Getting closer (part 3)

Babysitting with the Stars

It had been two days since Woohyun had befriended the object of his fanboying, Kim Sunggyu. And after leaving Sunggyu’s house the other day, Woohyun refused to take his eyes off his phone in case Sunggyu decided to call him.

He was currently lying on the couch in the living room, that evening, staring at the ceiling, while occasionally glancing at his phone sitting on the table. He wondered what Sunggyu was doing right now.

Maybe I should text him and ask him?” He pondered. “No, that’ll probably just annoy him…”

He wondered when Sunggyu would call him.

But what if he thinks I’m going to call him first?!” Woohyun panicked and stood up, pacing the living room, with a serious expression. He was deep in thought when Dongwoo and Sungyeol burst through the front door.

“Hey Woohyun!” Dongwoo greeted. “We’re home~”

“You’re still here?” Sungyeol snorted. “Have you been sitting around waiting for Kim Sunggyu to call you the whole damn day?”

“N-No!” Woohyun pouted.

“You need to take a break from him or something.”

“What?!” Woohyun gasped. “How can you even say that Sungyeol?! Dongwoo tell him he’s crazy!”

“Well you are kind of obsessed with him…” Dongwoo meekly replied.

“So this is it huh?” Woohyun nodded disapprovingly. “So this is what you guys really think huh?”

“Calm down Woohyun…” Dongwoo sighed. “We’re not saying you’re crazy or anything, we just think that maybe you need to take a step back and—.”

“No we think you’re bat crazy!” Sungyeol interrupted. “Get some help man!”

Woohyun frowned. “I’m not obsessed with Sunggyu hyung!”

“You were waiting around the whole day just to get a phone call from him!” Sungyeol exclaimed.

“And…” Dongwoo added. “That shrine in your closet is kind of creepy—.”

“Ok I get it!” Woohyun groaned, and sat back down. “I’ll back off a bit…”

“Good.” Dongwoo grinned, as he and Sungyeol sat down on either side of Woohyun on the couch.

“So how was your guys’ day?” Woohyun asked with a calm smile.

“Well…” Sungyeol sighed. “You know that Myungsoo guy?”


“Well today he—.” Suddenly Woohyun’s phone started ringing.

“HOLY HAIRBRUSHES!” Woohyun shouted, jumping up off the couch. “IT’S HIM! IT’S SUNGGYU HYUNG! HE’S CALLING ME!”

“Woohyun I thought you were going to back off a bit—?”

“Who cares about that?!” Woohyun rushed off to his room, leaving Sungyeol and Dongwoo shaking their heads at him.

“That guy has a serious problem…” Sungyeol sighed.

“But what can we do?” Dongwoo grinned. “He just loves Kim Sunggyu, I guess.”

Sungyeol pursed his lips for a moment. “Dongwoo hyung…do you ever think that maybe…Woohyun hyung is gay?”

Dongwoo shrugged. “I don’t know. I never really thought about it.”

“Well I just thought that maybe you could use that gaydar thing…” Sungyeol mumbled.

Dongwoo grinned. “I don’t know about Woohyun, but I’m pretty sure that Myungsoo kid likes you.”

“Ugh…he’s just creepy.” Sungyeol made a face.

“Yeah and he likes you.”

“Ahh shut up!” Sungyeol covered his ears. “I don’t want to talk about that weirdo!”

“Ok fine.” Dongwoo laughed.

“Ah but speaking of…how’re things going with Hoya?”

“W-What do you mean?” Dongwoo smiled coyly, and Sungyeol gave him a knowing look. “Ok…don’t tell Woohyun, but I really like him.”

“You like Woohyun?!” Sungyeol gasped.

“No! Hoya!” Dongwoo exclaimed.

“Oh…well I think everyone already knew that.” Sungyeol rolled his eyes. “But the question is…does he like you?”

“I’m pretty sure he’s straight…”

“He could be biual!”

“Hm…I never thought about that.” Dongwoo blinked innocently. “But how would I figure that out?”

Sungyeol smirked. “Hyung…you want to find out?” Dongwoo nodded eagerly. “Ok well all you have to do is…uh…” Sungyeol’s evil grin faded. “Actually I don’t really know either…this is more in Woohyun hyung’s department.”


After successfully escaping into the safety of his bedroom, Woohyun immediately shut the door and answered his phone.

“H-Hello?!” He practically yelled.

“Uh…hi?” Sunggyu’s sounded surprised on the other end. “Are you ok?”

“Y-Yeah sorry. I was just…uh…exercising!” Woohyun lied.

“Oh…” Sunggyu responded. “Well anyways….this is really getting ridiculous, but my ring…”

“Oh right!” Woohyun slapped his forehead. Sunggyu’s lucky ring was still in his possession, sitting on his nightstand. “I keep forgetting…”

“It’s ok really.” Sunggyu chuckled. “That wasn’t even the reason I called.”

