The Black-Winged Angel

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The Royal Demon Slayers had finished their late dinner and were noisily heading to their temporary rest area.

Yuto was still ignorant of the fact that his friends had listened to his and Mirai’s conversation because when he left her room, he found them walking casually in the hallway as if they had just arrived to get him for dinner.

None of the guilty trios confessed the sin to him, and they wouldn’t confess either.

“Oi,” said Yuto, pressing a firm finger at his lips. “We’re too loud.”

Umika frowned. “Yuto-san, you’re the one who’s loud.”

He grinned. “Can’t help it. She’s all right now, and that’s a relief.”

“Is that so?” asked someone with a snide tone that didn’t belong to any of the trios, making the friends look up and see three familiar silhouettes with two others. It belonged to the three betrayers.

Mayu smirked. “And here I thought I can do whatever I want without them in the way.” She pretentiously sighed. “Well, I guess there’s a change of plans.” She pointed at the gang. “We have a new target now.”

Kazuya, Maki, and Haruma prepared themselves.

“Bring me the Shogun’s head…and Mirai’s.”

The trio dashed away and as soon as the trespassers disappeared from the sights of the Royal Demon Slayers, the latter trio rushed straight to Jin-sama’s imperial bedroom.

“Thank goodness we moved Mirai-san to a different room,” said Yuri as they ran. “That would’ve been extra work.”

They arrived in front of Jin-sama’s chamber and to their surprise, no one had made a move. But they noticed that Ueda-san was inside with Jin-sama as they could hear his voice. Before anyone of them could send them a signal, Ueda-san had opened the door, which revealed Jin-sama leisurely doing calligraphy at his table as one of his hands held an opened book.

“What are you guys doing here?” Ueda-san ignorantly asked, disappointed that the kids were disrupting Jin-sama’s current dedication to work. An explosion interrupted the answer, and he plopped down on his behind. He scurried to the ever-so calm and peaceful Jin-sama. “Wh-what was that?”

Yuto unsheathed his katana. “Yuri, let’s go check on the others.” He glanced behind his shoulders. “You two stay here.”

Ryosuke and Umika nodded, obeying the mature Yuto’s orders. Why was he only mature and responsible at times like this?

Once the two left, Ryosuke and Umika informed Ueda-san of the current situation, and they insisted on him and Jin-sama to hide.

Jin-sama didn’t budge, however. He was in his own world, writing more passages and saying, ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ to himself.

Ryosuke and Umika stopped, realizing that he wouldn’t listen or care, and they hoped he had a reason for being stupid in a situation like this. They took stances on opposite sides, hiding behind the bedroom doors after Ueda-san took covers under Jin-sama’s blankets while Jin-sama sat calmly at his desk. Everyone waited in the silence and the dark as they heard three things from afar: the collision of iron blades, terrified screams of their people, and the cackling voice of Mayu ordering her people around. The longer they waited, the louder the noises got. The longer they waited, the sooner they lost their patience. The longer they waited, the more they dreaded. The longer they waited, the tighter their clenches on the hilt of their katana strengthened.

The longer they waited, they knew they would soon be next.

Fear was practically laughing at them, waiting for their demise.

The doors crashed open, and Umika and Ryosuke flinched as they simultaneously protected their heads and kept on a lookout. Once the smoke disappeared, they saw Haruma at the door.

Within seconds, before Ryosuke and Umika could move an inch, hands broke through the walls behind them and put them in a headlock. It was Maki and Kazuya who had waited for the right moment to strike.

Haruma freely stepped inside the room.

Jin-sama finally put his book away, brushed his clothes, and looked at the man whose intent was to bring back his head to the lady in control.

Ryosuke and Umika couldn’t move because swords were at their throat. They could only watch.

Haruma’s hands were covered in blood. His clothes were smeared with stains of reds. Even the katana he held that was sheathed in its scabbard was dripped with the dark red, gooey blood sliding from his arm down.

Ryosuke knew that if Haruma didn’t have to use his original demonic form to attack, it meant that Haruma had gone through all the palace men with ease. That was not a good sign. If that was true, there was no way he would stand a chance against Haruma, let alone Kazuya who was holding him tight by the neck.

Haruma growled as he slowly slipped the sheath out of the katana. “Ironic, isn’t it, Jin-sama?”

Jin-sama paid attention to him but didn’t speak.

