Breakfast Time!! Wake up everybody!!

Ikemen Desu Ne?

The sun had let its flaws out and shined brightly to the world and the universe as the members who slept in the first main room, the responsible two, Manabu and Kazuki woke up looking forward for a fun and memorable day.

Both of them, after changing, walked through the corridors to wake up the other members.


“I’m still real sleepy…” Rui was complaining as Jin was drumming on the side table, Kazuki was singing loudly and Manabu was dancing. Rui gave up trying to sleep and woke up knowing these three weren’t going to stop at all.

“Let’s go wake up Yui and Byou.” Rui said as he walked towards their room along with the trio.

I wonder, if she is okay.’

The door opened and to the members surprise, Yui was already awake and she had just changed her clothes quickly before the members came. Indeed, she heard the commotion in the room next to her and hurried to the toilet and changed while Byou was dead on the bed sleeping. Oh yes, she doesn’t remember any of the events that happened last night....yet.

Byou-chan!!! Wake up my honey bunny!” Jin jumped on to Byou as he was struggling to get up after a shock.

“A, I have woken up.”

“Ah, my honey bunny woke up!”

“Urusai. Ah, my shirt.”

“What happened here, your shirt is on the floor. Did the both of you do something together?” Kazuki curiously asked the erted Byou.

Yui got stiff and froze as she remembered everything that happened last night like a flashback while she was folding the clothes she wore yesterday. Byou slightly turned around to look at Yui as he remembered just, a little and started laughing. “What could possibly happen?”

The members started laughing too and Yui joined in.


It was breakfast time and they had toasts, baked beans, sausages and poached eggs together with freshly made apple juice. 

"Iwamoto-san is just great. Your cooking is too good!" Jin said munching down the toast down his throat.

"Umai!" Byou added.

Which member amongst these five guys, already knew that Yui was a girl the first day she joined the band? Kazuki? Byou? Jin? Manabu? Rui?

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as i say always please update
So great so far ! please update soon !
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