“It wasn’t?” Woohyun’s heart beat quickened. Was Sunggyu going to ask him to hang out? Was he finally going to hang out with his idol?

“You know the girl in the picture the reporters took?” Sunggyu began.

“Yeah?” Woohyun frowned slightly disappointed that Sunggyu wasn’t asking him to hang out.

“Well she came forward, and is willing to make a statement on my behalf. And state that all those claims are false.” Sunggyu told him. “She’s my fan, so I guess she felt bad about the accusations going around.”

“That’s great!” Woohyun cheered, temporarily forgetting about his disappointment, in the midst of the good news. “So that means all the misunderstandings will be cleared up!”

“Yeah, and hopefully the Babysitting with Stars production will continue soon after.” Sunggyu said, and then paused for a moment. “I just called to tell you that, since I thought it’d be relevant…you know since the filming might start again soon. I figured since it seemed really important to you and everything…”

“Y-You were thinking of me?” Woohyun smiled brightly.

“…N-Not really I just—.”

“Gyu hyung really is the best!”

There was slight groan on the other end. “S-Shut up…”

Woohyun grinned, imagining Sunggyu’s embarrassed expression.

“A-Anyways…” Sunggyu sighed. “It’ll be nice to see Hyun Su again. I miss that kid…”

“Yeah me too.” Woohyun agreed, and then mumbled. “I miss hyung too…”

“What? You miss me?” Sunggyu laughed, causing Woohyun to blush.

“W-What’s wrong with that?” Woohyun pouted.

“I mean it’s not like you can’t see me whenever you want.”

Woohyun blinked. “I…I can see you whenever I want?”

“Yeah sure I guess…I didn’t think you’d want to but—.”

“Can I see you right now?!” Woohyun blurted out.

“Uh…right now?” Sunggyu was obviously taken aback. “Right now is a little…”

“Ah right, you’re probably super busy and—.”

“Not really…I was just going to meet up with an old friend…” Sunggyu replied.

“Oh…” Woohyun immediately became suspicious. “A friend huh?”

“Yeah…but it shouldn’t take long.” Sunggyu said. “Maybe after that we could—.”

“May I ask where you will be meeting this friend?” Woohyun questioned, attempting to sound as calm as possible.

“…Why do want to know that?” Sunggyu asked.

Woohyun gulped. Sunggyu was on to him. “B-Because…t-those stupid reporters are everywhere!” He lied. “I just want to make sure you’re in a safe environment where you won’t be hassled!” He heard Sunggyu chuckle.

“I think I can handle it.” Sunggyu said. “Thanks for being concerned though.”

Woohyun bit his lip in aggravation. He needed to know who this friend was.

“I should be done around eight…if you want we could go see a movie or something since the theater is close by to where I’ll be anyways.”

“R-Really?!” Woohyun squeaked, and then cleared his throat, attempting to keep at least one ounce of his manly pride. “I-I mean…yeah that sounds cool.”

After hanging up, Woohyun realized something. Sunggyu said the movie theater was close to where he was meeting his friend. He rushed into the living room.

“You guys have to help me with something!” He pointed to his two friends who were sitting on the couch watching TV.

“If it has to do with Kim Sunggyu, I’m out.” Sungyeol waved him off.

“Same here.” Dongwoo nodded in agreement, his eyes glued to the TV.

“Oh come on!” Woohyun begged. “Please! I’ll do anything!”

Sungyeol exchanged a knowing glance with Dongwoo, before turning to Woohyun.


Woohyun pouted. “As long as it’s not illegal…”

“Help me find out if Hoya is bi.” Dongwoo ordered.

“Fine…” Woohyun rolled his eyes. “Now let’s go!”

“Wait!” Sungyeol stopped him. “That’s not all! You also have to do all the cooking and cleaning for a week!”

“I pretty much do that anyways!” Woohyun retorted.

“Ok fine…you have to stop obsessing over Kim Sunggyu for a week!” Sungyeol decided.

“No that won’t work.” Dongwoo commented. “It’s like giving alcohol to someone and then telling them to stop being an alcoholic.”

“Hm you’re right…” Sungyeol sighed. “Fine, just wear a dress for a week or something…”

“What?” Woohyun frowned. “But I don’t want to be like you guys…”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Sungyeol screeched.

“Don’t act like you don’t have at least three dresses in your closet.” Woohyun gave him a dry look.

“Uh excuse me?!” The choding exclaimed. “That was for a role! A role I tell you!”

“Ok fine…whatever…” Woohyun sighed. “Is that all? Can we go now? I don’t have much time!”

“No! You also have to—!”

“Oh forget it!” Woohyun groaned. “It’s not worth it! Plus you guys would attract too much attention anyways…”


Woohyun was happy to find only one café nearby to the movie theater. He figured that was the one Sunggyu would be in, and when he spotted a figure with a snow cap and large sunglasses on he knew he was right. Though Sunggyu was in disguise, Woohyun could instantly tell it was him from the bits of bright red hair sticking out from under his hat.