“To be slain by your own men’s katana. The very sword you had made your men swore their lives to use for protection.” Haruma smirked. “Now, this sword…will be—”

Something fell from the top of the room. Seconds later, a shadowed figure stood between Maki and Kazuya.

It was Mirai.

In her right hand was a bloody katana that she had picked up from one of the dead palace men, and she directed the katana to the nape of Haruma’s neck.

This time, she wasn’t trembling.

This time, her eyes weren’t lost.

This time, she wasn’t confused.

This time, she wasn’t hesitant.

This time, she no longer pleaded.

This time, she was okay…

…okay with killing.

Even if that person was Haruma.

Mirai stood strong on her ground behind the man she once looked up to and had thought would always have her back, not the one she would ever have to spar. “If you came here for Jin-sama’s head, that means you’re prepared to die.”

Without turning around, Haruma asked her, “I have one choice? I was nice enough to give you two.”

“That’s because I’m not going to let you kill anyone in this room.”

“Should I give my answer now, or will you let me answer in a few days?” he mockingly questioned.

“Your answer makes no difference. All I know is…” Her clench on the hilt tightened, and she bit her lower lip. “You’re not taking a step closer.”

Haruma smirked and turned around to lock eyes with her. Dazing into her eyes for a while as she stood cautious, he provoked her, “What happens if I do?”

She looked straight at him to show her seriousness and readiness to spill blood to protect everyone, and she lowered the blade to where his heart was. “I’ll spill your blood. Right here.”

He continued to look at the young girl who didn’t budge, hesitate, or even fear him, and he knew she was serious. And he loved it. Right when he smiled, proud of her, someone else showed up behind, so he shoved her away.

Thinking that Haruma was attacking, Mirai unwaveringly scraped the katana against his arm, only to later realize she was placed behind his back. Eyes focused on what had happened within seconds, she saw blood dripped down in front of her from the front of Haruma.

“Ha-Haruma?” she uttered. The blade only got his arm. How—

A voice from in front of Haruma spoke, almost in a shrieking manner, “What are you doing?”

Everyone, but Jin-sama, was baffled at the fact that Haruma had saved Mirai.

Kazuya and Maki quickly let go of Umika and Ryosuke to turn their backs, and Haruma grunted as he continued to keep Mirai behind him.

Mirai glanced down and saw a lifeless body. It was a demon, a demon she recognized that was on the same day as her friends’ betrayal. It was the demon who followed the female demon’s orders.

“Are you betraying me?” the voice asked.

Haruma smirked. “Betray you?”

Maki scoffed. “Don’t make us laugh.”

Kazuya crossed his arms across his chest. “We were never with you in the first place.”

Haruma didn’t look behind him to the girl whose hands wavered and tossed the katana on the floor. “Mirai.”

Mirai silently gasped. She knew this tone of voice, this soft, sweet, and affirmative voice.

“Sorry that we had to put you through that.” With that comment said, he, Maki, and Kazuya jumped off and started to attack the woman in control, Mayu.

Mirai stood still. Thanks to his comment, she was left disordered in her seriousness of killing him. Now, if he were to turn around and attack her or anyone else, she wasn’t sure if she could muster the same courage again.

Seeing Mirai’s trembling hands on the katana, Jin-sama walked to her and stood at her side. “Your friends… They’ve never betrayed us from the start.”

“What?” everyone, except Mirai, exclaimed in disbelief.

She slowly turned to him, processing what he had confessed to her. “Jin-sama…”

He sent her an assuring smile to confirm his comment. “Your friends did everything to protect you.” He covered his mouth. “Oops, I mean to say your family did everything to protect you.”

She quietly whispered, “Protect…me?” From what? Why?

Maki fell to the ground and smashed her shoulder on the cement. She couldn’t catch up to the majestic speeds of Haruma, Kazuya, and the lady, and she was losing energy.

Mirai ran to her, but Maki was not ready to give up “Maki!” shouted Mirai. She placed the katana beside her to aid Maki. “Hold still. You can rest now. I’ll take her on in your place.”

Maki pulled her arm. “You can’t!”


“You mustn’t dirty your hands,” she said. She wobbly stood up and panted. “I-I can still do this.”

A shriek came from behind the girls, and everyone saw Haruma had painfully wounded the enemy on the chest along with the side of her stomach. The enemy fell to the ground and curled her body in pain.

