I'm Dawn Marson: Your clumsy little vampire


Our little vampire... has to go to school? Gasp!



One prophecy forces three beings to meet in a lonely country


One who is committed to do the obligations given to him

One ready to avenge what was taken away from him

And one who is forced to such existence, she has never wanted



The dark past has lead them to what they are now

and it seems fate tries to repeat that past once more...




When you are born to kill

does that make you a killer?


When you are bound to be feared,

doest that mean you can't be loved?


I am... a vampire

If you don't want your precious life to end

then turn around and act like you never met me...


Go before my fangs find your very veins...



I don't need creatures who'd find me

Love me for the time being...

and then leave me like a pile of dirt...


If you are willing to make this immortal happy

even of the dangers that may rise before you

If you are willing to go that way...


then STAY... I need you





October 17 2012


Finally! I am a free!... Or am I?


How much does it takes to be accepted?

What could probably hurt the most other than not being recognized by your own kind?

Is being stronger dangerous enough that is ought to be destroyed without even knowing the said creature?

When life has taken its toll and you are asked to take a step for the first time, would you take it immediately or you shall be hesitant?


Questions… useless ones; why ask when you already know the answers?


I am not accepted

I am not recognized with my own kind

And there’s no choice for me because I am forced to take that new step for the first time.


Confusing isn’t it? Well it should be, you don’t know anything. STOP! TURN AROUND AND NEGLECT THIS NOTE! Yes, if you don’t want to break the truth life has taught you then I suggest that you stop reading this. I don’t want to drag you any more than what I have written so far.

Turn around. Go back to your carefree realm… go back to your normal life

Go back to the human world.

This is not some Percy Jackson trying to catch your attention. This is true. People interfering in this world die. Many are chased to be silenced. Because this world of mine is wrapped in deep secrecy.

You are human, are you not? Well since I know what you are isn’t it just fair for you to know what am I?

I am… a vampire

Fine! Laugh at me. Don’t believe me! I’m quite glad you react that way. I’d love it if you picture me as a normal girl. Who walks around the school campus while searching for hot guys… (is that right? up until now, I still don’t get why they call guys ‘hot’). Yes I'd prefer if you'd see me like that.


What now? You’ve come to believe my insanity that I am a vampire? Okay good. Anyways, don’t you dare ask me about Bella and Edward. We have nothing in common aside from the fact that we are called vampire. They don’t even have fangs! And I am real; those two are mere fiction that shows the impossible happy ending.

I don’t have a bestfriend name Jacob too. Although I wish I do have. My life is lonelier than snail hiding inside its shell.


I am a prisoner.


Eversince I can remember, I already am. They say I am one of the strongest in our kind in this, although I haven’t proven that to myself. In every generation there are three who keeps the Vampire world at peace and it so happens that I’m one of them in my generation. I don't have any idea of the remaining two but it seems that I'll be meeting them soon. Anyways, they have held me captive and conducted tests at me in order to control me.


Don’t worry human, I’m not that pitiful and scary as what you think. I don’t have chains around my wrists. I’m just… locked in a cold place called Alaska. I am always in one level higher than a neutral mood. Besides there’s also my big brother K. I call him that. I really don’t know this person but he is the one who kept me going up until now.


He’s the reason why I know about Bella, Edward, Percy Jackson, school and so much more! Books are really the key to ones knowledge and he provided me with just that.


In my 17 years of existence, big bro K has been my only happiness.


And it’s like I’m going to meet him soon! Our King has ordered Alaska to release me and make me as a Rovan! A Rovan is the higher security that protects the royalties in the vampire world. I am only excited because bro K is one too! It seems he is not just kind but also a strong person too!


If it weren’t for him, I’d run away as soon as these cuffs are undone. I don’t really mind being a Rovan, but mind you, the person I’ll be servicing is the same person who ordered to imprison me for such a long time.


I should be angry right now, right? I must hunt the king and kill him! Well too bad I’m not good with such drama. Either I am too kind or just really stupid. For a fact I have never drank human’s blood ever. I am attracted to the smell, but there’s something about it that makes me hesitate whenever I try to.


Yes, I have excluded myself to all those vampirism even if I am a vampire.


You see human, even if you already know who I am… or what I am can never bring myself to kill you. That’s why there is no need to worry. Thank you for listening… it felt less lonely with you reading this. Although I did warn you not to mingle with me, correct?


I’ll be transported tomorrow to Alandron city. So this might be the last time you'd encounter me...


goodbye human…


I hope I would survive…


Your Vampire,

Dawn Marson





Author's note:


Oh so you really reached here reading it.

Thank you for taking time. Do not worry, it's not that much of a serious story

It's just that I really in MAKING FOREWORDS...


This is my second fanfic... I hope you guys would take time to read this...


I will do my best and I will not fail you.. that I promise :)



My posters won't be here, making a lovely feel to my story if weren't for the people and shops that designed it. Sooo I am here to THANK THEM FOR THE LOVELY HELP THEY DID TO ME!

Main poster: laughingloveminnie with her shop ► click Meh!

Second poster: phantom_knight with her shop ► click meh!

I have requested so many times to them and THEY NEVER  fail me...so thanks again!!!!


I am still currently finalizing my foreword :) I am currently working for my chapter two as well! Just a little more patience... thank you!









CHeck out chapter 1 if you really are that curious keke







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ellavan #2
Chapter 3: please update
ellavan #3
Chapter 3: please update i'm begging you
hi there, your trailer is done


im very sorry for the delay T^T
Chapter 3: Oh My God I love your story so far!!!, I love how you started it off too. And I also can't wait to find out how Dawn will react to her beloved K acting like this :-) Great Update. An PLEASE Update Again SOON ^-^