You and I


You and Lee Chi Hoon have always been close.

You share everything with each other, and he's been your best friend since the age of 2.

What do you do when things slowly start to change between the two of you?

Do you keep acting as if you know nothing, 

Or do you step up and do something about it?



Park Miyoung

Lee Chi Hoon's closest and best friend. Shy and modest, you try not to stick out from the crowd. You're childish and lazy, you hate working on chores, and you like to go along with whatever you or you're friends drag you into. This makes you seem like a push over, but Chi Hoon is always there to drag you out of the messes you get yourself into. You and Chi Hoon are childish, yet when you're around him, you seem to become even more playful, his hyperactivity always causing you to break out into a smile. You love spending time with him at the park, always helping him with whatever ulzzang or life problem he's gotten into this time. Everyone agrees on the fact that the both of you would be the perfect couple, and try to make you see this every now and then. Your favorite thing to do is listening to him sing, and whenever you get the rare opportunity, you take it as quickly as possible.


Lee Chi Hoon

Lee Chi Hoon is your best friend and most loyal companion. An ulzzang, he is witty and truthful, not caring who you are or what position you hold over him, if he has something to say to you  then he'll say it. He's super playful and childish, coming off as bubbly to almost everyone. He's only sincere and kind to you, only caring about your opinions and your thoughts. He hates how shy and modest you are to everyone besides him, and feels like you should take more credit for yourself. He pushes you to follow your dreams, and always compliments you on your talents. He always uses his aegyo for the wrong reasons, and you seem to be finding yourself reprimanding him often because of his bad habits. While he pulls you out of trouble, you pull him as well.  



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Chapter 1: Yay a Chihoon fic! There aren't many out there, I'm happy I found this one
LeeChaeMi #2
Chapter 6: I ship her and Chi Hoon. But then again, this is Lee Chi Hoon. Update soon~ ^^
imaikomercado #3
Chapter 5: please update soon..~
qoditha #4
update soon! :D
-Oneofakind- #5
Chapter 2: Update soon ! :3
OMG, so good!
Write more, arrachi?