Mayu, sneered as she struggled to raise herself. “I…Mayu-sama…will not be…made…a fool of…!” With her upper body stretched up, she said, “A royal demon like me…will never lose…to mere deformations…like you!!!”

“Royal demon?” Mirai gasped.

Mayu slowly exhaled. “I will not die…until I’ve…fulfilled my…revenge!”

Mirai motioned for Kazuya to take her place in taking care of Maki while she went to Haruma.

Haruma, expressionless, said, “It’s your own damn fault that your mate left you. If you hadn’t lied, you and your child wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“SHUT UP!” Mayu shouted. “Don’t mention my son!” She glared at Mirai with a hateful expression. “If you weren’t alive, we would’ve been a happy family! If only you had died that night…I would’ve been worshipped as ‘The One’!”

“‘The One’!” the Royal Demon Slayers and Ueda-san uttered as they watched from the sidelines at Jin-sama’s room.

Haruma picked up a katana and wiped away the blood covering it. He would dispose of her this very moment.

Mirai watched, and her emotions took control. She did not see a demon who wanted revenge. She only saw a woman who was physically hurt and was left alone to defend herself. She rushed to Haruma and held onto his arm to stop him. “Don’t, Haruma.”

“She’s going to die anyway, Mirai-sama.” It wasn’t Haruma.

Everyone shifted their eyes to a figure sitting on top of a tree a few steps away from Haruma, Mayu, and Mirai and everyone but Jin-sama and Ueda-san recognized the figure—Hideaki.

Hideaki glanced at Mayu. “She’s either going to be disposed of by me, by your tengu, or…” he grinned, showing that he preferred his next comment, “…be left alone to rot and die.”

“Hi…dea…ki!” Mayu wheezed, angrily as her fingers curled under her.

He frowned, provoking Mayu. “Mayu-sama. It’s a shame that a high demonic princess like you…lost to mere weaklings like them.” He showed his disgust by scowling. “As your father had said, you are a disgrace.”

“What’s-what’s going on?” Ueda-san asked, loud enough for the people in the room with him to hear. “They’re not together?”

Still paying attention to the scene outside, Ryosuke answered, “They know each other, but it looks like they have ill feelings with each other.”

“Of course, we do,” said Hideaki, hearing Ryosuke’s comment despite being yards away. He hopped down to the ground and casually walked to where Mayu lay.

As Mirai was about to go to her aid, Haruma stopped her, putting a hand in front of her.

Hideaki’s focus was on Mayu as he said, “I was the one who gave her mother the idea of lying to Matsumoto-sama about being ‘The One’.” He sneered. “Being dumb and greedy for the royal status, they fell right into my trap.” Inches close to Mayu, he added, “But when the younger sister was born and turned out to be the true one, the older sister was left secluded and imprisoned, accused of trying to overtake the throne…when all she wanted was…to be recognized.”

Sensing where this flashback story was going to lead, Haruma whispered to Mirai, “Take Maki, and run away with Kazuya.”

Hideaki scowled. “My, Tengu-san.” He faced Haruma and Mirai. “Did I just hear you tell Mirai-sama to run away?”

“Go.” Haruma ignored him and continued to keep his focus on Mirai.

“So, that’s what you and that old lady always do—tell her to run away from the truth?”

Truth? Mirai’s eyes widened. As I thought all along, there is something about me that Haruma and Obaa-sama are trying to hide.

“Mirai-sama,” called Hideaki. “Now that the old lady is gone, no one’s stopping you from knowing everything.” He put his arms out as if expecting her to embrace him. “I am here. I can take you to find out what it is that you want to find out. All of it.”

“Mirai!” Haruma shouted, enforcing his orders.

But Mirai stood still at her spot. Tempted. For sixteen years of her life, she wanted to know who she was. What she was. A human? A demon? A half? Which did she fall under? She didn’t care about her parents or her real family. She only wanted to know if she was safe to be around.

“Don’t you want to know if you’re harmless?” Hideaki asked, baiting her with the question that achieved her full attention.

Haruma knew she was convinced, so he placed a heavy hand on her shoulders and pleaded her, “Mirai, go with them. Now.”

Her eyes were focused on Hideaki, who grinned back at her, and she gently removed Haruma’s hand away, shocking Haruma. She walked to the Hideaki, whose grin got wider with each of her steps coming toward him.

