingly.

“Jongie!” Woohyun called out, obliviously. “Another round for my awesome new friends!”

“You’re paying?” Sungjong asked.

“Of course not! It’s on Il Woo hyung!” Woohyun announced, earning laughter from the rest of the group.

“Yah, that’s not fair~” Il Woo pouted.

“You heard what Woohyunnie said!” Orange shirt sniggered.

“You guys are mean!” Il Woo whined, as he abandoned the table and went over to the bar.

“So what are you going to do now?” Silver hair asked Woohyun.

“Hm? What do you mean?”

“I mean after this…” The silver haired guy nervously inched closer to Woohyun. “If you want we could—.”

“Nam Woohyun!” They all turned, as a very angry hamster in a cap and sunglasses stomped towards them.

“Hyung?” Woohyun got up. “What’re you doing here?”

“I should be the one asking you that!” Sunggyu frowned, as he peeled off his sunglasses. “Sungjong told me you were at a bar and to come get you…” He glanced around, taking in the surroundings. “What kind of place is this anyways? Why are there only men everywhere?”

“This is a friendship bar!” Woohyun exclaimed. “A place where a guy can go and just have fun with other guys!”

“Pfft….” The guys at Woohyun’s table struggled to hold back their laughter.

What?” Woohyun turned to them. “Why are you guys laughing?”

Sunggyu sighed and shook his head, just as Sungjong joined them.

“You finally came hyung.” Sungjong greeted. “Woohyun hyung is really too do you put up with him?”

Sunggyu ignored Sungjong's question and turned to Woohyun. “What happened? Why did you come to a place like this?”

“Why does everyone keep asking me that?” Woohyun frowned. “This is a bar. I came to drink.”

“Omo!” The orange shirted guy nudged Woohyun. “Your Gyu hyung is Kim Sunggyu?!”

“Hm? Oh yeah…” Woohyun nodded. “Hyung these are my new friends—.”

“Don’t introduce them!” Sungjong interrupted. “Hurry up and go already! If someone from outside sees Sunggyu hyung leaving a gay bar, it won’t be good.”

“A…what?” Woohyun’s eyes went wide.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Sunggyu nodded. “C’mon Woohyun, let's go.”

“W-Wait…” Woohyun held his hands up. “T-This is a gay bar?”

“Well of course it is silly!” The blue haired guy grinned.

“Why else would there only be guys here?” Sungjong rolled his eyes.

“And besides,” Il Woo smirked. “How could you not notice Tae Jun trying to flirt with you for the whole night?” He gestured to the silver haired guy, who blushed slightly. Sunggyu eyed this Tae Jun person suspiciously, before putting a hand on Woohyun’s shoulder.

“C’mon, let’s go.”

“Wait, but I’m not…” Woohyun shook his head. “Y-You guys….you knew I wasn’t gay…right? You know I’m straight right?”

“Oh honey…” The orange shirted guy sighed. “You’re not stra—.”

“Let’s just let him figure that out on his own as well, hm?” Il Woo suggested.

“You guys can leave through the back way into the alley.” Sungjong suggested, and guided Sunggyu and Woohyun to the back of the bar.

“You never told me you were working at a gay bar.” Sunggyu said to Sungjong, as they headed outside into the alley.

“I didn’t think it was important.” Sungjong shrugged.

Sunggyu eyed him for a moment. “Is there something I should know? Like why you’re working at a gay bar?”

“Nope. None of your business.” Sungjong smiled pleasantly. “Ok bye hyungs~” At that he his heels and was already making his way back into the bar.

“How could I have not known…?” Woohyun mumbled as he got into the passenger's seat of Sunggyu’s car.

“Yeah, that’s what I want to know as well.” Sunggyu sighed. “Are you usually this stupid?”

Woohyun pouted. “I’m not stupid hyung. How am I supposed to know about things like that? I’m straight.”

“Even a horse would be able to tell that was a gay bar.” Sunggyu retorted.

“A-A horse?” Woohyun frowned. “Well whatever…so is Hyun Su already at home or…?”

“No. You were supposed to pick him up.” Sunggyu sighed. “So we have to go to the orphanage and pick him up now.”


“What happened?” Sunggyu asked. “Why did you suddenly want to drink?”

“Uh…” Woohyun kept his gaze on his lap. “Something happened…at home.”

“At home?”

“I mean with Sungyeol…”

“What happened? Is he ok?”

“Yeah…he’s fine. Now that I think about it…it’s not even a big deal. I don’t even know why I freaked out so much. I guess it was just more of a shock.”

“Wait…what happened?” Sunggyu asked, concern evident in his voice.

“I-It doesn’t matter what happened.” Woohyun waved him off. “Anyways, we should get going.”

But Sunggyu refused to start the car, and instead kept his gaze on Woohyun.


“Nothing…” Sunggyu played with his keys awkwardly. “T-That Tae Jun guy seemed to like you…”

“Huh?” Woohyun blinked. “Nah that can’t be…Il Woo hyung was just joking—.”

“Did he do anything to you?” Sunggyu leaned closer.

“What’re you talking about hyung?” Woohyun attempted to laugh it off. “Those guys know I’m straight.”

However, Sunggyu didn’t seem convinced, and muttered under his breath, “But are you?”

“Hm?” Woohyun turned to him. “Did you say something hyung?

“No…it’s nothing.” Sunggyu started the car. “Let’s go get Hyun Su, and then go home.”


And the denial continues...

I finally got a poster! What do you guys think? Isn't it pretty? :D

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Thank you for reading everyone! Maybe we'll meet again in the sequel?^^


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Chapter 14: I really love woohyun sjhdhdj he's cute
Chapter 7: dongwoo and sungyeol can't be real seriously shdhsh
Chapter 6: This chapter is hilarious sdsff love it
Chapter 5: cute cuteee
Chapter 4: I really enjoy your writing!
Chapter 3: woohyun is so cuteee
Chapter 2: i'm laughing so hard, this part is funny! I love your humour
Chapter 1: It's gonna be interesting!!!
Simran20 #9
Chapter 51: Really Miss this kind of Fics now a days.
Simran20 #10
Chapter 38: Rereading it after a long time. Still it remains one of my favorite Fics.