I’m so lucky!” He grinned, and inched closer to the café while trying to remain incognito. He watched Sunggyu go inside the café, and waited a few seconds before following him.

When he got inside he noticed Sunggyu had sat at a booth near to the corner, away from the eyes of watchful strangers. Woohyun stealthily edged into the booth behind Sunggyu’s. He subtly glanced at Sunggyu curiously, wondering who this friend of his was when he spotted a slim, pretty looking person walk up to Sunggyu’s booth. Woohyun’s heart sank.

It was a girl. A pretty girl. It was probably Sunggyu’s girlfriend, he figured. Then he wondered why he was getting upset about that anyways.

“Sunggyu hyung, is that you?” The pretty person asked, and Woohyun realized that it wasn’t a girl at all.

“Ya Sungjongie, I haven’t seen you for so long.” Sunggyu greeted and gestured for the younger man to sit down.

So his name’s Sungjong…” Woohyun took note.

“I was wondering why you called me after so long.” Sunggyu said, and then noticed Sungjong yawn. “Are you still working nights?”

“Yeah….” Sungjong sighed. “I really should be asleep right now.”

“Why don’t you get a day job then?” Sunggyu frowned. “This isn’t healthy for you.”

“But the pay’s way better.” Sungjong smiled.

“Not everything in this world’s about money kid.” Sunggyu frowned.

“I’m not like you hyung.” Sungjong stuck his tongue out playfully.

Sunggyu rolled his eyes. “Anyways…why’d you call me all of a sudden?”

“I heard about the latest rumors going around…” Sungjong said, and then paused. “You didn’t do it right hyung?”

“No!” Sunggyu pouted. “Of course not.”

“Thought so…just making sure.” Sungjong grinned. “Oh and I’ve been watching you on that new variety show.”

“Ah…really?” Sunggyu nodded, shyly.

“Yeah, you got partnered with that one guy…”

Woohyun frowned. “This kid doesn’t even know my name…”

“His name’s Woohyun.” Sunggyu said.

“Oh yeah him…” Sungjong nodded. “He seems nice.”

Woohyun couldn’t help but grin. “Maybe this kid’s not so bad after all…”

“Yeah, I watched the first episode, where you guys had that coffee date and were running out in the rain.”

“Ah…” Sunggyu bit his lip. “That was…”

“You know what people were saying?” Sungjong smirked. “That you guys looked like a real couple on a first date.”

Sunggyu snorted. “What? Seriously?”

“Yeah, the whole chasing each other in the rain thing was pretty romantic though.”

“It wasn’t really like that though…” Sunggyu sighed. “They probably edited the out of it to make it seem that way.”

“There was even background music and everything.” Sungjong laughed. “But what took the cake was when you buttoned up his shirt for him! That wasn’t editing, that was all you.”

Sunggyu blushed. “T-That was just…”

“Ah it was really cute though.” Sungjong grinned. “You didn’t watch it yet?”

“Uh…no.” Sunggyu admitted.

Woohyun gulped, as he tried to cool his warming face. He hadn’t watched the previous episodes either, but now he was sure that he would die from embarrassment if he did.

“Well I thought it was nice to see you having fun like that.” Sungjong smiled. “I bet you get along pretty well with him huh?”

“N-Not really…” Sunggyu stammered, awkwardly playing with his sleeves. “I mean I guess…at the beginning, we didn’t get along at all. But Woohyun’s not a bad person. He’s kind of cute actually.”

Woohyun blushed, at the compliment, and started to feel guilty for eavesdropping.

“Cute huh?”

“Yeah…so apparently he’s kind of my fan, but for some reason he didn’t want me to know.” Sunggyu grinned. “But he didn’t exactly hide it well, and it was pretty adorable.”

“He’s your fan?” Sungjong asked.

“I guess…” Sunggyu shrugged.

Woohyun really couldn’t handle anymore of this. Sunggyu was talking about him with someone else and he called Woohyun cute and adorable.

He managed to escape the café without being spotted, and stood outside for a moment, to take in what he had just heard. He couldn’t control his thumping heart and heated cheeks. He convinced himself that it was all because he was nervous about getting caught, and not because of Sunggyu.


Our lovely maknae makes an appearance~ Anyone want to guess what his job is? :D

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Thank you for reading everyone! Maybe we'll meet again in the sequel?^^


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Chapter 14: I really love woohyun sjhdhdj he's cute
Chapter 7: dongwoo and sungyeol can't be real seriously shdhsh
Chapter 6: This chapter is hilarious sdsff love it
Chapter 5: cute cuteee
Chapter 4: I really enjoy your writing!
Chapter 3: woohyun is so cuteee
Chapter 2: i'm laughing so hard, this part is funny! I love your humour
Chapter 1: It's gonna be interesting!!!
Simran20 #9
Chapter 51: Really Miss this kind of Fics now a days.
Simran20 #10
Chapter 38: Rereading it after a long time. Still it remains one of my favorite Fics.