“I see, you’re going to listen.” Hideaki smiled. “Good.” He sighed comfortably even though he was in the enemies’ territory. “The people you live with, the friends you hang out with, the people you call family…did you not have a single clue that you’ve been kept under the dark for sixteen years?” He continued to stir her curiosity.

She didn’t answer. She wanted him to get straight to the point.

Ryosuke clenched his fists. He saw Haruma frozen at his spot, not doing anything. He’s not going to get her to safety?

Jin-sama walked closer to the entrance of his broken bedroom door to get a better look at what was happening. His eyes focused on the expression of Mirai and sarcastically thanked Meisa for teaching her to be expressionless to help hide her real emotions that even now, when the big situation had arrived, he couldn’t tell what she was feeling. For once, after a long time, he trembled with fear. If she listens and goes with him…he thought, she’ll be completing the ending of their legend.

“I just said that the younger sister was born, didn’t I?” continued Hideaki as his confidence rose. “And that girl made this princess,” he clicked his tongue at the half-dead Mayu at the side, “miserable. Do you want to know who that younger sister is?”

A split second before Hideaki answered his own question, Haruma attacked him to stop him from saying the name, and to everyone’s surprise, it wasn’t just Haruma who attacked.

It was also Mayu. From behind.

Unfortunately, to the two, they couldn’t lay a scar on Hideaki because his followers Yani and Tan defended Hideaki. Yani crossed swords with Haruma and kicked him with monstrous strength that he flew to the opposite side of the courtyard. As for Mayu, she was stabbed right in the middle of her chest by Tan.

Hideaki smirked when Mayu’s body was thrown to the side. “You should’ve stayed silent. Too late for that now.”

Mayu spoke with her last gasps of air. “If only my father knew…what you plan…to…do…”

Everyone watched the body decompose into a pile of gray ashes just like any other demons when dead.

Hideaki pretended to mope in sadness. “I feel bad that she didn’t succeed in her revenge.” He glanced at Mirai. “Don’t you feel the same too?” Without waiting for her to answer, he volunteered to say more. “Why won’t I tell you what it was? Maybe that would help release a bit of her anguish.”

Tan spoke for Hideaki in his childish voice, “Ne,

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I cannot update until I get a few of my chapters back first. I'm sorry that this happened after we're back on schedule. Thanks for understanding!


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Chapter 54: I can feel you... When I started out writing in Mandarin in Taiwan (coz my mandarin big time then), I had also earned myself a reputation for killing my leads to the extent that many readers were asking me not to write sad story. I was almost banned from writing them for a while. And I caved in to their wishing in one story by creating a double ending, one happy and one sad... Strangely enough, when I asked for a feedback vote later, 80% preferred the sad ending instead. As a writer, it's not that we can't write funny, or happy ending, but rather how the character grew in the story and led us on their own to that fate, a fate that is not welcomed but guided by a strong gut feeling. Sometimes, we don't see it at first, but a sad ending is also a closure for new beginning. So I learned, the best is to go with your heart when writing... Epspecially if I am a non planning writer who writing whatever come to mind myself haha! Thank you for the great story, I loved it!
shininja08 #2
Chapter 27: Finally an update! Thanks for updating! :)
themisberry #3
Chapter 54: I miss this story. Please update..
svang11 #4
.............................................I MISS THIS STORY! I saw on your other story that you'd be finishing up on this way right after, so I'll be expecting it!
lynn88mr #5
Hi. Please update this story. Or can you update this story after finishing the Yuna Inspired? Thank you...
How I miss this story and your stories! Hope you're doing well nee-chan! Ganbatte ne!
Chapter 25: Hello, Author san!!!

I just wanted to say what an incredible story this is, I've been subscribed to it for a while and just recently had the chance to finally read and I can honestly say that I'm mind blowned by your amazing writing skills and the story's plot <3

I'm truly inspired by your writing and can not wait to see what awaits Ryosuke and Mirai, I love the slow romance in this and I love that you've used so many great characters!

This is simply one of the best stories among a few others I've had the pleasure to read, I'm obsessed with it <3
sandyyclassixx #8
Chapter 51: Please continue the story! I am so eager to know the ending ...
hazel_duhds #9
please author-san continue these
hazel_duhds #10